Resources for Student Organizations & Officers

The following are valuable information and resources to enhance the success of your student organization, your organization meetings, your organization events, and your role as a student organization officer.

Your best resource is your assigned Student Life and Development (SLD) Advisor. It is very highly recommended that you communicate and work with your SLD Advisor as early and often as possible so that they can help guide you through the proper policies and procedures to ensure the success of your organization and your leadership role. 




Mandatory Student Organization Registration & Eligibilty Requirements

Organizations must register their student organizations each semester. Contact the Student Life and Development Office  or your SLD Advisor for current registration material and instructions.

Official recognition and registration of a student organization requires a minimum of four student officers and one officer/member who are currently enrolled at É«ÖÐÉ«. 

All Officers must meet the following Officer Eligibility requirements ():

  • Have a 2.5 Cumulative GPA,
  • Have a 2.5 Term GPA for Spring 2022 and Fall 2022,
  • Be a matriculated student who is enrolled in at least 6 units as an undergraduate or 3 units as a graduate student, not through College of Professional and International Education (CPIE),
  • Undergraduate Officers may not have earned more than 150 units, while Graduate/Masters Officers may not have earned more than 50 units, and 
  • Be in good standing and not be on probation of any kind.

In addition, a maximum of 20% of the members of a student organization may be individuals who are not É«ÖÐÉ« students, e.g., community members, students at other colleges. Only students enrolled at É«ÖÐÉ« may vote on issues that come before the student organization.

Officer Orientation Workshop

This Officer Orientation Workshop provides information on mandatory student organization requirements, general policies & procedures on event planning, and other best practice for running an effective student organization.

All officers must complete an Officer Orientation Workshop every academic year.

Contact the Student Life and Development Office  or your SLD Advisor for Officer Orientation Workshop schedule.

ASI Fiscal Certification

The ASI Fiscal Certication provides information and training on money handling policies and procedures. This training also provides an overview on how to access ASI Agency Account and ASI Grant Account funding and accounts.

The Treasurer and 1 additional Officer (i.e., President, Vice President, or Secretary) must complete an ASI Fiscal Certification to handle money and access your organization's ASI funds and grants.

Contact the Student Life and Development Office  or your SLD Advisor for current ASI Fiscal Certification information.

SLD Advisors

Organization officers should seek a working relationship with their advisors in order to maximize the valuable roles that SLD and faculty/staff advisors can play. As early as possible, new officers should meet with their advisors to discuss the organization's mission and goals, mutual expectations, and areas where the advisor can offer the most help. SLD Advisors are the final approvers for organization's on-campus events, account transactions, and other student organization on-campu procedures. Visit our Contact Page for SLD Advisor contact information.

Reserving Space for Meetings & Events

The is your starting point for requesting on-campus space for your student organization meetings and/or events.

Please note that student organization events must be approved by your Student Life & Development Advisor.

Agency Account

Student organizations must activate their Agency Accounts by completing the each academic year.

Student Organization Webpages

Student organizations can design and maintain free webspace on their organization's .



(ASI) is a nonprofit organization under the university that is run by students for students. Through mandatory student fees, students are members of ASI. ASI provides various campus resources including the University Student Union, Isabel Patterson Child Development Center, and the Student Recreation & Wellness Center. ASI also provides funding support for recognized student organizations.

Resource Link


ASI provides partial funding support to recognized student organizations for on-campus events open to all É«ÖÐÉ« students.

Please work with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss eligibilty policies/requirements, deadlines, and to guide and review your ASI Grant Applications. Your Student Life & Development Advisor must pre-approve your ASI Grant Application before it is submited to ASI for consideration.

ASI provides funding support to recognized student organizations to attend and participate in local, regional, national, and international academic conferences and competitions.

Please work with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss eligibilty policies/requirements, deadlines, and to guide and review your applications. Your Student Life & Development Advisor must pre-approve your ASI application before it is submited to ASI for consideration.

ASI provides other resources and support to recognized student organizations and individual students, such as research grants, facility waivers, individual student travel grants, etc.

Student Organizations: Please work with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss eligibilty policies/requirements, deadlines, and to guide and review your applications/forms. Your Student Life & Development Advisor must pre-approve your ASI application/form before it is submited to ASI for consideration.

Individual Students: Please contact the ASI Government Office for assistance on applications, forms, and the ASI review/approval process and deadlines.

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is our campus’ online community management system for all student organizations.

For many students, BeachSync is the first place they learn about your student organization. Therefore, it is important that you keep your BeachSync page updated.

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The BeachSync Roster feature in a student organization’s BeachSync page is an important tool for the organizations and for our office.  The Roster lists and manages the members and officers of the organization.  The Primary Contact and anyone listed as an Officer has the ability to utilize the Roster feature.

Your BeachSync Rosters must also reflect the current officers.

Note that the Student Organization Registration process does not automatically change/update your organization's BeachSync roster. It is important that your BeachSync Roster is up-to-date with the current officers. It is responsibilty of the organization's President to ensure that the BeachSync roster is updated with officer information.

The Primary Contact is the person who receives emails from our office or students who are contacting the organization via BeachSync.  Therefore, it is critical that the BeachSync Primary Contact is updated every year, or semester, to ensure messages are reaching the correct students.

The BeachSync Events tool allows you to manage your organization's events from one central location. This will provide you with the information you need to know to successfully manage your organizations events.

The BeachSync (Engage) Help Center provides other valuable tools and instructions on various BeachSync features. Please note that there may be some BeachSync features that are closed to É«ÖÐÉ« organizations. Please work with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss the different features and options useful for your student organization.

Resource Link


Campus Regulations

Regulations for Campus Activities, Student Organizations, and the University Community (Campus REGS) has been prepared to serve as a reference tool for students, faculty, and staff of California State University, Long Beach (É«ÖÐÉ«) regarding policies and regulations of the campus community. The policies and regulations contained within this publication are intended to ensure freedom of expression and movement while providing for rights of privacy and the maintenance of the University as a peaceful learning environment. The REGS are considered to be official University policy but are subject to change at any time through the normal policy-making processes.

Hazing Prohibition (PDF)

Student organizations shall prohibit all members and officers from engaging in hazing or committing any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces any fellow student.

Please work with your Student Life & Development Advisor for any questions and/or concerns regarding hazing and your student organization.


The following are some resources regarding marketing and publicity.

It is important that you meet with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss policies, procedures, limitations, resources, and other options/information to successfully market and publicize your organization, meetings, events, and activities.

Resource Link


Policies on Using the É«ÖÐÉ« Name & Logos for Branding & Marketing Purposes

The university’s name, logo, and other marks are legally protected.

Only recognized student organizations may use the university name in conjunction with their organization’s name in presenting themselves as recognized members of The Beach.

Use of university logos and other marks must be cleared through the university’s Strategic Communications department.

The Beach Brand Guidance website provides additional information regarding É«ÖÐÉ« branding and resources.

Please work with your Student Life & Development Advisor on the policies, regulations, and limitations regarding using the university name, logos, and other marks.

Posting Publicity in Housing (Residence Halls)

Student groups and campus departments may submit materials for distribution inside the residence halls.

Please review and follow the guidelines and procedures outlined on the Housing Publicity website.

Campus Publicity and Postings Regulations Brochure (PDF)

There are publicity and posting policies and regulations that student organization must follow.

Please work with your Student Life & Development Advisor on the policies, regulations, processes, and options regarding publicity and posting on campus.

The following are resources for your organization to use for the success of your events.

It is important that you first meet with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss your event ideas, policies, procedures, timelines, and deadlines to ensure the success of your organization events.

Resource Link


Event Planning Certification (Officer Orintation Workshop)

The Officer Orientation Workshop provides information on the policies and procedures that all student organizations and officers must follow with regard to running their organization and hosting on-campus events.

All officers must complete an Officer Orientation Workshop every academic year.

Contact the Student Life and Development Office  or your SLD Advisor for Officer Orientation Workshop schedule.

Event Planning and Program Regulation Clearance Process (PDF)

This guide provides the step-by-step process to prepare, plan, request, and host on-campus events.

It is important that you first meet with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss your event ideas, policies, procedures, timelines, and deadlines to ensure the success of your event.

Campus Scheduling Policies and Procedures Brochure (PDF)

This document explains some of the policies and procedures to reserving, scheduling, hosting events and meetings on campus.

It is important that you first meet with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss your event ideas, policies, procedures, timelines, and deadlines to ensure the success of your event.

Event Insurance Requirements

Certain campus events will require special event insurance policies and requirements.

It is important that you first meet with your Student Life & Development Advisor to discuss the insurance requirements of the event that you are planning.

Program Budget - Sample (Excel)

Download this sample budget spreadsheet. Having a working budget will help your organization plan your expenses, revenue, profit, and potential losses.

Program Timeline - Sample (Word Doc)

Download this sample program timeline to prepare a well-thoughtout timeline to ensure the success of your events. Having a timeline will prevent many last minute issues. 

Program Planning Checklist - Sample (Word Doc)

Downlaod this sample program planning checklist. Having a well-thoughout checklist will help prevent any last minute issues.

Program Participant Evaluation - Sample (Word Doc)

Download this sample evaluation for your participants so that you are able to get valuable feedback for future events.

Program Planning Evaluation - Sample (Word Doc)

Download this sample evaluation for your internal planning committee to provded feedback for future events.

VIP Invitation Protocol (PDF)

When inviting campus administrators and/or elected/appointment government officials, it is important that you work with your SLD Advisor to ensure that your invitation is properly prepared and properly submitted.


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É«ÖÐÉ« Food Handling Procedures (PDF)

There are various Long Beach Health Department guidelines that must be adhered to when having events/meetings with food. Please work with your Student Life & Development Advisor to dicuss Food Handling guidelines and policies.

Food & Bake Sale Flow Chart


Food & Temperature Requirements


Food Facility Checklist


Food Handling Requirements


Off Campus Food Handling Workshop Schedules



It is important that you work with your Student Life & Development Advisor on any fundraising, donations, and/or sponsorship processes so that your organizaiton is supported and guided through the appropriate procedures to ensure your fundraising efforts are successful.

The SLD Fundraising Policies & Procedures website provides informaiton on the following topics:

  • Requesting a Tax ID
  • How to host restaurant fundraisers
  • Receiving monetary donations under $3,000 and over $3,000
  • Recieving Gift-In-Kind Donations
  • Sample donation letters for potentail donors


The following are some improtant documents to help with the general management of your student organization.

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Description & Link

Procedures for Name and Constitution and Bylaw Changes


Constitution and Bylaws Template


The following documents will provide student officers with essential information to assist with the development of their leadership roles.

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We have designed four manuals called "SHELLS" (Successful Higher Education Leadership Learning Skills) that are intended to help student organizations maximize their potential.

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