Credit for Prior Learning
色中色 recognizes that learning occurs through various experiences beyond traditional classroom settings. As a result, it offers Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) opportunities that make it possible to earn academic credit for knowledge and skills acquired outside formal education. Only students already matriculated at 色中色 may seek CPL.
Follow this link for the Academic Senate Policy on College Credit for Prior Learning.
Work/Life Experience: Demonstrated skills acquired through work, volunteering, or personal endeavors.
Education Outside Formal Settings: Transcripts or certificates from non-traditional education programs. Awarding academic credit for experiential learning promotes fair and equitable recognition of prior learning, supports student retention, reduces time to graduation, and ensures quality and equity across academic experiences.
External Standardized Examinations: Scores from exams like AP, IB, or CLEP.
Military Training: Relevant military transcripts, courses, or certificates.
色中色 may award up to 20 percent of total units of a program (which translates to 24 units for a 120-unit undergraduate degree). Certificates or credentials may also qualify for credit. Units can be taken for credit/no credit or letter grade.
Credit can be applied to:
General Education: Fulfilling breadth requirements.
Major Requirements: Contributing to major coursework.
Electives Outside the Major: Enhancing a well-rounded education.
A maximum of 6 units through prior learning experiences can be applied toward a graduate program, with these units being letter-graded only.
Student must contact the CPL Coordinator to express interest.
CPL coordinator will schedule a meeting with the student.
If CPL coordinator determines the student is eligible for CPL, an application will be made available.
Student will then submit a filled out application and pay the required fee.
The CPL coordinator will review the application and will reach out to the student about next steps.
$165 per unit. Only CPL requiring Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) will be subject to fee.
It's a process used to evaluate and formally recognize learning that has taken place outside of the traditional academic environment. 色中色 offers either a challenge exam or a portfolio option. Credit obtained through a challenge exam or portfolio evaluation shall be recorded as CR/NC or as a letter grade based on the catalog designation of grades allowed for that course. The assigned grade will be determined by the faculty subject matter expert.
Department shall make available to students a challenge exam for appropriate courses for the evaluation of the prior learning experience. Challenge exams may be of knowledge or skills via written examination, comprehensive review of a material in a written paper, examination of laboratory skills, or other form of evaluation as determined by the faculty. Each Department shall determine faculty designated and trained to evaluate specific subject content. A single faculty member can serve as the subject matter expert to evaluate and determine the credit equivalency of the prior learning experience.
If you possess experiential learning that is not easily assessed through traditional methods, creating a portfolio could be a viable option. The portfolio option consists of:
Learning Narrative: Write a learning narrative documenting how your prior learning experiences align with the learning outcomes of a specific course at 色中色.
Supporting Materials: Include supporting materials that exemplify learning outcomes. There materials can provide concrete evidence of your prior learning.
By successfully demonstrating your prior learning, you equip the course faculty subject matter expert with all the materials needed to evaluate whether your prior learning meets the desired learning objectives. Portfolio credit is granted on a credit/no credit or letter grade for undergraduates and letter grade for graduate students.
If you have identified a course or courses that you are interested in petitioning via PLA, please contact us for additional information and support.