Legal Resources
色中色 that include Westlaw and other legal sources. Available only to authorized 色中色 users (currently employed 色中色 faculty or staff members or a currently enrolled students).
Below are links to California Secretary of State and Delaware Secretary of State. Please check with respective Secretary of State and local state laws as to where you want to start your business. See also Frequently Asked Questions/Business.
- including online learning.
American Civil Liberties Union working for Your Rights - Criminal Reform, Disability, Free Speech, HIV, Immigration, Juvenile Rights, LGBT Rights, National Security, Prisoners' Rights, Privacy & Technology, Religious Liberty, Reproductive Freedom, Voting Rights, and Women Rights. Information is not legal advice. Hard copies can be obtained at CBA Legal Information Clinic.
with Sample Letters
LGBT (name change and gender marker)
The Los Angeles LGBT Center is the nation鈥檚 largest community-based provider of LGBT-related legal services, supported by a team of staff and volunteer attorneys, law students, paralegals, and interns.
LGBT legal support
telephone -800.884.1684 (voice) Deaf: hard of hearing: 800.700.2320 (TTY).
- Know Your Housing Rights Fact Sheet - View in , in , in , in , in , in
- - A guide to residential tenants鈥 and landlords鈥 rights and responsibilities.
- Disability benefits, claims.
- Unemployment, paid family leave, benefits, claims.
- Training, publications, regulations, links.
- General information for workers, employers, health care providers.
- Workplace safety, health hazards.
- Workforce skill development for immigrants.
- Law and benefits.
- Tools and resources for employers, employees and unions to comply with the Equal Pay Act.
- Wages, hours, vacation, overtime, breaks and overtime.
- Retaliation for engaging in 鈥減rotected activity鈥 under the Labor Code.
- Required posters on wages, hours, working conditions.
- Work-related injuries, workers鈥 comp, benefits, claims.
- Resumes, background checks and employee privacy.
- Child labor laws and work permits.
: 800.669.4000
1.800.669.6820 (TTY for Deaf/Hard of Hearing callers only)
1.844.234.5122 (ASL Video Phone for Deaf/Hard of Hearing callers only)
Small claims court is a special court in California where disputes are resolved quickly and inexpensively. The rules are simple and informal. The person who sues is called the plaintiff. The person who is sued is called the defendant. You are not allowed to have a lawyer represent you at the hearing in small claims court. But you can talk to a lawyer before or after court.
You can sue in small claims court if you are:
- At least 18 years old, OR
- An child.
If you are not mentally competent, or you are under 18 years old (and not emancipated), a judge must appoint a "guardian ad litem" to represent you in small claims court. A guardian ad litem is an adult appointed by the court to represent you ONLY in the case in question.
There are monetary limits to suing in this court which can be explained by contacting a Small Claims Advisor or going to the court鈥檚 website.
Find California Small Claim phone numbers and web resources California Small Claims
- , Information about privacy and other legal topics including opinions.
- , 800.321.2752, License and Publication Requests.
- , 916.653.6814, Business Entities, Notary Public and Authentications, Uniform Commercial Code, Authentications: Apostille or Certification,Special Filings, Trademarks & Service Marks, Victims of Corporate Fraud Compensation Fund.
- , 866.275.2677, Investment Advisors and Financial Planners' License Checks.
- , telephone -800.884.1684 (voice) Deaf: hard of hearing: 800.700.2320 (TTY).
- , 800.952.5210, Public Inquiries, Consumer Complaints, License Checks.
- , Information relating to worker's compensation requirements.
- , Information relating to requirements for insurance companies, agents and brokers.
- , Information relating to unemployment insurance, disability insurance and employment tax
- , Information relating to franchise tax requirements, penalties and suspensions/forfeitures.
- (GO-Biz), . Assistance in finding the appropriate permitting information for business, the CalGOLD database provides links and contact information to agencies that administer and issue business permits, licenses and registration requirements from all levels of government.
- , 916.653.6814, Business Entities, Notary Public and Authentications, Uniform Commercial Code, Authentications: Apostille or Certification, Special Filings, Trademarks & Service Marks, Victims of Corporate Fraud Compensation Fund.
- , Information relating to registration of law corporations and limited liability partnerships. Website also provides links to licensed attorneys and county bar associations that have lawyer referral services.
- , Information relating to sales or use tax liability, special taxes and fees, property tax administration, and franchise and income tax appeals.
- Provider tax assistance, including information about income tax, payroll tax, sales & use tax, and other taxes and fees for businesses.
Inventors and small businesses that meet certain financial thresholds and other criteria may be eligible for free legal assistance in preparing and filing a patent application. The Patent Pro Bono Program is a nationwide network of independently operated regional programs that match volunteer patent.
The Pro Se Assistance Program is the United States Patent and Trademark Office's comprehensive pilot to expand outreach to inventors who file patent applications without the assistance of a registered patent attorney or agent (also known as "pro se" filing).
The Law School Clinic Certification program allows law students enrolled in a participating law school's clinic program to practice Intellectual Property Law before the USPTO under the strict guidance of a Law School Faculty Clinic Supervisor.
- Know Your Housing Rights Fact Sheet - View in , in , in , in , in , in .
- - A guide to residential tenants鈥 and landlords鈥 rights and responsibilities.
- Covid19 Rental Protection - Form
- , Brochure with a list of legal aids.
- Contact the Legal Resource Center for temporary online access to Self-Help Legal Books.
鈥婲ative American Legal Sources
- Native Helpline
California State University 鈥 Long Beach
California Agencies:
- Law Students Association
Federal Agencies:
- U.S. Tribal Justice Support Directorate
- U.S. Courts of Indian Offenses
- : The site provides free workshops and instructions on filling out forms.
- Registry
- - Basic Information
- - Failure to pay child support
- - Workforce skill development for immigrants.
- Dream Success Center for All Immigration Support at 色中色