Minor in Dance

Students may be admitted to the minor after completing 3 units in dance (units in-progress are acceptable). Minors wanting to take major-level technique courses and/or perform must pass the Minor Technique Screening. The Minor Technique Screening is not required to add the dance minor.

In order to declare a Minor in Dance:

  • You must complete your first term at 色中色 with a minimum 2.5 GPA prior to requesting a minor.
  • You need to complete or be enrolled in one dance course before declaring the minor.
  • You must be fully declared in your major (no pre-majors).
  • You must be able to complete the minor without extending your time to graduation in order to be considered for the minor.
  • Current course requirements for the Dance Minor can be found in .

Passing the Minor Technique Screening (MTS) allows Dance Minors to enroll in major-level technique classes and to audition for and participate in department concerts. If a dance minor is interested in taking other dance major-only courses, permission from the instructor of the course is required. Students passing the MTS should be aware that the first day of each semester also involves a screening process to assure that all students are enrolled in the appropriate level of dance technique. In general, students should plan to remain at the same level of technique for two semesters.

To schedule a Minor Technique Screening, please email dance@csulb.edu.

Current requirements for the Dance Minor can be found in .