General Education (GE)
Forward into Future Success: Get the Most Out of General Education
Ever wonder about the value of a college education?
Compared to high school graduates, COLLEGE GRADUATES HAVE MANY MORE ADVANTAGES in their lives:
Some are economic advantages, like
- Higher Salaries and Benefits
- Higher Savings Levels
- Improved Working Conditions
- Personal/Professional Mobility
Consider the average annual earnings for someone who earns a degree:
- High School only: $27,260
- Associate's Degree: $31,684
- Bachelor's Degree: $53,043
- (Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000)
- Improved Health and Living Longer
- Improved Quality of Life for their Offspring
- Better Consumer Decision Making
- Increased Personal Status
- More Hobbies and Leisure Activities
(Source: Institute for Higher Education, 1998)
Why Take GE?
College isn't just to get you a better job. Real success in your college education is about the . General Education at É«ÖÐÉ« focuses on these skills.