Constitution and Bylaws
Approved: April 2019
- 1.000 Organization
- 1.100 The name of the organization shall be the 鈥淪taff Council (SC) of California State University, Long Beach.鈥
- 1.200 Purpose and Role
- 1.210 The Council shall represent the electorate and shall serve as the advisory body for staff matters to the Associate Vice President of Human Resources Management or his/her designee.
- 1.220 The Council shall be concerned with the viewpoint and interests of staff on university or community issues not covered by collective bargaining. There may be occasions where Staff Council is asked to provide advice on faculty or academic-related matters. The Council will maintain the flow of communication from Staff Council to the rest of the university community and likewise from the university community back to Staff Council.
- 1.300 Electorate
The electorate shall be comprised of all staff employees of California State University, Long Beach and its auxiliaries who are employed on at least a part-time basis for one year of continuous employment or more. - 1.400 Membership of the Council
- 1.410 Eligibility. All staff employees, including staff of 色中色 auxiliaries as well as managers (except those with academic retreat rights), who are employed on a benefitted-time basis with at least one year of continuous employment or more are eligible to serve as a member of Council.
- 1.420 Elected representatives must be a member of the organizational unit which they represent. Each organizational unit shall be entitled to one (1) representative for each twenty-five (25) eligible staff members or fraction thereof.
- 1.421 The Vice Chair of Staff Council and the Membership Committee are responsible for updating the lists of names of the organizational units and the number of staff in each unit eligible to be elected. This shall be on an as needed basis and with the assistance of Staff Human Resources.
- 1.430 Non-elected representation shall be as listed below:
- 1.431 Ex-officio Members (nonvoting)
- Associate Vice President, Budget and Human Resources Management or designee
- Director of Benefits and Staff Human Resources
- Staff Employee Relations Manager
- Faculty Academic Senators (1)
- Staff Academic Senators (5)
- Staff Emeriti (1)
- Immediate Past Chair of the Staff Council
- Associated Students President or designee (1)
- University Ombuds or designee (1)
- Local Staff Unions Representatives (1 each)
- Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD)
- California State University Employees Union (CSUEU)
- State Employees Trade Council (SETC)
- Statewide University Police Association (SUPA)
- Academic Professionals of California (APC)
- 1.432 Elected Members (Number of representatives to be based on the number of employees in each unit as specified above in 1.420)
- 1.433 Members Pro Tem
Elected members who are unable to attend a regular or special meeting may appoint a staff pro tem person from their area who will have full voting and speaking privileges. - 1.434 Members-at-large to Staff Council
When a Staff Council officer, or committee chair, moves from the division or department where he/she was elected to the Council, that individual shall become a member-at-large to the Staff Council with full floor privileges and shall retain any voting privileges previously held.- A Staff Council officer shall serve until the end of his/her current term in office.
- A committee chair shall serve for one year or until the end of his/her original SC membership, whichever is less.
- A Staff Council member shall serve for the completion of the Staff Council term.
- 1.431 Ex-officio Members (nonvoting)
- 1.440 Term of Office
Each representative shall be elected for three years, with the term beginning in June. Representatives may succeed themselves if properly re-elected. - 1.450 Method of Electing Representatives
Nominees shall be solicited from each area prior to the election. Interested staff members may self-nominate. Nominees must have their supervisor鈥檚 approval to run and to serve. If there is more than one nominee to fill a vacancy, representatives shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the electorate in each area. New representatives shall be seated on the Council at the next Council meeting. - 1.460 Vacancies
Should the seat of a representative on the Council become vacant, the SC members of that area shall conduct an election to fill the vacant position for the remainder of the term. The Vice-Chair of the Staff Council shall be notified immediately by the representative when a vacancy occurs - 1.470 Recall
An election for the recall of a council member shall be held upon petition of at least 25% of the electorate in the area concerned or at least 10% of all current active members of the body. Notification of intention to hold a recall election shall be given to the Chair of the Council by presentation of the said petition. A recall election shall be supervised by a five- member Ad Hoc Elections Committee (none of whom shall be from the constituency concerned). A majority of the electorate in the area concerned or a majority of the elected body of the SC must have voted or such recall election shall be declared null and void, and recall of the Council member shall be effected only if plurality of those voting in the election favor his/her recall. - 1.480 Areas of Responsibility
The area of responsibility of each Council member shall extend to include attendance at Council meetings, service as liaison officer between the Council and area represented and by example, promotion of the good and welfare of the University.
- 1.500 Officers
- 1.510 The elected officers shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
- 1.520 All officers of the Council will serve a one-year term and may succeed themselves if properly re-elected. The position of Chair of Staff Council shall be limited to three consecutive terms by any one individual. Officers will be elected in May each year and will begin their terms in June.
- 1.530 Vacancies
In the event any Staff Council officer other than Chair should become vacant prior to the expiration of the term of office, the Council shall conduct a special election during the meeting at which the vacancy is declared. Special elections shall be conducted by the Nominating Committee of the Staff Council. - 1.540 When the position of Chair of SC becomes vacant, the Vice Chair assumes the Chair position for the remainder of the term. If the Vice-Chair is unable to fill the position, a special election will be held immediately for a new Chair.
- 1.550 A majority vote of the Council members present at a meeting in which there is a quorum, shall be required to elect any officer or a replacement for any officer of the Council.
- 1.560 Recall of Officers
An election for the recall of an officer shall be held upon petition of 51% of the electorate. The recall of the officer shall be affected only if plurality of the Council representatives vote in favor of his/her recall. - 1.570 Responsibilities of Officers
- 1.571 The Chair shall preside at meetings of the Staff Council, represent the Council at university-wide functions to which s/he is invited, serve as a voting senator on the Academic Senate, serve on various university committees and councils or appoint a designee where appropriate, and perform other responsibilities as deemed necessary. In consultation with the Vice Chair, or other designee, shall act as the SC communication coordinator and ensure the SC electronic communication platforms are updated.
- 1.572 The Vice-Chair will assume the duties of the Chair when the latter is temporarily absent, or when requested to do so by the Chair. The Vice-Chair will represent the Chair upon request, at official university functions to which the SC Chair is invited. The Vice Chair will take attendance and determine quorum at General Council and Executive Committee meetings. The Vice-Chair shall act as chair of the Membership Committee. The Vice Chair will assist the Chair with the communications of SC and ensure that the SC communication platforms are updated. The Vice Chair shall perform other duties as needed.
- 1.573 The Secretary will take minutes at Executive Committee and SC meetings, assist with meeting coordination as needed and perform the duties normally required of a secretary of an organization.
- 1.574 The Treasurer is responsible for all money acquired by SC. The Treasurer shall present a monthly detailed financial report to the Executive Committee and/or SC. The Treasurer pays all bills authorized by the Executive Committee and/or Staff Council. The Staff Council shall approve all Treasurer鈥檚 Reports.
- 1.600 Appointees and Consultants
- 1.610 Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian(s) of the SC shall be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Staff Council. The term shall be for one year. The Parliamentarian shall be a present or past university employee.
- 1.610 Parliamentarian
- 1.700 Committees
- 1.710 The Executive Committee will be comprised of:
- 1.711 Voting members include: elected officers of the Council, the standing committee chairs and two at-large members elected from the regular membership of the SC.
- 1.712 Ex-Officio members: the immediate Past SC Chair and the Director of Human Resources Management and/or designee.
- 1.720 Standing committees of the SC are: Nominating Committee, Special Events Committee, Staff Development Committee, Membership Committee, Bylaws, Policy and Procedure Committee, and Ways and Means Committee.
- 1.721 Membership: The Chairs of standing SC committees must be SC members. Remaining membership may be any interested staff.
- 1.722 Committee chair or designee will report on their activities to the Executive Committee and SC at its regular or special meetings.
- 1.723 The Executive Committee is empowered to take action for committees on urgent issues needing Council approval in between general Council meetings.
- 1.730 All Chairs of SC committees will serve a one-year term and may succeed themselves if properly re-elected. Chairs will be elected by the June committee meeting or earlier should a vacancy arise. Chairs will begin their terms immediately after election.
- 1.732 All members of the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee must be SC representatives or a past Chair of SC.
- 1.740 Other committees shall be established as deemed necessary to implement the work of the Council.
- 1.710 The Executive Committee will be comprised of:
- 1.800 Staff Academic Senators
The staff Academic Senators shall choose from among themselves who will serve as a staff representative to university budget and financial (currently the RPP and FAC) committees, as well as administrative review committees; the Nominating Committee of the SC shall nominate staff, subject to the approval of the SC, to serve on such other standing and ad hoc university committees as need may arise. - 1.900 Procedural Rules
- 1.910 Robert鈥檚 Rules of Order (current edition) shall prevail at Staff Council meetings, unless otherwise specified in this document.
- 2.000 Meetings, Regular
- 2.010 Regular meetings of the Staff Council shall be scheduled at least once a month during the months of September through June.
- 2.020 Agenda
The agenda for the Staff Council meetings shall be formulated by the Executive Committee. Items placed on the printed agenda must be in the hands of the Executive Committee at their meeting prior to the next regular Staff Council meeting.- 2.021 The agenda shall be distributed to the Council members at least three (3) days before each meeting.
- 2.022 Agenda items which involve visitors who have been asked to make presentations to the Council should be set as Special Orders, Time Certain on the agenda.
- 2.023 Additional items may be added to the agenda by Council members at the meetings.
- 2.024 The agenda for each Staff Council meeting shall include an item for report from each one of the Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, one of the Staff Academic Senators, and Staff representatives on university and auxiliary boards and committees. The Staff Academic Senators shall choose one of their members to attend the SC meeting and report on Academic Senate business to the SC.
- 2.100 Meetings, Special
- 2.110 Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Executive Committee when the need arises, or by petition of any three (3) members of the Council.
- 2.120 The agenda for special meetings of the Council shall cover only the items specified in the letter of call and shall not be subject to change by Council members鈥 at the meetings. In all other instances, the agenda rules for regular meetings shall prevail.
- 2.200 Transaction of Business at Council Meetings
- 2.210 A quorum must be present in order to transact any official Council business. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Council.
- 2.220 Official motions and resolutions shall contain a recommendation for transmittal with specification for implementation, and/or request for further dissemination of information.
- 2.230 Motions and resolutions shall require a majority vote of those voting members present to pass unless otherwise specified within this document.
- 2.240 With the exclusion of the minutes and the agenda, all motions shall be presented in written form if requested by any member.
- 2.250 Discussions and Debate
- 2.251 Discussion on agenda items without an implementing motion shall be limited to fifteen (15) minutes.
- 2.252 Debate on a motion before the Council shall be limited to ten (10) minutes.
- 2.300 Visitors at Meetings Meetings of the Staff Council and Executive Committees shall be open to visitors; floor privileges shall be extended to visitors by a two-thirds (2/3) favorable vote of the voting members present, or by special invitation given prior to the meeting鈥攅ither by previous action of the Council, or by the Executive Committee. Such floor privileges shall be extended for purposes of presenting material germane to a specific agenda item or items.
- 2.400 Minutes of Meetings
- 2.410 Minutes of Council meetings shall be as detailed as is necessary to be informative to the electorate.
- 3.000 General Guidelines
- 3.100 The Council shall have ten meetings per year and the Executive Committee shall operate on a year-round basis.
- 3.200 There shall be an annual review of the Bylaws as well as Policies and Procedures. Recommendations for amendment shall be brought to the Council for consideration as appropriate.
- 3.300 The Constitution and Bylaws of the Staff Council, or any part thereof, may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the Council members present at a regular meeting or special meeting of the Staff Council.
- 3.400 Communication with Constituency
- 3.410 Members of the Council are responsible for keeping all possible channels of communication open between themselves and their constituency; methods of communication should be flexible and geared to the means available to each Council member and to the needs of each area concerned.
- 3.420 Council members should seek opinions, advice, and counsel from members of their constituency concerning those matters, which will require action by the Council. The personal convictions of each Council member should be secondary to the wishes of the majority of the electorate in each area, insofar as they can be determined.
- 3.430 Elected members are expected to attend SC meetings. Elected members who are unable to attend may appoint a voting member pro tem from their area. If no staff person from their area is available, the SC member may appoint a non-voting university member pro tem. (See section 1.433) A member who has three unexcused absences within a semester shall be reminded by the Vice Chair that attendance is expected. A member who has three further unexcused absences in a calendar year will be dropped from Staff Council membership. An excused absence is one in which the member notifies the Chair, Vice-Chair, or Secretary, in advance, that he/she will be unable to attend the meeting. If the member pro tem attends the meeting, the absence is also excused. An unexcused absence is one in which the member does not notify an officer and/or notify their member pro tem.
- 3.500 Support Services for the Council
- 3.510 In general, the Benefits and Staff Human Resources Office shall provide necessary clerical assistance for the Council, both in the preparation and dissemination of information to the electorate and to the members of the Council and in the conducting of election.
- 3.600 Council as Nominating Committee
- 3.610 The Staff Council shall act as a Nominating Committee for staff representatives to university committees, boards of directors, councils, etc.
- 3.700 Council Funds
- 3.710 All funds generated by the Staff Council or any of its committees belong to the Council. Each committee of the Council shall submit an annual budget to the Executive Committee for consideration. The Treasurer will present, on behalf of the Executive Committee, the annual budget to the Council for approval.