President's Messages

The latest information on policy for Fall 2021
Dear Beach Students:
As we approach the fall semester, I write to offer you a few updates.
New policy adopted by the California State University requires that you attest to having been immunized against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, if you plan to access campus facilities this fall.
In the coming days, an online form will be available through a Vaccination Certification menu option on …

The latest health safety guidance on campus
Dear Beach Faculty and Staff:
Recently, you may have heard about evolving guidance relating to face coverings and other health protocols coming from public-health officials and from CalOSHA, the state agency that establishes workplace safety and health regulations.
We are currently working with the Chancellor's Office about how we and other campuses may implement revised safety policies. We will communicate applicable changes for the Beach community as soon as this process concludes, which…

Updated guidance on travel
Dear Faculty and Staff:
The CSU system has relaxed its general travel restrictions introduced during the pandemic. I am now prepared to do the same for our campus.
Effective 7-1-2021 travel may resume following these pre-trip approval guidelines:
Travel within California may be approved by the Manager and/or ASM.
Travel outside of California but within the United States must be approved by a Dean or Associate VP.
Exceptions to these approval requirements are:
Travel to AB…

Proof of Vaccination to be Required to Access Campus Facilities
Dear Campus Community:
Earlier today, the California State University and the University of California announced our joint intent to require students, faculty, and staff to possess proof of a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition for participating in on-campus instruction and/or co-curricular activities or accessing campus facilities. This requirement will become effective as early as this fall, if and when one or more of the available vaccines receives full approval by the Food and Drug…