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Dues Information
BFAS Membership Dues for 2024-2025:
- Dues are $10 per semester (or $20 for the year), , and via
- BFAS .
Committee Information
- Events Planning & Professional Development Committee (Standing) shall be responsible for coordinating BFAS participation at events on and off campus and offering professional development opportunities.
- Membership Committee (Standing) shall be responsible for all activities supporting recruiting new active members and Friends of BFAS members.
- Elections Committee (Ad Hoc) shall be organized according to procedures outlined in Article VII of the Bylaws.
- Recognition & Awards Committee (Standing) shall be responsible for planning recognition and spotlight activities which celebrates faculty, staff, and graduate candidate achievements.
- Black History Committee (Ad Hoc) shall be responsible for planning Black History events that promote awareness, development, and unity among faculty and staff at É«ÖÐÉ«.
- Student Leadership & Advisory Committee (Standing) shall represent our Black, Pan African, or African American É«ÖÐÉ« students to help foster a sense of community and support and will serve as a liaison between BFAS and our Black Pan African student groups and organizations on campus.
- Communications & Promotion Committee (Standing) shall share information and promote the events and mission of BFAS (internally and externally) through Teams, social media, BFAS' website, emails, newsletters, flyers, as well as share information of interest to members of the Black Beach.