
Featured Alumni

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Brian Bauer

B.S. 2009

I still work at the same company, Ramboll Environ. I actually heard about this job from Dr. Behl and Safaa Dergham. I still work very closely with Safaa, she is my mentor and manager.

(as of February 2017)

Ben Davidson

B.S. 2015

After graduation I entered the Masters program at É«ÖÐÉ« where I am studying deformation along the Henderson thrust at Henderson Summit, Vinini Creek, Mineral Hill, and Lone Mountain in Eureka County, Nevada using Dr. Stan Finney's tectonic erratic model.

(as of April 2017)

Greg DeHoogh

M.S. 2012
Thesis: Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Central and Southern Outer California Continental Borderland.

After graduating I continued working doing contract software development. Then I started part-time teaching in the É«ÖÐÉ« Geology Department, which I am still doing.

(as of May 2017)

Brian Eslick

B.S. 2005

I've worked for Marathon Oil since 2010 as a geophysicist in Gulf of Mexico exploration, Wyoming production in the Big Horn basin, Alba field in Equatorial Guinea, and SCOOP in central Oklahoma. Before that I worked 3 years doing environmental consulting in California and Indiana. Projects were in Montreal, Indiana, Long Beach, and east Texas. The geology degree has been very rewarding with good people and fun/challenging and fun.

(as of March 2017)

Jamie Fang

B.S. 2015

I recently moved out to Murrieta and am currently working for a geotechnical firm out here along with Stephanie Jones.

(as of February 2017)

David Finney

B.S. 2016

I am a master's student at the California State University at Sacramento (CSUS).

(as of March 2017)

Jon Guillaume

B.S. 2008

I'm living in Sacramento and running the satellite office for American Geotechnical. I'm also gearing up to take the licensing exam soon. Things have been good since leaving É«ÖÐÉ«.

(as of March 2017)

Kirsten Gray (Faulkner)

B.S. 2015

I have been continuing on with my schooling and am a Masters student at É«ÖÐÉ«!

(as of April 2017)

Daniel Helman, Ph.D.

M.S. 2013
Thesis: Metamorphism and Electricity: Metamorphic Contributions to Electrical Phenomena in the Earth's Crust.

Dan received a Ph.D. in sustainability education from Prescott College with a dissertation on complementary ethical systems applied to astrobiology and artificial intelligence, and has since been working at Ton Duc Thang University in Vietnam. While at É«ÖÐÉ«, he started a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for independent scientists to provide a (virtual) affiliation with which to apply for research grants. He published three papers in peer-reviewed journals that were developed in his É«ÖÐÉ« Science-Writing class, and two articles from his masters thesis ranging from lightning as a source of energy; crystal physics; telluric currents; earthquake prediction; mental health; and Griffith Park geology.

Dan also wrote a play "Hypatia's Math" that was first produced at the Flagstaff Festival of Science in 2016, and tells the true story of the famous Alexandrian mathematician and astronomer, killed for her mastery of science.

(as of November 2017)

Woody Higdon

B.S. 1974

Since 1979 I have been the owner of "Geo-Tech Imagery Intl." doing Geotechnical, litigation, and professional photography and videography, airphoto library resources, digital imaging, large format print reproduction, trial exhibits, and expert witness services.

(as of May 2017)

Pam Hill, Ph.D.

M.S. 2005
Thesis: Use of Milankovitch Cyclicity as a High-Resolution Dating and Correlation Tool in the Upper Neogene Sediments of the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations of the Santa Maria Basin of the Central California Margin.

Ph.D. in Geology, University of California, Los Angeles, 2010.

After graduating from É«ÖÐÉ«, Pam went on to UCLA to earn her Ph.D. in 2010. She post-doc'd at UCLA doing research in paleoclimateology, after which she returned to É«ÖÐÉ« to teach and do more paleoclimateology work with Dr. Behl.

(as of April 2017)

Karla Kohler (Tucker)

B.S. 1984

Kent and Karla (Kohler) Tucker currently lives in Huntington Beach, CA. Kent works for Frey Environmental Inc. in Newport Beach and Karla is a consulting petroleum geologist with KTRC2 Inc. They have two children, Cody and Amber. Cody graduated from É«ÖÐÉ« and is a civil/structural engineer with VCA Structural in Orange, CA. Amber graduated from University of Oregon in geology/anthropology and is applying to grad school in geophysics/seismology.

(as of March 2017)

Courtney Marshall

B.S. 2008

M.S. 2012

I graduated with my B.S. in 2008 at É«ÖÐÉ«, and continued a Masters Degree with Rick Behl. I "graduated" (unfinished thesis) in 2010, and in August 2010 started work at Occidental Petroleum in Bakersfield, CA. I completed my thesis in January, 2012. The company spun-off, and is now called California Resources Corporation, and I continue to work for them. Since August 02, 2016, my life has changed a bit of focus as I had my son, Hayden. My life consists of balancing work and home life, and I love to spend my free time playing with Hayden, and going on weekend camping trips in our little camper trailer.

(as of January 2018)

Karen Mack (Kelford)

B.S. 2001

My husband, Brian, and I are parents to three boys and live in Mission Viejo, CA. After graduation in 2001, I worked as an Environmental Geologist for 3 1/2 years in Irvine, before switching careers. I'm now a full-time mom.

(as of February 2017)

Lisa McBee

B.S. 1995

M.S. 1999
Thesis: Gravity and Global Positioning System investigation of the southern San Andreas Faults in the Mecca Hills area. Riverside County, California.

After graduating with my M.S. degree, I started working for ExxonMobil in 2000 and have looked for, drilled for, or extracted hydrocarbons from many basins around the world (primarily deepwater siliciclastics) and have had the opportunity to live in Lagos, Nigeria; London, England, and Calgary, Canada. I started my career and currently live in Houston, Texas. I have worked about two-thirds of my 18 year career in Development and Production and more recently I have been working on Exploration projects. I love having access to amazing data, working with super smart and wonderful people, and the daily challenges the job brings.

My significant other Bob and I have been together for 22 years now and he also works for ExxonMobil. While we have no children of our own, we have many nieces and nephews to dote on and I just became a great aunt!

(as of December 2018)

John Odermatt

B.S. 1980

After graduating, I worked for Unocal Corporation from 1982 to 1989 and earned a Master of Science degree (1986) in Geology from CSU Los Angeles Thesis: Transition element geochemistry of organic matter in the Monterey Formation, Union Leroy 51-18 well, Santa Maria Valley Field, Santa Barbara County, California. Unpublished, CSULA. I obtained my license as a California Professional Geologist (PG) in 1995. In 2001, I joined the the California Regional Water Quality Control Board in San Diego as a Senior Engineering Geologist.

Today, I am the supervisor of the regional Landfill and Recycled Water Programs for the San Diego Regional Water Board. Since you never stop learning after college - my acquired areas of technical expertise expanded to include geotechnical design and construction of solid waste containment and water quality monitoring systems at operating municipal landfills and closed inactive legacy landfills. I also supervise the preparation of permits for operations at wastewater treatment plants and reuses of recycled water in the San Diego Region. I formerly served as a Remedial Project Manager (1994 to 2000) working on investigation and cleanup of federal Superfund (CERCLA) sites at Camp Pendleton, State Superfund sites, and providing State oversight of cleanup work at over 400 leaking underground storage tanks cases in the San Diego Region.

Since leaving É«ÖÐÉ«, I have published 20 papers, including environmental chemistry, hydrogeology and environmental management. The 49er legacy continues – my daughter graduated from É«ÖÐÉ« in 2018 with a BA in Film and Electronic Arts. That accounts for my developing interest in the photographic and visual arts.

(as of August 2018)

George Otott

B.S. 1979

I graduated from É«ÖÐÉ« Geology Department in 1979 when Dr. Fritts was chairing the department. Very recently retired from Occidental Petroleum after 35 years, including the past 12 years overseas. I look forward to future field trips. I'm living in Ivins, Utah now.

(as of March 2017)

Bruce Perry

M.S. 1993
Thesis: Lithostratigraphy, Biostratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Lower Member of the Vinini Formation, Roberts Mountains, Nevada.

After receiving my MS in Geology I became a lecturer in the Geology Department at É«ÖÐÉ«, specializing in oceanography and teaching future teachers about geology.

(as of May 2017)

Bruce Perry has since retired from the Department.

Angela Ribeiro

M.S. 2008
Thesis: Geological Transect Through the Hangay-Hentey Basin.

Became an Environmental Consultant 2005. Then joined Conestoga-Rovers and Associates, Inc. (CRA) as a geologist/project manager for 6 years doing management and clean-up of soil and groundwater.

Summited Mount Whitney on August 5, 2013. and am a Member of SCGS and GDB.

Currently I am a Science and Math Teacher at Pasadena Waldorf School.

Karin Rice

B.S. 2001

Bill Tracy

B.S. 1978

M.S. 1980
Thesis: Structure and stratigraphy of the central White Pine Range, east central Nevada.

After graduating with a BS and MS in Geology, I worked for Unocal and environmental consulting firms and then the County of Santa Barbara Public Works department from 1990 to the present. For the County, I have worked on many types of geotechnical engineering and environmental remediation projects.

(as of March 2017)

Kent Tucker

B.S. 1993

Kent and Karla (Kohler) Tucker currently live in Huntington Beach, CA. Kent works for Frey Environmental Inc. in Newport Beach and Karla is a consulting petroleum geologist with KTRC2 Inc. They have two adult children, Cody and Amber. Cody graduated from É«ÖÐÉ« and is a civil/structural engineer with VCA Structural in Orange, CA. Amber graduated from University of Oregon in geology/anthropology and is applying to grad school in geophysics/seismology.

(as of March 2017)

Carla Weaver

M.S. 1997
Thesis: Groundwater Withdrawals in the Southern Hinterland of the Venetian Lagoon, Northeastern Italy.

After receiving my MS in Geology I became, and still am, a lecturer in the Geology Department at É«ÖÐÉ«, specializing in natural disasters and water resources.

(as of May 2017)

Denise Marie Weide, Ph.D.

M.S. 2012.
Thesis: Freshwater Diatoms as a Proxy for Late Holocene Monsoon Intensity.

Ph.D. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016.

Marie recently graduated (August 2016) from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a Ph.D. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences...freshwater diatoms, of course. Her research involved diatom morphology and how it changes through time (How do these variations come about and what is their adaptive significance?) using diatoms from Lake Titicaca, Peru/Bolivia, looking at diatom morphology changes across major climate shifts.

Marie is also a NSF IGERT Fellow.

Marie is currently an adjunct lecturer at the University of Colorado at Denver in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences. She is also working on research with colleagues on diatoms in Viet Nam (with Dr. Lora Stevens, of course) and Holocene environments in Colorado with Dr. Christy Briles.

(as of March 2017)

Richard Whitaker

B.S. 1969

I'm retired now. I graduated from É«ÖÐÉ« with a BSc in Geology in 1969. I received an MSc in Geology from the University of Wyoming in 1972.

(as of February 2017)

Nicky White

B.S. 2010

M.S. 2015
Thesis: Passive and active fiber optic distributed temperature sensing for downhole lithologic and porosity characterization at Terminal Island, Los Angeles County, California.

I am currently a Research Geologist for GeoMechanics Technologies, based in Monrovia, CA. I’m still living near the Long Beach area with my fiancé, Ricky. Our wedding is this May. I am the current treasurer of the LA Basin Geological Society. Also, I am planning to take the Geologist-In-Training test next October, if anyone is interested in studying together- feel free to contact me!

(as of March 2017)

Cary Wicker

B.S. 2014

Cary completed his Master's degree in 2014, and has been regulating the oil industry in California under the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources ever since."

(as of March 2017)

Scott Winslow

B.S. 1986

M.S. 2014

Scott Winslow earned his undergraduate degree in Geological Sciences at É«ÖÐÉ« in 1986 and practiced in the field of Engineering Geology for 31 years. Shortly after earning his Master's degree in Geography (with a specialty in GIS) at É«ÖÐÉ« in 2014, a late-stage career change brought him back to É«ÖÐÉ« where he now serves as a lecturer in Physical Geography and manager of the Geography Department's GIS computer labs. His specific areas of expertise include geographic information science (GIS), remote sensing (including low-altitude aerial imaging using unmanned aerial vehicles), and digital image processing. Scott is also a licensed commercial pilot and an FAA-certificated UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) pilot.

(as of March 2020)

Hua Wei Zhou, Ph.D.

M.S. 1984
Thesis: Prismatic method in solving the gravitational potential, with applications at Cerro Prieto geothermal field, northern Mexico.

Ph.D. in Geophysics, California Institute of Technology, 1989.

Department Chair, University of Houston, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

Sheriff College Professor in Geophysics

Areas of Expertise: earthquake seismology, exploration geophysics, digital data processing, geodynamics, and seismic tomography.

(as of February 2015)

William J. Zinsmeister, Ph.D.

B.S. 1968

Ph.D. in Geology, University of California, Riverside, 1974.

Professor at Purdue University.

Research Areas: paleontology, stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, biogeography, field geology.

Over the years Bill has been awarded the National Science Foundation Antarctic Service Medal, received a Distinguish Visiting Scientist Research Fellowship at the Field Museum of Natural History, received an Honorable Mention for his paper on "Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary Molluscan biogeography of the southern circum-Pacific", SEPM Outstanding Paper published in Journal of Paleontology, as well as an Honorable Mention for "The first land mammal from Antarctica and its biogeographic implications."

He is a Distinguish Lecturer, Paleontological Society, 1992-1993, a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, and received the 2009 Gilbert Harris Award from Paleontological Research Institute in recognition of career excellence in systematic paleontology.

(as of November 2015)