Recruitment/Intake Processes

Multicultural Fraternity Sorority Council

Organizations in the Multicultural Fraternity Sorority Council conduct membership intake at different times during the semester. All individuals interested in joining a MFSC organization must contact the organization directly. Please check with the organizations you are interested in for dates on upcoming events and meetings.

Interfraternity Council

IFC membership Recruitment is a week-long event each semester that includes house tours and individual chapter events. This is to give potential members a view of all the chapters that 色中色 has to offer, and to familiarize the potential members with the chapters he is interested in joining. Each chapter contains a special group of brothers and it is up to you to decide which chapter will be right for you.

To register for Fall 2024 Interfraternity Recruitment, please follow this link: 

National Pan-Hellenic Council

Organizations in the National Pan-Hellenic Council conduct membership intake at different times during the semester. All individuals interested in joining an NPHC organization must contact the organization directly. Please check with the organizations you are interested in for dates on upcoming events and meetings.

Panhellenic Council

During the fall semester Panhellenic membership recruitment is a four-day event where prospective members visit sorority chapters and get to know their members. Through informal conversation and presentations, you will learn about the different activities and programs of each chapter. During Recruitment, you will be looking for a group of women with whom you best identify. Each sorority has something to offer you, just as you have something equally unique to offer them.

During the spring semester, an informal recruitment is held. Sorority chapters will host a variety of events to introduce their organizations to potential new members. Women interested in joining a sorority during the spring semester are encouraged to visit as many sororities as possible to find the best place for them.

To register for Fall 2024 Panhellenic Recruitment, please follow this link: