Charles Slater
Charles L. Slater is Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership at 色中色. He previously served as professor at Texas State University San Marcos, and was superintendent of schools in Texas and Massachusetts.
He has published articles on educational leadership in the U.S., Costa Rica, Spain, and Mexico as well as other topics in journals such as: Educational Administration Quarterly, Education Management Administration and Leadership, School Management and Leadership, the Journal of Educational Administration, the International Journal of Servant Leadership, the Educational Forum, the Journal of School Leadership, the International Journal of Leadership in Education, and the Journal of Adult Development.
He is fluent in Spanish.
PhD , University of Wisconsin Madison , 1973
MAT , Occidental College , 1970
BA , University of Minnesota , 1968
I am teaching, conducting research, and working with graduate students in educational administration in Mexican, Costa Rican, Spanish, and U.S. universities. The purpose is to provide students with research experience in another culture and gain from the exchange of ideas.
The first line of research has focused on leadership with attention to cultural differences. Are there different requirements for successful leadership in different countries? What are the commonalities and differences in what people look for in a good leader?
The second line of research has looked at the challenges of school directors in countries across the world. What does the experience of directors suggest for educational administration preparation? This work has been conducted with the International Study of Principal Preparation (ISPP)
The third line of research has been conducted with the International Study of Leadership Development Network (ISLDN) to examine the beliefs and actions of principals who are pursuing social justice. The findings have been presented at conferences and published in national and international journals.
Farfan, E., Aguilar, M., Slater, C.S. (2024). Leadership for social justice: A study of directors of the National Pedagogical University of Mexico City. Journal of Educational Leadership Policy and Practice, 38, 46-67.
Silva, P., Ant煤nez, S. & Slater, C.L. (2023). Leadership in education: Spanish perspectives on social Justice in P.A Woods, A. Roberts, M. Tian, & H. Youngs (Eds). Elgar Handbook of leadership in Education. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cartagena, E. & Slater, C.L. (2021). A district鈥檚 journey of transformative leadership: Moving beyond open access to the improvement, inclusion, and success of students of color in Advanced Placement. Journal of School Leadership.
Slater, C. L., Ant煤nez, S., & Silva, P. (2021). Social justice leadership in Spanish schools: Researcher perspectives. Leadership and Policy in Schools Journal, 20(1), 111-126, DOI:
Hern谩ndez-Castilla, R., Slater, C., & Mart铆nez-Recio, J. (2020). Los objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, un reto para la escuela y el liderazgo escolar. Profesorado, Revista de Curr铆culum y Formaci贸n del Profesorado, 24(3), 9-26.
Silva, P., Ant煤nez, S., & Slater C.L. (2020). Towards Social Justice in Highly Complex Schools in Catalonia, Spain. Educational Management Administration and Leadership.
Kuykendall, B. & Slater, C.L. (2020). Trust between Teachers and Principals: A Matter of Care, Integrity, and Competence. International Journal of Servant Leadership.
Wise, G. & Slater, C.L. (2020). Critical moral leadership: Toward social justice for English Language Learners. In J. C. Veenis and J. R. Berry (eds.) Multiculturalism and Multilingualism at the Crossroads of School Leadership. Exploring Leadership Theory, Policy, and Practice for Diverse Schools.
Ant煤nez, S., Silva, P., & Slater C.L. (2019). Attention to the Rights of Students who are children of immigrant families. The case of high complexity schools in Catalonia, In K. Arar and I. Oplatka, (eds). Education, immigration, and migration: Policy, leadership and praxis for a changing world. Emerald Publishing.
Slater, C.L., Silva, P., Lopez Gorosave, G., Morrison, M. Ant煤nez,, S., Corrales Maytorena, B.M., McNae, R. (2019). Leadership for Social Justice in Schools in Mexico, New Zealand, and Spain in P. Angelle and D. Torrance (eds). Cultures of justice: International studies of social justice enactment. : Palgrave Publishers, Ltd.
Ant煤nez, S., Silva, P., & Slater C.L. (2019). Factors affecting emotional management in highly complex schools: The case of two Spanish schools. In I. Oplatka & K. Arar (eds). Emotion Management and Feelings in teaching and educational leadership: research and practice in transitional and developing societies. Emerald Publishing, 149-170.
Slater, C.L., Garcia Gardu帽o, J.M., & Mentz, K. (2018). Liderazgo en los directivos principiantes: Resultados de un estudio comparado internacional. In J. Weinstein (ed.). 驴Como cultivar el liderazgo educativo? Trece miradas. Santiago Chile: Centro de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Educativo.
Negussie, H, & Slater, C.L. (2018). Indigenous knowledge and early childhood care and education in Ethiopia. Journal of Educational Leadership Policy and Practice, 33(2), 4-16.
Slater, C.L., Garc铆a Gardu帽o, J.M., & Mentz, K. (2018). Frameworks for Principal Preparation and Leadership Development: Contributions of the International Study of Principal Preparation (ISPP). Management in Education.32(3), 126-134.
Slater, C.L., Gorosave, G.L., Silva, P., Torres, N. Ant煤nez, S. & Romero, A. (2017). Women becoming social justice leaders with an inclusive view in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 2(1), 78-104.
Shin, S., Slater, C.L., & Ortiz, S. (2017). Leader Perceptions and Student Achievement: An Examination of Reading and Mathematics International Test Results in Korea and the United States. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(7), 1103-1118.
Silva, P., Slater, C.L., Lopez Gorosave, G., Cerdas,V., Torres, N., Antunez, S., & Briceno, F. (2017). Educational leadership for social justice in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(3), 316-333.
Slater, C.L. (2017). Social Justice Beliefs and the Positionality of Researchers, in P.S. Angelle, A Global Perspective of Social Justice Leadership for School Principals. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Slater, C.L., Lopez Gorosave, G., Cerdas,V., Rosabal, S., Torres, N., & Briceno, F. (2016). Teachers鈥 Perceptions of Social Justice and School Leadership in Costa Rica and Mexico. Journal of Educational Leadership Policy and Practice, 31(2). 151-164.
Romay, M., Slater, C.L., & Magee, C. (2016). Principal leadership and challenges for developing a school culture of evaluation. In S. Scott, D.E. Scott, & C.F. Webber (Eds.), Assessment in education: Implications for leadership. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Magee, C. & Slater, C.L. (2015). Mentoring for New Principals in Urban School Districts. In L. Searby & S. Brondyk (eds.) Mentoring Best Practices in Teacher and Leader Development. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Slater, C. L. (2014). Entrevista sobre liderazgo en el Monogr谩fico en la Revista de Organizaci贸n y Gesti贸n Educativa ().
Shin, S., Slater, C.L., & Backhoff, E. (2013). Principal Perceptions and Student Achievement in Reading in Korea, Mexico and the United States: Educational Leadership, School Autonomy, and Use of Test Results. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(3), 489-527.
Slater, C.L., Antunez, S., & Silva, P. (2014). Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Educacion (REICE). Special issue on Avances recientes sobre el liderazgo escolar en pa铆ses angl贸fonos.
Slater, C.L. & Nelson, S. (eds.) (2013). Understanding the Principalship: An International Guide to Principal Preparation. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, England.
Maytorena Corrales, B. & Slater, C.L. (November 2024). Leadership and participatory action research: A case study of an elementary school in Mexico. University Council for Educational Administration, Los Angeles, CA.
Glass, S., Rodgers, D. & Slater, C.L. (November, 2022). Generativity, equity, social justice, and the school principal University Council of Education Administrators, Seattle, WA.
Castro, A. & Slater, C.L. (November 13, 2021). Exploring School Attendance: Are Black Families and School Officials Adversaries or Collaborators? University Council for Educational Administration. Columbus, Ohio.
Slater, C.L., & Castro, A., (July 2, 2021). Critical Reflection of Aspiring Principals in a Community of Practice: Online Preparation During the Pandemic. British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society Conference, (Virtual).
Corrales Maytorena, B., Navarro, C., Slater, C.L. Silva, P., Antunez, S. & Lopez, D. (November 2020, asynchronous) Economic, cultural, associational, and critical justice in schools in Catalonia, Spain, and Baja California, Mexico. University Council for Educational Administration.
Slater, C.L., Silva, P., Ant煤nez, S. (2019). Social justice leadership in Spanish schools: Researchers perspectives. International Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI). Seville, Spain.
Slater, C.L., Silva, P., Ant煤nez, S., Corrales Maytorena, B., & Navarro, C. (2019). Economic, Cultural, Associational, and Critical Justice in Schools in Catalonia, Spain, and Baja California, Mexico: A Pilot Study. British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society Conference, Hinckley Island, England.
Kuykendall, B. & Slater, C.L. (November 2018). Trust between Teachers and Principals: A Matter of Care, Integrity, and Competence. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Houston, TX.
Slater, C.L., Silva, P., Lopez Gorosave, G., Morrison, M. Ant煤nez,, S., Corrales Maytorena, B.M., McNae, R. (October, 2018). Leadership for Social Justice in Schools in Mexico, New Zealand, and Spain. 15th International Congress of Organization of Educational Institutions (CIOIE), Lleida, Spain.
Slater, C.L., Garcia Garduno, J.M., & Mentz, K. (August 2018). School leadership development in a global context: A meta-analysis of the findings of the International Study of the Preparation of Principals. World Educational Research Association, Cape Town, South Africa.
Slater, C.L., Garcia Garduno, J.M., & Mentz, K. (April 2018). Frameworks for principal preparation and leadership development: Contributions of the International Study of Principal Preparation (ISPP). American Educational Research Association, New York.
Silva, P., Ant煤nez, S., & Slater, C.L. (March 2018). Towards Social Justice in highly complex schools: The case of Catalonia. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Mexico City.
Slater, C.L., Silva, S., & Ant煤nez, S. (November, 2017). Advocacy for Social Justice in Spain. World Education Research Association (WERA), Hong Kong, China.
Wise, G. & Slater, C.L. (November, 2017). Critical moral leadership: Toward social justice for English Language Learners. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Denver, CO.
Slater, C.L., Lopez Gorosave, G., Silva, P, Torres, N., Antunez, S., & Romero Hernandez, A., (September 2017). Women Becoming Social Justice Leaders with an Inclusive View in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain. World Education Leadership Symposium, Zug, Switzerland.
Slater, C.L., Silva, P., & Ant煤nez,, S. (May, 2017). Advocacy for Social Justice in Highly Complex Schools: The Case of Catalonia, Spain. Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), Toronto, Canada.
Slater, C.L., Silva, P., Cerdas, V., Lopez Gorosave, G., Torres, N., Briceno, F., & Antunez, S., (August, 2016). Teacher Advocacy for Social Justice in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain. European Educational Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Slater, C.L., Lopez Gorosave, G., Cerdes, V., Rosabal, S., Torres, N., & Briceno. (April, 2016). Teachers and Educational Leadership for Social Justice in Costa Rica and Mexico. New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society, Dunedin, New Zealand.
College of Education Outstanding Faculty Research/Scholarship Award 2019-20
President鈥檚 Award for Outstanding Faculty Achievement, 2018-19
Academic Affairs Award for Impact Accomplishment of the Year in Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity, 色中色, April 18, 2018.
Visiting Professor Autonomous Universtiy of Madrid Fall 2019
Visiting Professor University of Barcelona, Spring 2013
- Retention Tenure and Promotion Committee Member 2007-2009, 2013-2019, 2021-2024; Chair, 2025
- Member of the International Education Committee of the Academic Senate 2011-2014, 2015-2021
- Member, University Resources Council, 2015-2018
- Chair of College of Education Curriculum Committee, 2014-15
- Agreement between Universidad Nacional Costa Rica and College of Education, 2015
- Hosting of Visitng Professor from Spain, January-February 2015; September-November 2016
- Collaborative Agreement between the College of Education at 色中色 and el Instituto de Investigaci贸n y Desarrollo en Educati贸n (IIDE) of the Universidad Aut贸noma de Baja California signed 2008 and renewed 2017.
Garcia, C. (2024). Teacher professional experiences in the reclassification of English learners. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Salinas, P. (2023). Rooted in culture: Redefining pedagogical approaches to support Cambodian-American students in preschool settings. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach, California.
Wang, O. (2023). An examination of the differences between online learning compared to in-person learning for K-6 students in a Public School. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach, California.
Chatterjee, A. (2023). Social emotional learning of English learners and the impact on their academic achievement in upper elementary grade levels. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach, California.
Sixta, A. (2022). Trust Between Teacher and Students in Catholic Schools. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Pulido, L. (2021). Student Characteristics and Academic Factors Predicting High School Graduation in a Credit Recovery Program. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Fynn, W.R. (2021). Playing to learn and learning to play in urban early childhood education. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Lopez, M. (2021). The future of Silicon Valley begins in middle school: The supports and barriers for bridging race and gender equity in computer science. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Castro, A. (2020). 鈥淥ur kids aren鈥檛 attending鈥: Perceptions of school leaders and African American parents/guardians towards student chronic absenteeism at the elementary school level. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Montgomery, J. (2020). Trauma informed care: The perceptions of Head Start teachers. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Moutra, R. (2020). Uncovering the exodus: Identifying the core of preschool teacher turnover. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Norng, S. (2019). Cambodian American Voices: The Parental Involvement of First and Second-Generation Cambodian American Parents. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Rodriguez, A. (2019). Please Don鈥檛 Go: An Examination of Teacher Retention in High Need Schools. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Kuykendall, B.T. (2018). An investigation of trust between elementary school teachers and principals. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Murray-Walker, E. (2018) The power of caring: A participatory action research examining Black male students鈥 perspectives in restorative justice community building circles. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Rojas, F.A.R. (2018). Development of technology skills in a graduate program: An application of the Framework for 21st Century Literacy Skills in a Linked Learning context. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
King, T.S. (2017). Toward advocacy and leadership: A study of the experiences of first-year childhood directors in a mentoring relationship. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Mai, J. (2017). College application behaviors: Factors impacting the college choices of high school seniors. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Wise, G. (2017). Critical moral leadership: Toward social justice for English learners. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation0. 色中色, Long Beach California.
Danks, Erin, (2016). The road to resiliency: An investigation of the experiences of Latino teenage Parents. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation0. 色中色, Long Beach California.
Nu帽ez, I (2016). Academic expectations and sense of belonging among Hispanic high school students. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Perez, V. (2016) Principal perceptions of the role of high school counselors in urban schools. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Loza, C. (2015). Latina/o students鈥 experiences in a small high school and college access through a critical race theory perspective and community cultural wealth model. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Robinson, C.B. (2015) Instructional leadership for high school principals. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Gonzalez, S.E. (2014). Ideal leadership practices in Head Start: Understanding leadership from the perspectives of directors and teachers. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Negussie, H. (2014). Integration of indigenous knowledge and cultural practices in early childhood care and education programs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: An exploratory case study. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California.
Ortiz, S.M. (2014) The significance of supportive leadership for retaining beginning elementary teachers in urban schools. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 色中色, Long Beach California. L贸pez-Gorosave, G. (2009). Directores de escuelas primarias. Hacia un estilo de direcci贸n. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Universidad Aut贸noma de Baja California Ensenada, B.C., M茅xico.
L贸pez-Gorosave, G. (2009). Directores de escuelas primarias. Hacia un estilo de direcci贸n. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Universidad Aut贸noma de Baja California Ensenada, B.C., M茅xico.