
Center for Student Success
The COB Undergraduate Center for Student Success is committed to encouraging personal and academic success. Our goals are to assist undergraduate students with making a successful transition to and establishing their place in the University; to take responsibility for learning how to set academic, career, and personal goals and learning the strategies to achieve those goals; and to graduate in a timely manner by successfully meeting all major requirements. Go Beach!

Acceditation Office of 色中色 COB
The Office of Accreditation at COB (the College of Business ) provides the essential services to assure that COB is always moving forward and monitoring our visions and when the AACSB (the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) came in 2019 the result was successful and the Office of Acceditiation is always preparing for any subsequent visits in the every 5-year review cycle. Look our College up on the .

Instructional Technology
The mission of COB Instructional Technology is to provide students, faculty, and staff with up-to-date practical business and office software and computer hardware combined with easy yet secure internet and network access with user-friendly support.
COB Instructional Technology, located on the second floor of the COB, in room 243. Open Access Lab (OAL) and four computer classrooms which are available to faculty, staff and students of the COB. All of our computers have the latest versions of course related business software available for student use.