About the Office of Accreditation
Accreditation Office of 色中色 COB
The Office of Accreditation at COB (the College of Business) provides the essential services to assure that COB is ready when the AACSB (the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) review team arrives in 2019 and any subsequent visits in every 5-year review cycle.
"Achieving accreditation is a process of rigorous internal focus, engagement with an AACSB assigned mentor, and peer-reviewed evaluation. During this multi-year path, schools focus on developing and implementing a plan to align with AACSB鈥檚 accreditation standards. These standards require excellence in areas relating to strategic management and innovation; student, faculty, and staff as active participants; learning and teaching; and academic and professional engagement." - from
AACSB鈥檚 Accreditations consist of four main elements:
- Strategic Planning,
- Faculty Qualifications and Sufficiency data and tracking,
- Assurance of Learning Plans and Report Reviews
- EII - Engagement Impact Innovation - reporting and tracking
The Office of Accreditation initiates seamless coordination among various stakeholders including administrators, faculty, staff, and students in order to deliver an exemplary AACSB 5-year maintenance report to satisfy the standards for all three main elements.
This Database includes information of all COB faculty
- Participation information, current COB Standing Active or Inactive Faculty
- Academic qualification and professional qualification information.
- Publication, Outreach and Contributions
This information collection keeps records of all COB assessment reports and materials needed for Accreditation. Summary reports are also available online for CBA faculty to review.
The amount of time needed for grading ParSCORE and returning them to you is: 48 hours.
Note: During peak periods, we will do our best to meet this deadlines. The sooner you get your requests in, the sooner you will receive your output. We realize that emergencies happen from time-to-time. We will do our best to accommodate you if the need arises. Please ask. We don鈥檛 mind rush jobs as long as they are not your common practice. All completed work is placed in your mailbox, unless other arrangements have been made.
One of the responsibilities of the Office of Accreditation is to assure we have a copy of all syllabi from each faculty member for each class for every semester. If you have not already done so, please submit a soft copy of your syllabi for all of your classes to the Office of Accreditation. If you only post your syllabi to Beachboard or your website the Office of Accreditation will still need the soft copy. This applies to all undergraduate and graduate (MBA, AMBA, SatMBA) courses. Please send your syllabi to cba-aacsb@csulb.edu or Cc: us on your syllabi copy request to your department ASC.
- BAT AACSB staff will monitor and grade analyize BAT data and prove reports and certiicatations.
- Parscore AACSB staff will create courses and test and build Quiz and Exams with Keys for grading for Faculty
- Participating Faculty Survey
- This data is collected at the end of each academic year. Usually, this survey is distributed to all lecturers around April 30 and collected on May 15 each year According to AACSB standards, "the school maintains a faculty sufficient to provide stability and ongoing quality improvement for the instructional programs offered. the deployment of faculty resources reflects the mission and programs. Students in all programs, disciplines, and locations habx-ve the opportunity to receive instruction from appropriately qualified faculty".Participating Faculty are those faculty who participate in the life of the College beyond direct teaching involvement. Participatory Faculty must demonstrate a substantial involvement within College of Business Administration during each academic year. (Guidelines :Participating Faculty Survey)
- Collecting Faculty Activity: To maintain the records in the Faculty Database ( see: Faculty Activity Report)
- This information is collected at the end of each physical year, Usually, this survey is distributed to all COB faculty on Nov. 15 and collected on Nov. 30 each year. All change or activity data to be recorded in the current VITA database.
- ETS score scantrons - deliver material and collect test material and then ship and collect results, post these results to record web or documentation.
- Collecting Faculty Syllabi - collect and records after class schedule is complete and format on deliver to Library for recording.
- Updating the VITA Database Leave and start dates - status education - Record the 色中色 activity dates of Faculty
- SCO Document Management
- GEM certificate process and delivery