Degrees and Credentials
The Educational Leadership Department offers the following programs.

Educational Leadership Doctorate (Ed.D)
The Educational Leadership Doctorate program is designed for working professionals seeking training to become highly qualified educational leaders for P-12 school districts or community colleges. Representatives from P-12 school districts and community colleges work collaboratively with 色中色 faculty and administrators to design, implement, and evaluate this program.
Emphasis is placed on the expanding and changing role of education for social change to meet the needs of society. Graduate students in a learning cohort community will experience an interdisciplinary approach to the study of educational leadership, teaching and learning, organizational development, management and research.
Student Development in Higher Education (M.S.)
Learn to use counseling practice, student development theory and research, and administration skills to serve a diverse student body in two- and four-year colleges. The MS in Counseling, option in Student Development in Higher Education (SDHE) program consists of 51 to 57 units over three years (6 semesters).
With Thesis: 57 unit minimum
Without Thesis: 51 unit minimum

Educational Administration (M.A.)
Educational administrators in TK-12 serve in many capacities. No matter what position an administrator holds within an educational organization, all efforts should be directed at supporting equitable academic opportunity and achievement for all students. The courses in the EDAD program are designed to prepare leaders for this important work. Emphasis is placed on (1) examining the role of a school leader, with heavy emphasis on instructional leadership (2) using data to solve problems of practice, (3) leading school improvement to create more equitable schools, (4) managing and guiding change, and (5) working collaboratively with diverse families and communities. The program's primary mission is to educate candidates who will assume leadership positions in diverse, urban, TK-12 schools and districts.