Travel Guidelines and Forms

Support for travel to disseminate scholarship, enhance professional development, and expand the global reach of curricular offerings and student learning is important to the mission of 色中色.

We are fortunate that the budget situation seems to have stabilized; however, previous budget reductions have not been fully restored and 色中色 must continue to manage travel resources carefully.

Guidelines for travel authorization below apply to all student, faculty, and staff university-affiliated travel. Guidelines apply regardless of funding source (state, external funding, auxiliary, and non-state, foundation, etc., even personal if university-affiliated).

Travel Guidelines Applicable to All Divisions

California State University (CSU or University) pays or reimburses employees, students, and others for business-related travel expenses that are ordinary, reasonable, not extravagant, and necessary to conduct official university business. All expense reimbursements and business travel arrangements must comply with CSU policies and procedures, prudent accounting practices, and applicable collective bargaining agreements. 

The VP or the appropriate administrator of each division is the final authority for all non-risk (as defined below) travel.

What is Considered as Risk Travel?

Risk travel includes travel to a destination:

  • With a current U.S. State Department travel warning (See ; there is a difference between a warning and an alert, with a warning being of more concern),
  • On the , or
  • On ; travel to war risk locales will not be approved.

Student travel to destinations with high hazard/war risk countries designation or a current U.S. State Department travel warning or alert will not normally be approved.

Any proposal for risk travel, with or without students, must follow these steps:

  • Employee completes the and .
  • Employee submits travel request to appropriate division administrator for review.
  • Prior to division鈥檚 approval, each division consults with the Center for International Education (CIE) on safety precautions and, if necessary, seeks input from Risk Management. Provide 7-10 working days for processing time.
  • CIE forwards its recommendations to the appropriate division administrator.
  • If approved, the Division office forwards the request to the Provost for final review and approval.
  • If approved, the Provost鈥檚 office forwards the travel request to Risk Management for securing FLIP insurance (

Employees are strongly encouraged to register with the . STEP is a system utilized by the State Department to provide information on changing conditions in foreign locations and assist with emergencies.

All travel on university business must be authorized in advance. No travel expenditures are authorized until the travel request has been approved.
Risk travel requests must be received by Academic Affairs prior to departure as follows:

  • 30 days prior if no current exists, or
  • 45 days prior if a current exists or on CSURMA鈥檚 High Hazard/War Risk Country list; late requests in this category will not be considered.
  • Divisions/Colleges may set additional due dates.


Travel Guidelines Applicable to Academic Affairs


Faculty and staff may be supported for travel to professional conferences or meetings if they are providing a significant presentation, playing a leadership role in the event or attending at the request of a senior manager or dean for purposes of specific skill enhancement.

International travel to professional conferences or meetings must involve an exceptionally high-profile presentation or award at an important international meeting or its equivalent. A description of the presentation or leadership role and the significance of the professional meeting must be provided, unless the dean or vice president determines this unnecessary. Individuals traveling without requesting reimbursement may not have to meet presentation guidelines, if approved by the dean and/or vice president.

Deans are responsible for ensuring that student needs will be appropriately met during an instructor鈥檚 absence. Traveling faculty are expected to consult with their department chair and complete the 鈥淎bsence from Class鈥 form to identify how their class(es) will proceed in their absence. The form must be signed by the department chair and attached to the travel request when it is forwarded to the Dean. After review, the Dean should retain the 鈥淎bsence from Class鈥 form at the College Office and then forward the signed travel authorization to the appropriate official/unit.

Students traveling must be participating in an approved university related educational experience. Student travel includes student educational exchanges at partner institutions.

Faculty/Staff leading student travel are expected to consider and plan carefully for students鈥 safety and welfare, and are expected to consult with their department chair on their plans.

Each dean is responsible for ensuring that the safety and welfare of student travelers have been carefully considered and planned before requests are approved. Student travel to destinations with high hazard/war risk countries designation or a current will not normally be approved.

Student travel will normally be supported from Instructionally Related Activities, participant fees through CPaCE faculty-led study abroad trips and courses, or other non-General Fund sources. Travel may be supported in an amount and manner consistent with the award or project.


Authority to Travel:

色中色 reserves the right to approve or not approve any member of the 色中色 campus community, including 色中色 employees, volunteers, and/or representatives, from traveling on official 色中色 business with students or employees based on any lawful reason, consistent with 色中色 policies. 

Hotel and Rooming Arrangements:

色中色 employees, volunteers, and representatives who accompany students on overnight travel in their capacity as 色中色 employees, volunteers, or representatives may not sleep or room overnight in the same room with any student(s).  This rule extends to all 色中色 employees, volunteers, and representatives, including, but not limited to, Athletic Trainers, Coaches, Athletics Administrators, and all Student Employees (e.g., Student-Trainers, Student-Managers, Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Assistants) acting in their capacity as Student Employees. All 色中色 employees, volunteers, representatives will adhere to rooming arrangements as directed by the appropriate administrator.


CSU Nondiscrimination Policy. While traveling with students on University business, University staff and faculty members must continue to abide by the provisions of the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy (or superseding policy).  Prior to traveling, University staff and faculty members are encouraged to review and understand both their rights and obligations under the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy, including any obligations to report forward concerns of Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, and Sexual Misconduct (including Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Rape, Sexual Exploitation, Stalking, and Domestic Violence).  Employees may direct questions about the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy to

Drug-Free Workplace. While traveling with students on University business, University staff and faculty members must continue to abide by the provisions of the CSU Drug Free Workplace policy. Prior to traveling, University staff and faculty members are encouraged to review and understand the Drug Free Workplace policy. 色中色 employees are prohibited from furnishing alcohol or controlled substances to students without University clearance through Faculty Affairs or Staff Human Resources. Employees may direct questions about the CSU Drug Free Workplace policy to Staff Human Resources or Faculty Affairs, as appropriate.

University support is limited to no more than $3,000 per traveler, per trip (except for direct expenses from grant/contracts G-funds, research funds, centers C-funds, and philanthropic donations, and endowments).

Travel supported by external grants or contracts (G-funds, centers C-funds, and philanthropic must be consistent with requirements of external funding agencies and internal policies).

Faculty travel may include professional conferences, if consistent with requirements of external funding agencies. 

Staff travel funded through self-support resources must serve an essential purpose and may be funded in the amount and manner consistent with the purpose of the travel.

Reimbursement for lodging is limited to a maximum of $333 per night. Exceptions may be approved if:

  • Lodging is in a conference hotel at a conference rate.