Delivery and shipment of display & materials
Delivery Materials before the Event
- For your convenience, displays and recruiting materials may be delivered prior to the job fair. Due to limited storage space, please keep shipment sizes to a minimum. Be sure to include the name of your organization on each package and send materials to the following address:
- Career Development Center
California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Boulevard, BH 250
Long Beach, CA 90840-0113
- Career Development Center
- Please try to schedule arrival of your materials for delivery no later than 2 days prior to the event.
- Due to limited space and personnel, we cannot guarantee delivery of your materials if they arrive after this date.
- Mark your packages clearly with the name of your company and the total number of boxes you are shipping.
- Our office is able to receive these materials during the hours of 8am until 5pm Monday - Friday.
- Please note that oversized displays (which will not fit either on or directly behind a 6-ft table) may be too large for you to set up. If your display exceeds your table space, you will be asked to remove your display.
Shipping Materials After the Event
Employers may choose to take advantage of our package pick-up service. Simply bring a preprinted shipping label to the job fair and prepare your materials for shipping at the conclusion of the event for each package you would like returned to you. It is your responsibility to prepare your materials for shipping. Please bring your return shipment to the Registration Table. Let our staff know if you require assistance. Your materials will be available for courier pick-up at our office the following day.
Note: UPS does not pick up at the Career Center therefore your materials will be taken to the 色中色 shipping center for pick-up the day after the job fair.
Make pre-arrangements for return pick-up
- Let courier know pick-up date: Monday - Friday (8 AM - 5 PM)
- Give our complete address
- Career Development Center
California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Boulevard, BH 250
Long Beach, CA 90840-0113
- Career Development Center
- Our front desk contact phone is: (562) 985-4151
- Provide return label in original shipment
Note: The 色中色 Career Development Center assumes no responsibility for damaged or undelivered parcels. We will make every effort to deliver your materials to your exhibit table, however, we cannot be held responsible for undelivered items, damaged containers, or any other issues which may arise in the shipping of your materials to the job fair. In choosing to ship your materials, you must agree to the above terms.