CIO'S MESSAGE - January 4, 2018
Reminder: Email/Calendar Goes to the Cloud
Dear Colleagues,
As a reminder, the Division of IT will move faculty and staff email/calendar services to the cloud starting on Friday, January 5, 2018. As part of the É«ÖÐÉ« Smart Campus Initiative and in our continued efforts to improve our information technology services, this migration will provide a number of benefits, including:
• Larger email storage capacity, from the current 10 GB to 50 GB, with an additional 100 GB for online archiving
• Easier access to email/calendar on the Web through the campus Single Sign-On (SSO) service
• More mobile-friendly email/calendar service through Outlook on the Web
• Reduced cost of providing email/calendar service through a partnership with Microsoft
Additionally, Microsoft has agreed that they will comply with FERPA and HIPAA requirements and Federal and State information security regulations, including processing and storing our email and data only on US soil.
To learn more about this migration, including frequently asked questions and instructions for re-connecting your computing devices to email/calendar services in the cloud after the migration, please visit the project webpage Migrating @csulb Email Accounts to Office 365.
If you have any questions or concerns about this project, or question the validity of this message, please contact or the Technology Help Desk at (562) 985-4959.
Thank you,
Min Yao, Ph.D.
Vice President and Chief Information Officer
California State University, Long Beach