Summer Tuition and Fees

This section of the website is for current or newly admitted 色中色 students who are seeking information on summer courses at 色中色.

If you are not a 色中色 student, please visit the  for information. 

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 - 66028.6 of the Education Code).

Here are the Basic Fees, Tuition, Mandatory Additional Fees, and Miscellaneous Course Fees for matriculated students for summer registration. 

Please note: Summer courses for graduate business professional and dotorate programs are state-supported. Certain undergraduate and graduate courses are also classified as state-supported. Please refer to the State-Supported Fee Schedules below.

Summer Fee Schedule - Undergraduate*
Units Undergraduate FeesMandatory Campus FeesTotal

* Nonresident students pay an additional $420 per unit plus mandatory fees. Mandatory Fees are listed below.

Summer Fee Schedule - Graduate*
Units Graduate FeesMandatory Campus FeesTotal

* Graduate Business Professional Program students pay an additional $285 per unit. 

* Nonresident students pay an additional $420 per unit plus mandatory fees. Mandatory Fees are listed below.

The Graduate Business Professional Fee is paid on a per-unit basis in addition to the Tuition Fee and campus fees for the following State-Supported Graduate Business programs:

  • Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
  • Master of Science (M.S.) programs in Accountancy
  • Master of Science (M.S.) programs in Business Administration
  • Master of Science (M.S.) programs in Health Care Technology
  • Master of Science (M.S.) programs in Business and Technology
  • Master of Science (M.S.) programs in Information Systems
  • Master of Science (M.S.) programs in Taxation

Not all programs listed above are offered at 色中色.

Doctorate Tuition*
ProgramDoctorate FeesMandatory Campus FeesTotal
Physical Therapy$9,114$346$9,460

* Nonresident students pay an additional $420 per unit plus mandatory fees. Mandatory Fees are listed below.

Summer Fee Schedule - Teaching Credential*
Units Teaching Credential FeesMandatory Campus FeesTotal

* Nonresident students pay an additional $420 per unit plus mandatory fees. Mandatory Fees are listed below.

Open University Summer Fee Schedule
California Resident and NonresidentUndergraduateGraduate
CPaCE Per Unit Fee$351$429
Total Mandatory Fees (see below)$119$119

Matriculated Students
Fee DescriptionFee Amount
Associated Students Incorporated Fee$60
Instructionally Related Activities Fee$8
Student I.D. Card Services$5
University Student Union Fee$164
Student Excellence Fee$64
Student Health Service Fee$45
Non-Matriculated Students
Fee Description      Fee Amount
Associated Students Incorporated Fee$60
Instructionally Related Activities Fee$8
Student I.D. Card Services$5
University Student Union Fee$46

Some classes charge course fees for special materials or activities. Any course fees will be charged at the time you register for the course. If you do not plan to use the supplies or services covered by the course fee, see the class instructor or department office to request a waiver. Fees are subject to change without advance notice. Check your account summary in your  immediately after registering for classes.

Miscellaneous course fees are defined as fees collected for materials, services or use of facilities used in concert with the basic complement of supplies needed for state-supported instruction. The course fees will be charged at the time you register for the course. If you do not plan to use the supplies or services covered by the course fee, see the class instructor or department office to request a waiver. Fees are subject to change without advance notice. More than one course fee may apply to a course.


Some online courses require exams to be taken with ProctorU and will be assessed an additional Course Materials Fee. Please refer to the course footnotes for the fee cost. Students will be required to register for ProctorU and pay these fees separate from the registration for the course.

  • Fees are due 30 days from registration or by the fee payment deadline, whichever occurs first (see Summer Session Dates and Deadlines). If you register after the fee payment deadline, your fees are due at the time of registration. You are encouraged to make payments immediately to confirm your registration requests. Failure to fully pay the required fees may result in cancellation of your classes.
  • If you register on or after the first day of the session, your Tuition and Mandatory Fees will include an additional $25 nonrefundable late registration fee. Bring your completed CPaCE Summer Session Registration Form with payment to the College of Professional and Continuing Education.
  • Failure to fully pay the required fees may result in cancellation of your classes.
  • If you will not be attending classes, it is your responsibility to drop your classes. Financial aid recipients may be issued a fee deferment which may prevent the cancellation of classes. If it is determined you are not eligible for financial aid, all tuition and fees remain your responsibility.
  • Check your account statement in your  for your payment due date. If payment is not made by your due date, a hold will be placed on your account preventing enrollment in classes and other services.

How to Pay
To Pay ByGo ToRemember
Electronic Check
  • Have your campus ID ready
  • Have your checking account information ready
    (Located at the bottom of your personal check)
Credit Card
(MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or Visa)
  • Have your campus ID ready
  • Have your credit card number and expiration date ready
  • SmartPay charges a 2.65% Service Fee
Foreign Currency
  • Payments are processed through Convera
Personal Check
Cashier's Check
Money Order
  • Cashiers Office, Brotman Hall 148
  • Any US Mail Box  - The University is not responsible for delayed or lost mail. 
  • Mail payment to:
    色中色 Cashiers Office, BH 148
    1250 Bellflower Boulevard
    Long Beach CA 90840-0103
ATM/Debit Card
  • Cashiers Office, Brotman Hall 148
  • Housing Office
  • Student Health Center
  • Have your campus ID ready
  • Have your ATM/debit card ready

The campus has contracted with CASHNet SmartPay to accept your credit card payments. SmartPay charges a 2.65% service charge on all payment transactions. There is no service charge to pay by e-check through your  or in person with ATM/debit, check, money order, or cash. New and non-matriculated students continue to pay in person at College of Professional and Continuing Education, FND 104. The above payment methods do not apply.

If you pay by credit card, your credit card statement is your receipt. If you pay by e-check, a receipt will be e-mailed to you. If you pay by mail or drop box, your cancelled check will serve as your receipt. If you would like a cash register receipt, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payment and make your request clear. If you pay in person, you will receive a cash register receipt. For a duplicate receipt, go to the Cashiers' Office or contact Student Account Services.

To view your account summary online, go to .

Dishonored Checks

A $20 dishonored check fee will be charged to your account if a personal check or e-check is returned dishonored for any reason. You will receive a letter from the University notifying you to pay the $20 immediately plus the amount of the dishonored check or e-check in cash, cashier's check, money order, or by credit card. Personal checks will not be accepted for repayment of dishonored checks.

Disputed Credit Card Charges

Contact Student Account Services at (562) 985-5471 (option 3), before disputing a credit card payment through your credit card company. If you pay for your fees by credit card and then later dispute that payment, Student Account Services may cancel your classes and place a financial hold on your access to transcripts, grades and registration. You will owe the University a $20 disputed credit card fee in addition to the original amount of the credit card payment. Your privileges to pay by credit card may also be revoked.

Partial payments are accepted only with an approved installment agreement. Payment plans are now available online in  under 鈥淔inances鈥 and 鈥淓nroll in Payment Plan.鈥 Available payment plans are determined at signup, and no down payment is required. A nonrefundable $33.00 administrative fee is charged for participation in a payment plan, and is included as a part of the first installment payment. Once you enroll in a payment plan, changes to your academic load, subsequent fee increases or new charges may affect the amount of your payments which are not necessarily distributed evenly.

  • Application Period: March 3 - July 8, 2025
  • Eligibility: You must not have a past due balance for a prior term.

The installment plan does not pay fees from a previous term. If the contract is not reflected on your student account, classes are subject to cancellation. It is the student鈥檚 responsibility to check their My色中色 Student Center to ensure payment is accurately reflected. For additional questions, contact Student Account Services at (562) 985-5471 (option 3).

See Summer Session Dates and Deadlines for information about refund deadlines for each summer session.

Continuing 色中色 students should sign up for e-refund through the  to receive the refund via direct deposit once it is processed. All credit card refunds will be refunded back to the credit card the initial payment was made with. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for all refund processing.

Important: It is YOUR responsibility to drop classes, regardless of the reason, by the deadlines to avoid charges or be eligible for a full or prorated refund. Students who do not plan to attend should drop all classes before the first day of instruction.

After instruction begins, students who drop summer classes will owe prorated fees based on the date of withdrawal. Refund regulations for the California State University System are prescribed by the California Code of Regulations, Title V, Section 41802.

Your Financial Obligations

Regardless of who funds your education, you are personally responsible for making sure that your registration fees and any other fees or charges are paid on time to 色中色. If you do not pay your balance, in addition to canceling your registration requests, the University can authorize the California Franchise Tax Board to deduct your debt from any future state income tax refunds due to you. If the University takes this measure, you will no longer be allowed to write checks to 色中色 for any fees or services.

Third Party Fee Payment

A student whose company or organization wishes to be billed for the student's summer fees must submit an authorization, at BH 155, by the start of the summer session the student is enrolled in. The third-party sponsor must have an active contract for this purpose with the University. Please contact Student Account Services or call (562) 985-5471 (option 3), Monday鈥揊riday, 9 a.m.鈥5 p.m.


Tuition and fees represent only a part of your total education costs, which include items such as books, supplies, and living expenses. At Cal State Long Beach, the following elements are included in standard Cost of Attendance estimates:  

  • Tuition and Mandatory Fees 
  • Living Expenses (Housing and Food) 
  • Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment 
  • Transportation 
  • Miscellaneous Personal Expenses 
  • Federal Student Loan Fees 

Except for tuition, mandatory fees, and on-campus housing, all other components of Cost of Attendance are based on the data from the Student Expenses and Resources Survey administered by the California Student Aid Commission.  

View your program's full cost of attendance and additional details via Cost of Attendance. 鈥&苍产蝉辫;