The latest information on policy for Fall 2021

Published July 27, 2021

Dear Beach Students:

As we approach the fall semester, I write to offer you a few updates.

New policy adopted by the California State University requires that you attest to having been immunized against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, if you plan to access campus facilities this fall.

In the coming days, an online form will be available through a Vaccination Certification menu option on  where you will need to upload proof of having been vaccinated or claim a legitimate medical or religious exemption. Completion of the online form will need to be completed ideally by Monday, August 23 (start of classes) but no later than Thursday, September 30.

Until you complete your vaccine certification, you will be required to participate in a COVID-19 testing program and wear a face covering while on campus. Details about the testing program will be posted to our  in the coming days.

Vaccinations are offered at many , but also through Student Health Services on campus for all members of the Beach community on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Shots are available on a first-come, first-served basis as inventory remains available each day.

As we welcome you back, the rise of Delta variant has prompted the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to reinstate, for the time being, the requirement that all individuals on campus wear a face covering indoors regardless of vaccination status. Outdoors, it is recommended that those who have not yet received a COVID-19 vaccination also wear a face covering when six feet of physical distance from others cannot be maintained.

Detailed information is available in the "Face Coverings" section of the .

We are in constant contact with the Long Beach and Los Angeles County public health departments and will continue to monitor the evolution of the pandemic and will adjust our campus practices as appropriate.

I'm excited about beginning a new year with all of you. Go Beach.

Jane Close Conoley, Ph.D.

*A similar message was sent to faculty and staff.