The Office of Undergraduate Research Services (OURS), established in 2016, is charged with expanding undergraduate research opportunities to the É«ÖÐÉ« (É«ÖÐÉ«) student body. We will accomplish this long-term vision of undergraduate research at É«ÖÐÉ« through:
- Developing a Coordinated Approach: Develop new programs and initiatives that promote the goals of the University Strategic Pillars of Intellectual Achievement, Inclusive Excellence and the Public Good.
- Collaboration and Partnerships: Work in collaboration with staff and faculty in all É«ÖÐÉ« Colleges, Divisions and units to cultivate strong relationships in support of undergraduate research.
- Outreach: Outreach to students and faculty to promote undergraduate research engagement.
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity Dissemination: Serve as a central place for É«ÖÐÉ« students, faculty and campus partners to learn about undergraduate research opportunities.
- Expansion of Undergraduate Research Opportunity Structure: Long-range strategic planning, program implementation, faculty and student recruitment, along with other educational and capacity building aspects of the program.
The Office of Undergraduate Research Services (OURS) team stands in solidarity with our Black community on our É«ÖÐÉ« campus. The killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Aubrey, George Floyd, Tony McDade and many other Black lives are a stark reminder of the racial injustice and police brutality that the Black community face every day in our society. We recognize the profound anguish and additional trauma that members of the Black community carry as a result of systematic racism and violence. We call upon all students, faculty, staff and the É«ÖÐÉ« community – especially those who do not hold oppressed or marginalized identities to help us demonstrate that OURS is a community of care and respect. At OURS, we provide research opportunities for all É«ÖÐÉ« undergraduate students and many of our programs are aimed at providing opportunities for historically underrepresented populations, including our Black community members. To our Black students, we see you, we hear you, we value you and we are committed to changing the system.  We will continue to create a welcoming environment that supports Black lives and fosters a sense of belonging, create safe spaces for open dialogues, and work with our Black students, staff and faculty to improve our curriculum and services. Finally, we call on our OURS community to act – listen, learn, speak up, advocate and show up for one another.
In firm solidarity,
The OURS team
Dear OURS Community:
Recent events in Atlanta and throughout the U.S. have intensified fear and pain within Asian, Pacific Islander and Asian American communities. Anti-Asian violence in the U.S. stems back to the 1800s and continues to this day. Anti-Asian attacks have increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and has exacerbated xenophobia toward Asian, Pacific Islander and Asian American communities. These murders and attacks on Asian, Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans are hateful and racist acts of violence that go against everything we stand for.
OURS continues to be committed to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for all students, staff, faculty, and community members. As a team we are committed to learning about avoiding harmful stereotypes, challenging anti-Asian racism and working to identify effective and actionable ways to address this and all forms of prejudice and racism.
This also requires us to question our own complicity in anti-Asian racism and other oppressions, and to continue to actively and consistently challenge them, not just in a time of crisis. Please take this time to extend your solidarity and stand with your Asian, Pacific Islander, and Asian American students, staff, faculty, and other community members. We encourage our community – students, staff, faculty and alumni to acknowledge, denounce and speak up against anti-Asian crimes.
Please know that we are here to support you.
In firm solidarity,
The OURS Team