Mandatory Advising
Mandatory First Time, First Year (FTFY) Student Advising
É«ÖÐÉ« requires all First Time, First Year (FTFY) students to attend academic advising workshops prior to registering for classes. The School of Art conducts academic advising workshops for School of Art FTFY students that reviews General Education and introduces SOA requirements, policies, and deadlines.
Art FTFY are required to attend two advising workshops during their first year at É«ÖÐÉ«:
- Fall SOA Advising Workshop (mid-October to late-November). An email from É«ÖÐÉ« will be sent to new students regarding the workshop requirement – Pre-Art students are assigned to the SOA Advising Center.
- Spring SOA Advising Workshop (mid-March to early-May). Stop by the SOA Advising Center for additional information and to register for a required advising workshop. FTFY who do not successfully complete their academic advising requirement will have a Registration Hold placed on their MyÉ«ÖÐÉ« account and will not be able to register for the upcoming semester.
Mandatory Transfer Advising
The School of Art requires all first-year transfer students to attend academic advising workshops prior to registering for classes. Advising workshops introduce remaining General Education requirements and how to understand the Academic Requirements Report available on MyÉ«ÖÐÉ«. These workshops also provide critical information, requirements, and deadlines related to applying to the competitive Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA) program.
Transfer students are required to attend one advising workshop during their first semester at É«ÖÐÉ«:
- SOA Transfer Advising Workshop (Fall Admits: mid-October and mid-November; Spring Admits: mid-March to mid-April). An email from the SOA Advising Center will be sent to transfer students reminding them of this requirement. Stop by the SOA Advising Center for additional information and to register for an advising workshop.
Transfer students who do not successfully complete their academic advising requirement will have a Registration Hold placed on their MyÉ«ÖÐÉ« account and will not be able to register for the upcoming semester.