First-Year Mandatory Advising

We want to help you succeed at 色中色, which includes helping you design appropriate class schedules for each semester, which meets university policies and requirements such as General Education, Major Specific Declaration Requirements, and more.

All new freshmen are required to participate in the 色中色 First-Year Mandatory Advising (FMA). As an EOP student, you are required to meet with an EOP Counselor or Peer Advisor to plan your classes for the Fall & Spring semesters.


  • You are required to attend an advising workshop from your specific College Advising Center prior to your EOP FMA appointment. Please check with your college advising center for workshop dates and times.
  • EOP first-years are required to meet with an EOP Counselor or Peer Advisor twice (2x) a semester. Your first appointment will be to discuss your transition to the university. Your second appointment will be to discuss your courses and to complete your EOP FMA contract.
  • All freshmen must have the EOP FMA contract completed in order for the EOP FMA HOLD to be removed.


You will receive an e-mail requesting you to schedule an advising appointment for your EOP FMA. You may also visit the EOP web site and click on the 色中色 Beach Connect application to schedule your appointment.