Admission Information - Illustration Program

Students may apply to the BFA up to two times. If a student chooses to apply at the time of transfer from another institution, such as a community college, that will count as one of their chances to apply. Transfer students are encouraged to apply to the BA in Studio Art, and make their decision about entering the BFA upon attending 色中色. This allows the student to take courses that will help shape their portfolio and help them determine the best area of study for them. (Click here for more information on Applying to the Bachelor of Fine Arts)

Portfolio Preparation

When applying to the BFA, a portfolio submission is required. The Illustration Program does not have a list of required items to include. We ask that students include their strongest work, which can be in a variety of media. Generally, we are looking for evidence of skill in drawing, painting and design, as well as examples of conceptualizing skills. Some applicants may be stronger in one area than another, which does not disqualify them. Typically, applicants include work from their foundational art courses (drawing, life drawing, painting, design) and work from any illustration-related courses they may have already taken. Personal work, even sketchbook pages, may also comprise part of the portfolio. The digital platform allows for 10-15 images to be submitted, but it is not necessary to include the maximum of 15 items. Strive to show your best work. We are not expecting to see a professional illustration portfolio; we hope to see strong potential for success in this area of study. Certain things are not useful in gauging ability and potential, therefore we advise against submitting the following: Master copies, artworks that are straightforward copies of photographs, fan art of other people鈥檚 intellectual property.