Insurance Program
The University does not maintain comprehensive and collision insurance on university vehicles. In certain circumstances such as the purchase of vehicles which have a relatively high value combined with a high risk of damage, comprehensive and collision insurance may be desired. In other circumstances such as the lease or loan of a vehicle to the University, the terms of the lease or loan may include the requirement to provide evidence of insurance coverage in the event that the vehicle is damaged or stolen.
When vehicle comprehensive and collision insurance is desired or required, such insurance may be purchased by the University. The cost of the insurance premium as well as the $1,000 per incident deductible is the responsibility of the requesting academic department or administrative unit. There is a limit of insurance of $250,000 on any one vehicle.
An insurance premium quote can be obtained by the office of Risk Management when provided with:
- The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
- Vehicle Cost/Value
- Year
- Make and Model
- Name of the company from which the vehicle has been leased or loaned.
- A list of the authorized drivers and their driver's license numbers.
The CSU Liability Program covers the following exposures:
- General Liability
- Errors & Omissions Liability
- Educator's Legal Liability
- Medical Malpractice
- Employment Practices Liability
- Sudden & Accidental Pollution Legal Liability
- Small Watercraft Liability (up to 26 feet in length)
- Defense Costs for Covered Occurrences
Covered individuals include trustees, directors, officers, employees and in most cases appointed volunteers of the California State University.
Risk Management is a service area of É«ÖÐÉ« Division of Administration and Finance. In its capacity, Risk Management aids in the administration and facilitation of campus programs.
For the General Requirements to Purchase and Obtain Foreign Travel Insurance, please see the .
The Foreign Travel Insurance Program (FTIP) is travel insurance coverage for students and staff that meets or exceeds common limits and provides primary insurance coverage if the student has no health insurance. The insurance coverage under FTIP exceeds regular travel insurance available from travel agencies or other insurance retailers which do not protect the University. FTIP provides the following excess coverage when traveling in a foreign country:
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment $100,000
- Emergency Medical Benefit Employee/Student $10,000
- Emergency Medical Evacuation 100% of Covered Expense
- Repatriation 100% of Covered Expense
- Primary Medical Expense - $250,000 Employee/Student/Spouse/Dependent
- Dental Treatment - $1,000 Maximum (Injury Only)
- Alleviation of Pain - $500 Maximum
- Emergency Medical Treatment of Pregnancy - $2,000 Maximum
- Emergency Reunion
- $5,000 Benefit Maximum
- $300 Daily Benefit Maximum (10 Days Maximum Number of Days)
- Trip Cancellation - $2,500 Benefit Maximum (Reimbursement of non-refundable covered expenses paid for trip up to Benefit Maximum if prevent from taking trip as a result of documented injury, sickness, or death).
- Trip Interruption Benefit - $2,500 Benefit Maximum (Reimbursement of cost for one- way economy air/or ground transportation ticket, up to benefit maximum, if participant's trip interrupted as a result of a death of a family member or unforeseen injury or sickness of participant's family member.
FTIP also provides critical coverage for other uninsured exposures for the university including primary general liability, contingent automobile liability, employer’s responsibility coverage voluntary compensation, employer’s liability, primary and workers’ compensation for faculty and staff.
Note that additional premiums apply for high-hazardous/war risk countries or trips for more than 30 days. Please contact Risk Management for a quote or additional information.
FTIP also includes the following travel services:
- Assistance Services
Provides assistance for emergency medical, travel, personal and security services 24-hour coverage, from the time the participant leaves until they return. - Pre-departure Information
Immunizations, medical exams and treatment, visa requirements, weather and travel hazards. - Insurance Coordination
Coordination of insurance and medical forms. - Evacuation and Repatriation
Coordination of emergency medical evacuation and repatriation. - Travel Medical Emergency Services
Assistance in obtaining local medical care, monitor quality and cost of hospital treatment, confirm travel medical expense insurance, guarantee payments to providers, and maintenance of contact between personal and local physicians. - Legal Assistance
Coordinate assistance from local attorneys, embassies, and consulates, and maintain communication with family of traveler (faculty/staff/student/volunteer).
FTIP is provided as a package insurance program, including all coverage and services for a premium based upon factors including travel destination, number of participants, number of days of travel and activities during travel.
In addition to the FTIP Insurance Program, faculty/staff are responsible to ensure that the following documents are completed and distributed as required by CSU regulations and CSU Long Beach processes:
Department or area shall keep the original copy for a minimum of one (1) year from the end date of travel.
Original is to be kept and stored by the department or area in a locked cabinet given this information is considered Level 1 data. A confidential copy should be accessible for the duration of travel by the responsible participating faculty or staff member. This copy is to be shredded upon completion of the travel. The original shall be kept for one (1) year after the completion of the travel.
Original or electronic copy is sent to Risk Management per the terms of the FTIP Administrative Guideline and a confidential copy is kept for the duration of the travel by the responsible participating faculty or staff member.
Once travel is approved and FTIP insurance is purchased, Risk Management will provide Travel Assist cards. The responsible participating faculty or staff member will distribute the Travel Assist card to the participants prior to travel.
If you have any questions, please contact Risk Management at or at extension 52396.
Additional Resources
The University maintains property insurance coverage on all buildings and structures in the event a catastrophe causes property loss of over $100,000 per occurrence. There is no insurance coverage maintained to cover any loss of university property valued at under $100,000.
Business (Personal) Property Insurance
Property insurance may be obtained for fine arts, musical instruments and specific pieces of equipment, including cameras, computers, and other electronic equipment. This type of property insurance is known as Inland Marine coverage and applies to the "personal" property, owned, leased, or exhibited by É«ÖÐÉ«. Departments, colleges, or administrative units can purchase the coverage through Risk Management. The coverage is for equipment and fine arts which may be at high risk for loss or would be difficult to fund replacement. The purchased insurance does not apply to the personal property of an employee, student, or visitor of É«ÖÐÉ«.
Colleges, departments or administrative units wishing to purchase property insurance for University owned business property or fine art exhibits may send a request for insurance quote to Risk Management. For business property please complete the . For fine arts exhibits, the should be completed. The forms must include an equipment or fine arts description, dollar value, serial or other identification number, and dates of coverage. Risk Management will obtain an insurance quote for the requesting area and bind insurance if requested. The cost of insurance shall be the responsibility of the requesting college, department or administrative unit. Risk Management will invoice the insuring college, department or administrative unit on a quarterly basis for the term of the insurance coverage.
Loss or Damage to Personal Property
There are many instances when employees bring personal property to campus for personal use. This property may include but is not limited to laptops, tablets, art, office furnishings, books, plants and photographs. Personal property brought to campus is the sole responsibility of the owner. The repair, replacement, or reimbursement of personal property is not considered to be the responsibility of the University. However, an employee has the right to file a claim against the State of California for loss or damage to personal property through the .
Special Event Program Insurance provides liability and property insurance coverage for special events, which are defined in the É«ÖÐÉ« Facilities Use Procedural Guidelines, effective January 1, 2004, as "activities held in University facilities that anticipate off-campus attendance, and are not typically scheduled through the Academic Scheduling System."
Special Event Program Insurance may be purchased by the University for campus sponsored special events and may be purchased from the office of Risk Management by non-campus persons or groups when they cannot otherwise provide evidence of insurance required for their use of University facilities. Some events are excluded from coverage and the cost of insurance varies based on type of event and anticipated attendance. Special Event Insurance may also be required for high-attendance or high-risk activities held for campus groups.
The State of California Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM) administers the State Motor Vehicle Liability Self-Insurance Program (VELSIP), which provides unlimited self-insured liability coverage for state agencies including the California State University (CSU) and its salaried employees who operate covered self-propelled land vehicles on state business. The VELSIP provides excess liability coverage for pre-approved state employees on state business while driving non-state vehicles, but only after the vehicle owner's liability policy limits have been paid. The VELSIP does not provide coverage for injury to university employees or for damage to University vehicles.
Student Travel Accident Insurance provides excess medical expense benefits to all California State University (CSU) enrolled students, including students enrolled only in extended education programs of the CSU while they are traveling to or from or participating in a university-sponsored activity away from campus.
This insurance is intended to supplement, not replace, coverage under any other health care plan. As excess insurance, this policy pays after any other health care plan, regardless of any coordination of benefits provisions in the other plans. This is an accident only policy and will not pay benefits for loss caused by or resulting from illness of any form or disease. No benefits will be paid for a loss resulting from the cost of medical service or treatment given by persons employed or retained by the CSU. The total maximum benefit amount per covered person, per covered accident is $35,000.
A university-sponsored activity is defined, for the purpose of this insurance coverage, as a mandatory part of a course requirement; or is sponsored by a university auxiliary organization or other recognized student organization or club; and includes travel to or from intercollegiate athletic events away from campus, but does not include participation in such events or practices. Overnight university-sponsored activities with duration of more than 14 days and related travel are not covered.
The Student Academic Field Experience for Credit Liability Insurance Program (SAFECLIP) is designed to protect students from claims arising out of actual or alleged incidents when the loss results from the student’s fieldwork experience or internship program. SAFECLIP provides Professional Liability and General Liability for enrolled students performing community service or volunteer work for academic credit; such as a service-learning program and students enrolled in radio, television or film credential programs.
To be eligible for coverage, a student must be enrolled in a course, in good standing, while completing an internship and registered/enrolled in a course that requires the fieldwork or internship experience; including academic breaks during the policy period. A written agreement to provide such insurance coverage must be in place with the affiliate institution.
For additional information on the student academic field experience for credit liability insurance coverage and limits, please contact the Risk Management Office.
The Student Professional Liability Insurance Program (SPLIP) is designed to protect students from claims arising out of actual or alleged incidents when the loss results from the practice of the student’s profession during an internship program. SPLIP provides Professional Liability and General Liability for students enrolled in a Health Profession practicum, Social Welfare program, Social Work program, or Education Credential program when required by a host institution for participation in the internship program.
To be eligible for coverage, a student must be enrolled in a course, in good standing, while completing an internship and registered/enrolled in a course that requires the internship experience; including academic breaks during the policy period. A written affiliation agreement between the host institution and the University must also be in place that requires the student to carry Professional Liability and/or General Liability insurance coverage. For more information on affiliation agreements, contact Contract Services or visit the Contract Services webpage. Students enrolled in a course for which student Professional liability and/or General Liability coverage is required are protected from claims made at any time provided they were covered at the time the actual or alleged incident occurred.
For additional information on student professional liability insurance coverage and limits, please contact the Risk Management Office.