Faculty Center - Using Advisor Center

This guide explores the major sections of the Advisor Center. Advisor Center allows you to view your student鈥檚 Academics, including the Class Schedule and Shopping Cart, Notifications, and Personal Information. 

circle caution

Advisor Center was updated on December 1, 2023 with a brand new user interface! Visit the What's New with Faculty Center and Advisor Center page to familiarize yourself with the new experience. Tutorial screenshots may reflect the classic experience, but most steps remain the same. For a limited time, faculty and advisors have the option to revert back to "classic mode," if desired.

Please note that familiar links may now appear in expandable menus located on the top-right corner of each section of Advisor Center. To jump between My色中色 centers and sections, click on the yellow button at the top-right of the screen (examples below):

advisor center menus
cms student administration tile

Once you have logged into Single Sign-On using your Campus ID and the password you created, click on the Student Administration (CMS SA) app:



advisor center icon

Next, select the Advisor Center tile. Depending on your role, you can also access Advisor Center through the Self-Service menu located under the NavBar icon (compass) at the top right of your screen.


The Advisor Center expandable menu structure is integral to the upgraded student system. Once in the Advisor Center, the default display is Student Center, where you can access a particular student鈥檚 Academics, notifications (Holds, To Do List, Enrollment Dates), and Personal Information. If the student has enrolled in the current term, the class schedule for the current week will also display on the Student Center.

The Academics information includes a link to view the student鈥檚 class schedule 鈥 My Class Schedule, and the student鈥檚 Shopping Cart.

advisor center student center

Access to additional information such as the student鈥檚 Academic Requirements, Unofficial Transcript, and Grades, requires that you submit Student Administration security/confidentiality forms.  For more information on additional access see Request Additional Student System Access below. 

In order to provide students information about available advising services and advisors information on which advising centers or specialized student groups may be working with their students, students have been assigned an Advisor Committee(s).  All degree-seeking undergraduate students based on their College, major and special advising programs are assigned to an advisor committee. Some students may be assigned to multiple committees to accommodate specific specialties, e.g. sport participation, department (major) specific advising. Advisor committee assignments are viewable in both the Advisor and Student Centers.

View Students in Your Committee
When you are on the Advisee Student Center page, an alphabetical list of all students assigned to your College, Department or Center鈥檚 committee can be found in the drop-down list. This drop-down list provides a convenient way to select another advisee in your committee without having to return to the search page.

Steps for Changing Student Advisees:

Use the drop-down arrow to expand the alphabetical list of students. Then, select the student, and click the change button.

advisor center change advisee

When searching for a student assigned to your committee, last names that begin with lower-case letters will be located at the bottom of the list.

image shows the pull down list of students whose last names

The student鈥檚 assigned committee(s) can be found in the notifications section of the Advisee Student Center page.

image of the notification section of the student center page

This feature is available for degree seeking undergraduate students.  Students who have not been assigned advisors, e.g., post baccalaureate students, will be referred to the Academic Department Advisors page on the Enrollment Services website.

Click 鈥渄etails鈥 for specific information regarding the location and contact information for the advisor committee(s).

image of the students assigned committees and committee deta

Specific advisor names and contact information is not available in the Advisor Committees and Committee Details section.

How to find students not assigned to your committee
You can search for students who are not assigned to your committee by clicking the Return to Search button. 

image of the personal information section with an arrow poin

Next: Enter the Student ID in the ID Field Search for another student.


image of the search fields




The expandable menu in the right of the Academics panel contains the student鈥檚 Academic Requirements, Advisor Notes, Advisor Request, Course History, Exam Schedule, Grades, Test Score Summary, Unofficial Transcript, Transfer Credit Report, What-if Report and Withdrawals/Repeats.  Select the item you want to view from the Other Academics dropdown menu, then click the advance arrow to advance to your selection.

Academic Requirements (ARR):  Select Academic Requirements in the dropdown menu to view the student鈥檚 Academic Requirements Report (ARR).  

advisor center menus

Advisor Notes:
Advisor Notes allows advisors to create permanent notes related to advising appointments, and to view existing notes that other advisors may have posted to the student鈥檚 record.  Students may also have access to the notes via their Advisement Requirement report, an email communication or through the FERPA disclosure process.  Select Advisor Notes to enter or to view previously entered notes.

You must have the appropriate security in the Student Administration database to enter new Advisor Notes.

advising notes drop down

Advisor Request
The Advisor Request System is a tool to assist department advisors with updating student academic records prior to graduation.  The Advisor Request functions, such as submitting course substitutions or major/minor changes and tracking previously submitted requests, can be created for the student while in the Student Center. Select Advisor Request to enter Advisor Requests or view previously entered requests.

You must have the appropriate security in the Student Administration database to enter new requests or view-only Advisor Requests.


advising request drop down


Course History

The new Course History page displays all course credit by 色中色 enrollment or by transfer in a grid, using icons to indicate the course Status.  The grid also allows display and sort options. You may convert the grid to a spreadsheet by clicking the spreadsheet icon .
Select Course History from the dropdown menu to view the Advisee Course History page.


advisee course history page

Exam Schedule
Select Exam Schedule to view the student鈥檚 final exam schedule for the current term.  Note: the student鈥檚 exam schedule will display once the comprehensive exam schedule for all courses has been posted.

advisee exam schedule page

Select Grades to view the student鈥檚 term grades, term statistics, and cumulative statistics.  Click the button that corresponds with the term of the grades you wish to view; then click the Continue button. The system will display the grades for that term.   

advisee grades term select page

Term Grades View:

advisee grades term select page

Term Statistics View:

term statistics view


Click the Change Term button to view another graded term.

Test Score Summary: Select Test Score Summary to view the student鈥檚 academic tests, including the test ID and description, score, test date, data source, and date the data was applied to the student鈥檚 academic record. The summary can be sorted, as well as saved to a spreadsheet, by clicking the spreadsheet icon.

academic test summary page

Step 1:
Select Transcript: Unofficial from the top-right expandable menu in the Academics panel to view the student鈥檚 unofficial transcript.


Step 2:
In the Unofficial Transcript page, verify 鈥淐SU Long Beach鈥 is in the Academic Institution field.

Step 3:
Select "Unofficial Transcript" in the Report Type field. Note:  Be Sure Pop Ups are enabled for your browser. 


Unofficial transcripts parameters with unofficial transcript


Step 4:
Click the "View Report" button. This action will open the student鈥檚 Unofficial Transcript as a PDF document.


Note:You may wish to view an Unofficial Transcript you previously requested. To do so, follow Steps 1 through 3. Then, click the 鈥VIEW ALL REQUESTED REPORTS鈥 button.  All previous unofficial transcript requests will display. Select the report you would like to view by clicking the 鈥淰iew Report鈥 button.

The Transfer Credit Report summarizes academic credit that is based on (1) course work from other institutions, (2) standardized tests (e.g. Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate), and (3) other sources, such as military credit.

Information included on the Transfer Credit Report:

  • Summary of External Units 鈥 summarizes all sources of transfer credit.  Detailed information of identified transfer credit follows each external source.
  • Evaluation Status 鈥 transfer work is indicated as 鈥淯nofficial鈥 until standard articulation rules are applied or adjusted.  The Evaluation Status will change to 鈥淥fficial鈥 following Enrollment Services staff review.
  • 色中色 Transfer Credit Information 鈥 further explains the Transfer Credit Evaluation Status.
transfer credit external units summary

Information included on the Transfer Course Detail:

  • Transfer Institution, Term Taken, Transfer Course Title, Units, and Grade 鈥 course information taken from the external institution鈥檚 official transcript.
  • Term Posted 鈥 term the transfer credit was applied to the student鈥檚 academic record. This is normally the next 色中色 term of enrollment following the completion of the transfer course.  Transfer credit will affect unit and GPA totals beginning with this term.
  • 色中色 Course, 色中色 Course Title, Units, and Grade 鈥 the 色中色 equivalent course and credit accepted.
  • Click the Sort by Internal button to alphabetize the 色中色 Course column.  Restore the data by clicking Sort by External button.
external units detail

The What-If Scenarios feature allows you to view a simulated Academic Requirements Report (ARR) based on a different GE year; or academic program, plan, or subplan. Select What-If Report to advance to the What-If Report Selection.

 Note: You can create a new report, or view a previously saved What-If Report. 

what if report selection

Career Scenario:
The current career information is the default display. You may view 

Step 1:
Select Career and Requirement Term from the pull-down menus. 

picture of the create what if career scenario selection

Program Scenario:
The current academic program, area of study, plan term; and concentration (if appropriate) and subplan term is the default display. 

Step 1:
Select from the Pull Down Menus

picture of the what if program scenario selections

Course Scenario The current enrolled courses are automatically included in the 鈥渨hat-if鈥 report. You may include a course or courses to consider for future enrollment, and to view how such courses may affect the progress toward degree.

Step 1:
Click the browse course catalog button. 




picture of the what if course scenarios selections

Step 2:
Search for the courses by the first letter of the course title, or the course number.

Step 3:
Expand the subject code by clicking the expand arrow.

picture of the what if course scenario course selection area

Step 4:
Identify the course from the display. To view the course description, click the Course Title link. To make your selection, click the select button. The selection will appear in the What-if list.


picture of the course scenarios section with selected course

Step 5:
When you are satisfied with all scenarios, click the Submit Request button.

Step 6:
The Advisee Requirements (new and previously run reports) clearly identify the report is a simulation.

picture of the simulation report details

Step 7:
The courses selected in the what-if scenario are identified by the what-if icon.

picture of the course what if icon as it appears in the cour

The Withdrawals/Repeats Summaries allow you to view a student鈥檚 allowable withdrawal and repeat limits. Select Withdrawals/Repeats from the top right expandable menu located at the top of the Academics panel to get started.

Withdrawal Summary details:

  • Overall Unit Limit - displays the maximum Undergraduate Withdrawal Unit Limit allowed during the entire 色中色 career
  • Units Used - displays total units for courses assigned 鈥淲鈥 grades to date
  • Units Available - displays the remaining number of units that are still allowed for withdrawal

Withdrawal Course - lists all courses for which 鈥淲鈥 grades have been received since Fall 2009.

picture of the repeats summary page

Repeat Summary details:

  • Grades Forgiven (the grade in the initial attempt is not included in the GPA) - displays total unit limit and units used, as well as units still allowable for grade forgiveness
  • Grades Averaged (the grades in all attempts are averaged into the GPA) - displays total unit limit available and units used, as well as units still allowable for grade averaging
  • Repeats from Enrollment - displays currently enrolled courses that may be subject to the repeat rules

General Info sub-tab
The Advisor Center鈥檚 General Info sub-tab allows you to view general information regarding your student, including Service Indicators, Addresses, Email Addresses, Initiated Checklists, Names, and Phone numbers. 


general information page

You must have the appropriate security in the Student Administration database to edit service indicators and checklist detail.

Transfer Credit Sub-Tab
The Transfer Credit sub-tab provides another way to access the student鈥檚 transfer credit report.


advisee transfer credit page

Academics Sub-Tab
The Academics sub-tab displays student academic details 鈥 Institution/Career/Program, and Term Summary.
Institution/Career/Program details:

The student鈥檚 current academic information, including their status, admit term, expected graduation, plan, and catalog year (requirement term).


institution career and program information

Term Summary details (click the pertinent term link):

  • Enrollment eligibility, primary program, and academic standing Level / Load 鈥 Academic level, approved academic load, and current academic load.


term summary detail
  • Classes 鈥 Enrolled, Dropped, and Wait Listed courses for the term. Click the Class title to view the course detail. 


enrolled classes
  • Statistics 鈥 from enrollment, combined term, and cumulative totals.


statistics detail

Access to additional student academic information requires that you complete the PeopleSoft Student Administration System Security Authorization form and the Student Administration Confidentiality/Security Agreement to be approved for the enhanced access. Formal training is necessary for the viewing and interpretation of highly confidential student information. Refer to How to Request Access for instructions.

A student's Academic Requirements Report (ARR) is an interactive tool that allows advisors to review current up-to-date details regarding the student鈥檚 progress toward degree completion. The Academic Requirements report matches all completed and enrolled courses at 色中色 and all external coursework and credits from other institutions, including exams (e.g. Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate) and other credits (e.g. military credit), to the student鈥檚 current academic program(s) requirements.

How to Access the Academic Requirements
The Academic Requirements Report (ARR) is found in the expandable menu located in the top-right corner of the Academics panel. Select "Academic Requirements" to get started.

The top section of the report contains:

Student Details:

picture of the current academic objective and summary sectio
  • Student Name and 9-Digit Campus ID number
  • Service Indicators provide detail regarding holds or special considerations. By clicking either the negative indicator or the positive indicator , you can view the specific detail.
  • The Print Report link provides a printer-friendly print capability.
  • Current Academic Objective is the student鈥檚 current program and plan objectives. You will see the Requirement (Catalog) Term; as well as the Expected Grad Term. If the student has filed a Request to Graduate, the Graduation Status field will display Applied, In Review, etc.
  • Current Academic Summary displays the last term the student registered, the student鈥檚 academic standing, and the student鈥檚 Overall and 色中色 GPAs.

General Information:

picture of the general information and icon section of the a

The Academic Requirements report is designed to enable advisors to focus on the student information that is needed for affective advising. The features that allow a quick scan of the report include:

  • The report鈥檚 display expands the unmet requirements; while the completed requirements are collapsed. You may alter the view by clicking either the collapse all button or the expand all button.
  • Icons are used throughout the report for a quick view of the completion status of requirements and the sources of the course credit. A legend is provided to explain the icons.
  • The requirements are clearly separated by blue bars. The darker-blue bar signifies a specific requirement. The light-blue bars represent the various areas to complete within a specific requirement.
  • For major requirements, a course grid will display all courses needed to satisfy the requirement.  These grids display the status of the course requirement indicating complete, in progress, etc.  In addition, the course grid will display course requirements that the student has yet to take to fulfill the requirement.


picture of example of the category and requirement separatio

Interactive Features:

  • View All There are some course requirements that have more than 10 courses from which to select in order to complete the requirement.  For such requirements, you may expand the course list to display all the courses allowed.

Step 1:
Click the View All icon or the View All button  to expand the list of courses that may be used to satisfy a specific requirement. Your list will expand to show all courses allowed.

picture of course grid with view all icon highlighted


picture of expanded view all

Step 2:
Once you are finished viewing the expanded list, click the Return button

  • Course Descriptions Clicking a course description (i.e."Psychology of Learning" ) advances you to the Course Detail page which displays additional information on the course including enrollment requirements and course description.
picture of course detail page
  • View Class Sections. Click the view class sections button to expand the Course Schedule for the course offerings. When you are finished viewing this information, click the Return to link to return to the Academic Requirements report. During open enrollment, students may enroll into the course from this view.
picture of course schedule class offerings page


  • View Course List Courses that may be used to satisfy requirements may be included in a course list. To view the list, click the View Course List link . This action displays all courses that may apply to the specific requirement.


picture of course requirements grid with the view course lis



picture of the course list details

When you are finished viewing this information, click the Return to link to return to the Academic Requirements report.

  • Unassigned Courses are courses not assigned to meet specific GE or major/minor/certificate subject requirements. Students are encouraged to contact their Advisors if they believe any of the unassigned courses could satisfy any unmet requirement. Only courses with earned credit will appear in the grid. For a complete list of all courses taken, please refer to the student鈥檚 Course History or Unofficial Transcript.


picture of the unassigned courses area on the academic requi