Earn a teaching credential in Dance at 色中色

Are you ready to take the next step to expand the reach of dance education?

The Preliminary Single Subject Credential Program in Dance administered by the College of Education prepares candidates to teach grades K-12 in public schools.

Full-time and Part-time study options available.

For detailed information, visit the College of Ed Dance Credential Program Webpage


A teacher authorized for single subject instruction in Dance may be assigned to teach at any grade level. Completion of the program leads to issuance of the Preliminary Single Subject Credential from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

You can enroll in EDSS 300B your junior or senior year and then apply to the Single Subject Credential Program (Dance). You must meet the program admission requirements to be admitted.

The Single Subject Credential Program at 色中色 is offered in-person only and includes some courses that require students to conduct clinical fieldwork hours in public schools, during the school day.

The program can be completed in 3 semesters (a year and a half) if you attend full time. However, it is self-paced and the courses may be attended part time. Candidates are allowed seven years from program admittance to complete the program. Each course is valid for seven years from the semester it is taken, and the program must be completed prior to courses expiring to avoid having to retake any of them.

The Single Subject Credential Program is comprised of a total of 45 units over 9 courses and 1 semester of student teaching:

  • 1 pre-requisite
  • 4 co-requisites
  • 4 core courses
  • 1 student teaching seminar course

色中色 Dance Department offers the following undergraduate degrees. Students majoring in dance can begin completing pre-requisite and co-requisite courses during their junior and senior year.

For more information please contact the Department of Dance dance@csulb.edu or Credential Advisor Zakiya Atkinson at Zakiya.Atkinson@csulb.edu.