Curriculog Overview

Starting Fall 2018, the 色中色 Curriculum Process will be managed by with a service titled, Curriculog. This system provides an easy-to-follow workflow for each step of the process, from origination in college curriculum committees to final approvals and certifications for publishing in the University Catalog.

The  details some key features: 


Even ironed-out processes encounter special circumstances. Curriculog supports an unlimited number of customizable forms and rule-based routing. Adapt templates to fit the specific approval mechanisms of each program, department and committee. Use exception handling to hold, cancel or custom-route proposals.

Match a proposal with a department or institutional unit and the appropriate stakeholders are automatically populated into the process, notified that their input is requested and directed to an easy-to-use interface where they can edit and approve. Add new individuals to workflows or assign group approval privileges to individual participants as needs arise.

Easily monitor proposals and export impact and bottleneck reports to proactively identify where issues may occur. Keep committees on track by creating custom, printable agendas. Configure help messages and field labels to guide users and make them feel at ease.

Check out 色中色's Curriculum support information and upcoming training workshops. If you can't ind an answer to your questions, feel free to contact the Academic Programs team at