Post-Doctoral Fellows



Dr. Ryan Logan

Master's Degree: 色中色 (2017)

Doctorate Degree: Nova Southeastern University (2023)

Research Interests: Dr. Logan is interested in the movements, behavior and ecology of coastal and pelagic sharks and gamefishes to better implement species management and ecosystem conservation measures. Using a variety of technologies and techniques, his PhD research investigated the post-release recovery behavior, fine-scale hunting patterns, and ecological niche partitioning of a large pelagic predator guild in the eastern tropical Pacific, including blue marlin, black marlin and sailfish. His current research seeks to identify how drivers of movement vary across ontogeny within the southern California white shark nursery.

Selected Publications:

  • Logan RK, White CF, Winkler C, Jorgensen SJ, O鈥橲ullivan JB, Lowe CG, Lyons K (2018) An evaluation of body condition and morphometric relationships of southern California juvenile White Sharks Carcharodon carchariasJournal of Fish Biology 93: 842-849.
  • Logan RK, Sousa L, Wetherbee BG, Vaudo JS, Shivji MS (2020) Seasonal movements and habitat use of juvenile smooth hammerhead sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean and significance for management. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:731.
  • Anderson JM, Burns E, Meese EN, Farrugia TF, Stirling BS, White CF, Logan RK, O'Sullivan J, Winkler C, Lowe CG (2021) Interannual nearshore habitat use of young of the year white sharks off southern California. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:238
  • Nosal A, Cartamil D, Ammann A, Bellquist L, Ben-Aderet N, Blincow K, Burns E, Chapman E, Freedman R, Klimley P, Logan RK, Lowe C, Semmens B, White C, Hastings P. Triennial Migration and Philopatry in the Critically Endangered Soupfin Shark (Galeorhinus galeus) (2021) Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(8): 1570-1582.


Dr. Thomas Farrugia

Dr. Thomas Farrugia

Master's Degree: 色中色 (2010)

Doctorate Degree: University of Alaska Fairbanks (2017)

Research Interests: Dr. Farrugia is interested in the ecology, behavior and life history of elasmobranch and teleost fishes, and in their implications on fisheries management. His PhD research was an interdisciplinary analysis of the skate fishery in the Gulf of Alaska which integrated movement patterns, population dynamics, bioeconomics and nutritional analysis of big and longnose skates. He started his current research on the Northeast Pacific population of white sharks in 2019 with both 色中色 and the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Selected Publications:

  • Anderson, J.M., E.S. Burns, E.N. Meese, T.F Farrugia, B.S. Stirling, C.F. White, R.K. Logan, J. O'Sullivan, C. Winkler, C.G. Lowe. 2021. Interannual nearshore habitat use of young-of-the-year white sharks off southern California. Frontiers in Marine Science.


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Dr. James Anderson

Master's Degree: University of Hawai'i at M膩noa (2017)

Doctorate Degree: University of Hawai'i at M膩noa (2018)

Research Interests: Dr. Anderson is interested in the sensory biology, ecology and behavioral ecology of elasmobranchs and other fishes. His Ph.D. research focused on the perception and use of magnetic fields in elasmobranch navigation behaviors. His current research focuses on understanding the drivers of movement behaviors and habitat use of juvenile white sharks along the California coast.

Selected Publications:

  • 础苍诲别谤蝉辞苍鈥, J.M., E.S. Burns, E.N. Meese, T.F Farrugia, B.S. Stirling, C.F. White, R.K. Logan, J.O'Sullivan, C. Winkler, C.G. Lowe. 2021. Interannual nearshore habitat use of young-of-the-year white sharks off southern California. Frontiers in Marine Science.
  • Anderson, A.J. Clevenstine, B.S Stirling, E.S. Burns, E.N. Meese, C.F. White, R.K. Logan, J. O'Sullivan, P.T Rex, J. May III, C. Winkler, E. Garcia-Rodriguez, O. Sosa-Nishizaki, C.G. Lowe. 2021. Non-random Co-occurrence of Juvenile White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) at Seasonal Aggregation Sites in Southern California. Frontiers in Marine Science.


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Dr. Kady Lyons

Master's Degree: California State University, Long Beach (2013)

Doctorate Degree: University of Calgary (2018)

Research Interests: Dr. Lyons is interested in studying maternal contaminant offloading in elasmobranch fishes and the implications that has for health and fitness. She also is interested in understanding factors that affect contaminant accumulation and thus species exposure to anthropogenic chemicals and how that changes over ontogeny.

Selected Publications:

  • Lyons, K, Wynne-Edwards, K.E. 2018. Legacy PCB Contamination Impairs Male Embryonic Development in an Elasmobranch with Matrotrophic Histotrophy, the Round Stingray (Urobatis halleri). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 9999, 1-8. .
  • Lyons, K, Carlisle, AB, Lowe, CG. 2017. Influence of Ontogeny and Environmental Exposure on Mercury Accumulation in Muscle and Liver of Male Round Stingrays. Marine Environmental Research. 130, 30-37.
  • Lyons, K, Chabot, C, Patterson, C, Lowe, CG. 2017. Who's My Daddy? Evidence of Sexual Conflict and Multiple Paternity in an Elasmobranch Species. Ecology and Evolution, 00:1-10; .