Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)

Social Justice Committee (SJC) Purpose Statement 

The Kinesiology SJC will represent, and uphold equitable treatment of all people, while curating a space where academia, and impactful change unite.  This body will be reflective of the voices needed for under-represented, under-resourced and disenfranchised groups, to amplify voices that go unheard, or ignored.  We lead through educating, and we empower through support. To provide guidance to students, staff and faculty on diversity, equity, and inclusion discussions and continually guide the KIN department, College of Health and Human Services, and campus community as a whole towards a more socially just culture/environment.

four college students of color at É«ÖÐÉ«

Actions We're Taking

Since the inception of the KIN SJC, the KIN department has taken a number of steps to ensure a more equitable and inclusive experience for students, staff, and faculty in the department. This includes: 

  • Created and received approval for this new committee's policies and procedures document, which intentionally and uniquely includes student members
  • Assisted with the development of CHHS sponsoring and supporting  the inaugural LBUSD Black Student Initiative
  • Recommended faculty include basic needs and eliminating anti-blackness language to syllabi
  • Suggested changes to teaching observation form to include observations on teachers’ skills in being inclusive (e.g., use of universal design, using visuals and course contact that represent all races/cultures, etc.)
  • Gathered pictures and text to redesign KIN informational poster in HHS2 hallway
  • Created helpful documents for KIN students
    • FAQs for undocumented students
    • KIN Accessibility Document
  • Created recommendations for KIN and CHHS Equitable Spaces and are currently working with the campus architect to implement these change
    • Gender Neutral Shower/Locker Space - (Progress Report: This is in the process of building)
    • Space for Lactating Parents (Including a Changing Table for Young Children) (Progress Report: This will be included in the all gender locker space)
    • Changing Table for Older Adults and/or Adults with Disabilities (Progress Report: This has been completed) 

