Call for Proposals

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The Educational Leadership Department hosts an Annual Symposium on Educational Leadership. The purpose of the symposium is to bring scholars, practitioners, and emerging scholar practitioners to engage participants in sharing research and discussing the practice and policy of educational leadership in a P-16 context.

This year's theme is: Resilient Voices: Championing Racial Equity and Civic Engagment Amidst Polarization held on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at the University Student Union. 

There is no cost for your participation or attendance at the conference.

Participants are invited to submit research proposals for poster and paper sessions that address areas of research, practice, and policy in educational leadership in P-16 educational contexts. 

    • Research papers present the results of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies; or report the findings of studies that use historical, ethnographic, or other analytical methods
    • Research papers present the results of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies; or report the findings of studies that use historical, ethnographic, or other analytical methods
    • Session is meant for those further along in their research process
    • Session is 45 minutes to an hour, with two presenters.  Each presenter is given 20-30 minutes to discuss their paper.
    • Poster presentations provide a forum for scholars, practitioners, and scholar-practioners to engage in active discussion with symposium participants about a completed research project in developing stages
    • Session is meant for for students at the at the halfway mark of their graduate program and mid-range point of the research process, data and literature.
    • Session is held as a gallery walk of posters for 30 minutes.
    • Poster printing cost is covered by the department. 
    • Workshops are intended to provide an in-depth review or introduce a topic of interest, and should provide participants with materials and ideas that are immediately useful to public K-12, community college, or higher education practitioners.
    • Session is great for students at the halfway mark of their graduate program and mid-range point of the research process, data and literature.
    • Session is 45 minutes to 1 hour, and works well with group presentations.
    • There will be 3-5 presenters per SPARK session.  This is an opportunity to plant a seed; create intrigue about your topic or idea- create a SPARK!  These individuals will give a 5-10-minute presentation covering:
      • What is the problem?
      • Why is it a problem?
      • What actions need to be taken to resolve it?
    • Session is great for newer/beginning graduate students.
    • Session is 30 minutes and presenters will be given 5-10 minutes, depending on number of presenters.

All graduate students (master鈥檚, credential, certificate, and doctoral), faculty and alumni are invited to participate. The conference is based on the assumption that research projects are at different stages of development; in progress and ongoing projects are also encouraged.

All proposals for posters, paper presentations, workshops or SPARK sessions require submission of a research summary (250 words maximum) to be uploaded at the link below:

PRIORITY SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Tuesday, November 12, 2024