Suggestions for a Comprehensive Evaluation File
July 13, 2024
Content may vary depending on lecturer assignment, department requirements, and lecturer鈥檚 selected area(s) of emphasis.
- Cover Letter
- Introduce contents of Comprehensive Evaluation File.
- Summarize courses taught during period of evaluation.
- Note highlights or explain problems in student evaluations.
- Give highlights of instructional materials
- Give highlights of service to students.
- If it is a part of your job description or if you wish to be evaluated on these areas, give highlights of professional growth and development and/or university/community service.
- Current Vita
- Summary Reports of Student Evaluation of Instructor for each class that have student evaluations during the period for which you are being evaluated.
- Instructional Materials, including course syllabi and examples of student learning (such as exams, representative assignments, rubrics, or portfolios).
- Reflective Narrative or statement of teaching philosophy (could be included in cover letter).
If it is a part of your job description or if you wish to be evaluated on the following areas, provide appropriate evidence of:
- Professional Growth and Development (including Scholarly/Creative Activities and Pedagogical Contributions to the Profession).
- University/Community Service (including Service to Professional Organizations).