ITEP Preliminary Special Education Credential Program

Program Overview

The ITEP Education Specialist Option has been created to enable Undergraduate Liberal Studies ITEP students to earn both a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies and an Education Specialist Preliminary Credential within 120 units and  be prepared to teach diverse learners in public school settings.  Students entering this program are Junior or transfer students who have declared the Liberal Studies ITEP major at 色中色 and have completed 60 units.

Upon successful completion of this pathway,  students will be authorized to teach individuals with Mild Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs in special education.

The program's goals are to assist candidates to:

  • Apply Special education frameworks 
  • Use Culturally and Responsive Sustaining Practices (CRSP) for implementing assessment systems
  • Plan, teach, assess and reflect using special education frameworks
  • Apply CRSP framework to social, emotional learning and positive behavior supports
  • Use CRSP to develop collaborative relationships

The following courses are required in addition to the Liberal Studies degree courses. Some prerequisites can be taken as substitutions to core requirements:

Prerequisites - 6 units

Note: These courses must be completed or in progress at time of application to program.

  • Area I/Group 5: Take EDSP 454 - Development of Communication Skills in a Bilingual Context (3 units)
  • Area 6/Group 4: Take EDSP 410 - Equity in Special Education (3 units)

Core Courses - 24 units

Candidates must be admitted to the program to enroll in these courses.

  • UDCP 400 - Foundations of Teaching & Learning in Diverse Inclusive Settings (2 units)
  • EDSP 518 - Integrated Math Instruction Across Content Areas (3 units)
  • EDSP 534 - Collaboration & Transition in Special Education (3 units)
  • EDEL 452 or EDSE 457- Teaching Reading, K-8 (3 units)
  • EDSP 558 - Literacy for Students with Diverse Abilities (4 units)
  • EDSP 564 - Assessment & Evaluation of Students with Disabilities (3 units)
  • UDCP 401 - Positive Behavior Supports (3 units)
  • EDSP 577 - Instructional Methods & Strategies for Individuals with MMSN (3 units)
    EDSP 578 - Instructional Methods & Strategies for Individuals with ESN (3 units)

Student Teaching - 9 units

Candidates must meet state and program conditions for advancement to student teaching.  Candidates must obtain a Student Teaching Application from the website and apply to Student Teaching at the beginning of the semester prior to enrolling in the courses listed below.  See the Student Teaching website for more information on Student Teaching, the application process and deadlines. 

  • EDSP 589- Student Teaching Seminar: Education Specialist (1 unit)
  • EDSP 587A - Student Teaching: MMSN (8 units)
    EDSP 588A - Student Teaching: ESN (8 units)

*With advisor permission, students may take EDSP 577 or 578 concurrently with EDSP 587/588A.

ITEP Candidates must meet the TPA requirement for the Education Specialist Credential (ESN or MMSN) for the required cycle.  

The required coursework outline in Areas I - VI in the Liberal Studies pathway are concurrently met, in part, through the Education Specialist Credential courses. Candidates must meet with a Liberal Studies Advisor to develop a course sequence planTo meet with an advisor or to schedule an appointment, email:

Candidates must meet the following admission criteria to be eligible for admission to the Education Specialist Credential Program:

  • Submission of a complete application packet prior to the appropriate deadline 
  • G.P.A. of at least 2.75 for the last 60 semester or 90 quarter units, or 2.67 overall 
  • Submission of 色中色 unofficial transcript showing Liberal Studies major
  • Completion and passage of oral interview with program faculty 
  • Verification of Basic Skills Requirement
  • Current TB test verification 
  • Successful completion of prerequisite courses 

For complete Admission and Application requirements and procedures click on ESCP Admissions in the navigation menu on the left.