The Technology, Health and Rehabilitative Interventions Via Exercise (THRIVE) Laboratory is dedicated to improving the health, wellness and quality of life in adults at risk for cardiometabolic diseases. The THRIVE lab performs clinical and translational research focused on the early identification of noncommunicable diseases and intervention through education, activity and exercise.


Jackie Dawson, PhD
Jackie Dawson, PhD, CSCS
Assistant Professor


  • Ayla Donlin, MS, EdD
    Director, LifeFit Center, 色中色
  • Scott Ducharme, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, 色中色
  • Alison Ede, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, 色中色

An mHealth Group Exercise Intervention for Cardiometabolic Disease

  • Principal Investigator: Jackie Dawson, PhD
  • Collaborators: Ayla Donlin, MS, EdD,  Alison Ede, PhD
  • Our focus is to evaluate the effect of a remote, interactive group exercise class on exercise behavior, cardiovascular physiology, metabolic syndrome components, physical function and perceptions of social connectedness.

mHealth Exercise Study

Heart rate variability, Sarcopenia and Metabolic Syndrome

  • Principal Investigator: Jackie Dawson, PhD
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between heart rate variability and metabolic syndrome and how this relationship is influenced by sarcopenia.

Feasibility and Efficacy of a 10-week Multimodal Exercise Intervention to Enhance Walking Ability, Physical Function, Cardiometabolic Health, and Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

  • Co-Investigators: Jackie Dawson, PhD, Andrew Bartlett, PT, PhD, MPA
  • Collaborators: Scott Ducharme, PhD (Principal Investigator), Ayla Donlin, MS, EdD, Claudia Huang, PhD


Equipment used in our research includes phlebotomy collection and specimen storage, Parvomedics metabolic cart, GE iDXA, BIOPAC ECG system, BIO-RAD microplate reader, Gaitrite electronic mat, Zephyr performance monitoring, Actigraph activity tracking and the NuStep.
