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Student Center for Professional Development
The Student Center for Professional Development (SCPD) was created in 2008, and successfully updated in the 2010-2011 academic year to meet the changing needs of students entering the workforce in the second decade of the 21st century. SCPD originally known as the Minority Business Program (established in 1985), evolved into the Mentoring Business Program (MBP). The name change reflected an expanding charter, which facilitated the academic and professional success of all students within the College of Business (COB).
The purpose of these mentoring programs are geared towards helping the COB students be as successful as possible during college and after graduation. Studies show that students who had a mentor are more likely to be engaged, volunteer, become a mentor, hold a leadership position, and more.
*COB name change occurred in November 2018, and was formerly known as the College of Business Administration (CBA).
The Student Center for Professional Development (SCPD) is a bridge between a student鈥檚 academic life and career. Focused on helping students develop the professional skills and personal attributes most valued by prospective employers, SCPD delivers a flexible range of programs and opportunities - beyond academics - proven to give students a competitive advantage as they prepare for today's demanding workforce.
SCPD offers four distinct programs available to all grade level College of Business (COB) major/minor students. Including the Business Professional Certificate (BPC), Junior Mentoring Program (JMP), Community Scholars (CS), and Corporate Mentoring Program (CMP).
All of our programs are free of charge to students, and participation is voluntary. Students who participate in our programs have higher graduation rates, are better prepared for the corporate world and generally make more productive and valuable employees.
SCPD Award: Grad Sash
- Must Complete All Programs
- Business Professional Certificate (BPC) | 14 Workshops
- Junior Mentoring Program (JMP)
- Community Scholars (CS)
- Corporate Mentoring Program (CMP)
The Business Professional Certificate (BPC) program is a series of workshops presented by business professionals. BPC workshops are typically held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 5:00pm-6:00pm and are only offered in the fall and spring semesters. The calendar is updated each semester with the same topics, so if a student has other obligations, they can complete the workshop the following semester. To receive a certificate of completion, students must successfully fulfill the requirements of the program, which is attending at least 6 different topic workshops by the time they graduate.
Business Professional Certificate (BPC)
- COB students develop professional skills by attending a series of professional development workshops conducted by business leaders covering a wide variety of career related topics. Attend at least 6 workshops by graduation to receive a certificate of completion!
- All grade levels can participate (now through graduation)
- Join to access the BPC workshop calendar.
- Join to track your workshop attendance.
- Important Requirements to Note:
- Turn on cameras during the virtual BPC workshops.
- Complete evaluations at the end of each workshop.
- An evaluation link and password will be provided in the Zoom chat towards the end of each workshop.
- An evaluation must be completed to receive credit for attending.
BPC Award: Certificate Only
- Level 1: 6 Workshops Completed (Time Commitment: 6 Hours)
- Level 2: 10 Workshops Completed (Time Commitment: 10 Hours)
- Level 3: 14 Workshops Completed (Time Commitment: 14 Hours)
- Qualifies for SCPD Award
The Junior Mentoring Program (JMP) is a one-semester program (fall or spring) where a junior level student is paired with young professionals in a mentoring relationship. Mentors help students prepare for their college careers, sharing their skills, knowledge and advice on how to balance college, work and personal life. Focus is given to resume building and professional development activities that will better prepare the students for the job market and complement their academic learning experience.
Junior Mentoring Program (JMP)
- COB juniors spend a fall (September-December) or spring (February-May) semester paired in a mentoring relationship with a young professional, who will share their experiences and offer guidance, advice, and support about things students need to prepare for senior year, graduation, internships, and jobs.
- Available to junior level students.
- Must complete an application and interview, if requested.
JMP Award: Lapel Pin
- Junior Level Students (Fall or Spring Semester)
- Includes Orientation, Mixer, Mentor Meetings (Time Commitment: 8 Hours)
The Community Scholars (CS) program involves 色中色 students group mentoring inner-city high school students in the spring semester only. CS has 1 required training at 色中色, up to 5 mentoring sessions at a students assigned high school, and 1 campus visit at 色中色. CS program is a great opportunity to give back, while simultaneously developing leadership, teamwork, and presentation skills.
Community Scholars (CS)
- COB juniors and seniors group-mentor inner-city high school students in the spring semester only. Using their own experiences to show students that college can be an affordable reality and is worth the effort. In participating, COB students develop leadership, teamwork, and persuasive skills.
- Available to junior and senior level students.
- Must complete an application and interview, if requested.
CS Award: Cord
- Junior and Senior Level Students (Spring Semester Only)
- Includes Training, Mentoring Sessions at High Schools, 色中色 Campus Visit (Time Commitment: 24 Hours)
The Corporate Mentoring Program (CMP) is an academic year (August-April) program where a senior level student or students in their last academic year are paired with a mid to senior level professional in a mentoring relationship. The mentoring is personalized and focus of the partnership is determined by a mutually agreed upon contract. The goals can vary and often result in tangible achievements in addition to soft skills development in areas such as self-awareness, professionalism and self-confidence.
Corporate Mentoring Program (CMP)
- COB seniors are paired for an academic year (August to April) with a successful mid to senior level or retired professional who will share their experiences, offer guidance, advice, and support needed to prepare seniors for life post-graduation, and how to ease the transition from college to a career.
- Available to seniors or students in their last academic year (August-April).
- Must complete an application and interview, if requested.
CMP Award: Medallion
- Senior Level or Last Academic Year Students (August-April)
- Includes Orientation, Mixer, Awards Banquet, Mentor Meetings (Time Commitment: 16 Hours)
- The CMP also includes a 3-day, 2-night Leadership Retreat
SCPD has two scholarship opportunities that recognize students for outstanding achievement.
- Director's Award: Overall Excellence
- Professional Excellence Award: Professional Development
Winners in these categories receive an award and are recognized on our website and social media platforms.
Students are responsible throughout their 色中色 college experience for engaging in activities that qualify them for each respective scholarship opportunity. Award winners are selected based on an essay that discusses their achievements in a respective category.