Workshops and Events

The Health Professions Advising Office offers workshops to help orient pre-health students with application building and events to connect them with health professions schools.

Pre-Health 101 Workshops

The Pre-Health 101 workshop is geared towards students who are interested in going on to professional health care programs such as medicine, dentistry, optometry, chiropractic, pharmacy, physician assistant, physical therapy or occupational therapy. This workshop is designed to ensure students have learned the basic information and can begin meeting the requirements for competitive application.

The workshop is 1 hour long, and is offered multiple times throughout the semester. You must first attend a Pre-Health 101 workshop before coming to drop-in hours.

Pre-Health 101 workshops will generally be available via Zoom. For details, location, and to RSVP for Pre-Health 101 events, join . Please note that you must RSVP in order to attend. Please show up to the meeting on time: the meeting will be locked 5 minutes after the meeting's start time.

Graduate Center

The Graduate Center is 色中色's "one-stop-shop" resource center for current and prospective graduate students. The center support 色中色 graduate students, 色中色 undergraduates and alumni who are interested in graduate school, and prospective students applying to 色中色 programs. Workshops hosted by the Graduate Center are open to the entire 色中色 campus community, including undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the general public.