Program Description
The certificate program consists of 12 units of credit. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a graduate degree program at 色中色. Many students will be able to meet some of the 12 units required for the certificate through coursework and fieldwork that is required in their graduate degree program.
- Required course
EDSP 570 Community Inclusion: Introduction to Individuals with Disabilities (3 units). Overview of approaches, services, strategies, and research associated with the education and community inclusion of people with disabilities. (offered Spring semester) - Select one of the following two courses:
EDSP 525- Advocacy and the Educational Context of Disability (3 units). Effective advocacy for fundamental change in educational settings to improve the lives of persons with disabilities from diverse backgrounds grounded in the literature with an emphasis on understanding the social, cultural, and educational contexts of disability. (offered Spring semester)
REC/GERN 469/569 - Disability, Culture and Society: Issues and Intervention (3 units). Disability as a social construct. Examines policies and practices to understand the experience of disability. Includes historical and contemporary perspectives as well as future issues. Emphasis on social and clinical intervention methods as well as programs and resources. (offered Fall semester) - Complete 3 units of clinical field experience/internship:
A minimum of 3 units of fieldwork is required for the Graduate Certificate program in Applied Disability Studies. This fieldwork will typically be a required component of the graduate degree program that you are currently pursuing. You will sign a contract ensuring that you will complete 90 hours of fieldwork with individuals with disabilities during your graduate fieldwork.
Contact the Program Coordinator for the Graduate Certificate Program for Applied Disability Studies if your graduate degree program does not require at least 3 units of practicum/fieldwork experiences. - Choose 3 units of electives in consultation with the Program Coordinator for the Graduate Certificate Program for Applied Disability Studies.
The courses listed below are APPROVED ELECTIVES for the Graduate Certificate Program in Applied Disability Studies. This list is subject to change. For current offerings and details please check the online Schedule of Classes and the 色中色 Catalog. If you are interested in taking a course not included on this list, please contact the Graduate Advisor for the Certificate program prior to taking the course.
Department/Program | Course Number | Course Title | Fall | Spring |
Counseling | COUN 513 | Introduction to Clinical Interviewing (3)* | X | |
Counseling | COUN 555 | Cross Cultural Counseling (3)* | X | X |
Counseling | COUN 556 | Counseling Children and Adolescents (3) * | X | |
Counseling | COUN 559 | Play and Art Therapy for Children and Adolescents (3) * | ||
Counseling | COUN 601 | Trauma and Grief Counseling (3) * | X | |
Educational Psychology | EDP 517 | Counseling and Mental Health (3)* | X | X |
Educational Psychology | EDP 560 | Functional Behavior Assessment and Positive Behavior Support (3)* | X | X |
Educational Psychology | EDP 603 | Developmental Risk and Resilience (3)* | X | |
Educational Technology | ETEC 535/435 | Accessible Electronic and Information Technologies (3)* | ||
Gerontology | GERN 430/530 | Aging and Dementia (3)* | X | |
Gerontology | GERN 550 | Social Policy and Aging (3)* | X | |
Gerontology | GERN 582 | Health Assessment of the Aging Client (3)* | X | |
Health Science | HSC 405 | Health Education Program Evaluation and Measurement (3)* | X | X |
Health Science | HSC 407 | Health Equity and Health Disparities Research in the US (3) | X | |
Kinesiology | KIN 526 | Applied Behavior Analysis in Physical Education (3) | ||
Kinesiology | KIN 537 | Adapted Physical Education for Special Populations (3) | X | |
Kinesiology | KIN 638 | Seminar in Adapted Physical Education (3)* | X | |
Psychology | PS Y 661 | Seminar in Developmental Psychology (3)* | X | |
Psychology | PSY 678 | Seminar in Health and Behavior and Intervention (3) * | X | |
Recreation | REC 473/573 | Aging and Leisure (3) | X | |
Special Education | EDSP 480 | Foundations of Inclusive Education in a Diverse Society: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives and Legal Mandates (3)* | X | X |
Special Education | EDSP 534 | Collaboration and Transition in Special Education (3) * | X | X |
Special Education | EDSP 535 | Collaborative Partnerships and Effective Communication in School Settings (3) * | X | |
Special Education | EDSP 564 | Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Disabilities (3)* | X | X |
Student Development in Higher Education | SDHE 511 | Equity and Access for the U.S. College Student (3) | X | |
Student Development in Higher Education | SDHE 513 | Critical Perspectives in Student Development Theory and Practice (3) | X | |
Student Development in Higher Education | SDHE 517 | Critical Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (3) | X |
* Indicates course prerequisites must be met and/or instructor consent required to enroll in the course. Please check the University catalog for details. Most courses are not offered in Summer session.
Most courses are offered in the evenings. Many of the courses are offered in hybrid format (combination of face-to-face and online meeting patterns) with class meetings in the evenings.
Upon acceptance to the program, students will develop an individualized program of study in collaboration with the program coordinator.