OLLI Contacts
OLLI Administrative Staff
Executive Director | Office Administrator | ProClass Support |
Patti LaPlace (562) 985-8732 |
Rebecca Low (562) 985-7685 |
Lee Sianez (562) 985-2398 |
New Officers for 2023-2025
Executive Board
President - Marc Davidson

retired in 2017 after practicing architecture for 45 years and is a native of Lake Charles, Louisiana, with a BA Arch from U. of Houston. Marc has resided with wife Pattie in Long Beach since 1982. Marc is a musician, singer-songwriter, and currently performs with Pattie as a duo, as well as in their group Second Wind. Marc is going on 7 years as an OLLI music instructor and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Arts Council, LB. He mentors for first generation college students with BRDG To Connect. Marc and Pattie are members of Temple Israel in Long Beach. He looks forward to collaborating with Exec. Director Patti LaPlace, the amazing staff at OLLI, and the governing board. An advocate for growth and community outreach, he will continue to support the strong work already in motion.
Vice-President - Bill Shaddle

is a Midwesterner originally (Illinois native) who has lived in California for nearly 40 years. Mostly retired since 2018, he’s been attending OLLI since Covid era and has been helping out moderating the Current Events class and thoroughly enjoying himself! He started out as a sales rep, moved into training sales people and ultimately managing a medical education team. An avid reader, Bill counts himself a life-long learner; hobbies include woodworking, travel, cycling and swimming. Bill and his wife Cathy have lived in Seal Beach for more than 30 years and share their house with their dog Toby.
Secretary - Karin Covey

is a long-time volunteer who joined Senior University in 2001 after retiring from Hughes Aircraft. She served as treasurer for over 18 years, is an administrative volunteer in the OLLI office and a member of several Working Groups. Karin has a BA and an MA in Management from the University of Redlands. A native of north-western Washington, she moved to So. California in the late fifties and has lived in the Long Beach area ever since. She has a son, Greg, and daughter-in-law, Wendi, and seven grand cats along with her own.
Treasurer - Myles Newborn III

is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERâ„¢, Founder and managing member of MY Financial Services, LLC, a NY financial planning firm. He spent most of his working career at Bayer HealthCare, retired after 30 years. Myles and his wife, Yvette, have 3 adult children. They relocated from CA to Stony Point, NY in 2000 and then back to Long Beach in 2018. For the past 10 years, he volunteered as a tax planner with AARP. Other interests include golf, walking, biking, traveling and attending jazz concerts.
Member-at-Large - Mary Kay Toumajian

is a native of Ann Arbor, MI, and one of eight children. She is married to Robert, they have three children and four grandchildren. Mary Kay received both her BS in Marketing and MS in Counseling from É«ÖÐÉ«. At Cerritos College, she was a counselor for health majors, primarily nursing students. The Long Beach Symphony and gardening are two of her favorite pastimes. She is a life-long learner and has taken OLLI classes every semester since retiring. Thanks to the gardening classes she has finally grown tomatoes that survived to "adulthood."
Member-at Large - Janet Lipson

Is a Long Beach native and second generation OLLI member. She is a retired educator and spent 26 years teaching in the Long Beach Unified School District. Prior to teaching in public schools, she worked for nearly 15 years in construction, primarily as a journey plumber and co-owner of a mechanical contracting company. As a member of OLLI she has volunteered in the office, the classroom, and served as a member of the Governance Committee. She enjoys traveling, gardening, reading, and walking with friends.