Basic Evidence Procedures For First Responders

This 8 hour training course is designed to provide "First Responders" with the Basic Skills and Knowledge necessary to effectively and confidently Recognize, Document, Package and Collect Evidence recovered at the crime scene. It will also provide attendees with an overview of the current evidence processing techniques used in today's crime laboratories to maximize the importance and the value of evidence.


  • $155.00 - 8 Hours, POST Certified, Plan N/A (no POST reimbursement)
  • $99.00 - 8 Hours, STC Certified

2023 - 2024 Dates

There are no class dates scheduled at this time.

Certification Number

  • POST - 5270-31552-
  • STC - 06079684


Sheraton Garden Grove
12221 Harbor Blvd
Garden Grove, CA 92840
(714) 703-8400


Because classes fill up quickly, we strongly encourage registering as soon possible. Please have your training department contact the Center for Criminal Justice at É«ÖÐÉ« or call 562.985.4940 to make your reservations. If you make a reservation via email please include the following information:

  • Name and Date of Class
  • Training Managers Name
  • Training Managers Phone Number
  • Training Managers Email Address
  • Agency Name
  • Name of Attendee(s)
  • POST Credit or STC Credit - Attendee can only choose one.
  • POST ID # for Attendee(s) obtaining POST credit
  • Attendee's Email Address

You will receive a confirmation email letting you know that we have registered you for the class. Reservations are on a first come first serve basis, a wait list will be established once the maximum number of students has been met.

Course Outline

Topical Areas

  • Understand the importance and value of evidence
  • Proper documentation and collection of evidence at the crime scene
  • Collection practices for biological and physical evidence
  • Getting the evidence into the courtroom