CRJU 423: Correctional Environments

Please note, CRJU 423 will not be offered until further notice. 

During the winter and May intersessions, Dr. Connie Ireland offers CRJU 423: Correctional Environments—often referred to as “Jails on Wheels.”

  •  The prerequisites for the course are CRJU 101, 110 and 303.
  •  If you are interested in this course, please be advised that class size is limited.
  •  To confirm your spot and register for the class, you must do the following:
  1. Email Dr. Ireland to provide her with your name, student ID, and email address.
    You will also need to provide your California driver’s license number, social security number, and date of birth, but please do not email this information to Dr. Ireland. She will contact you with instructions about forwarding your driver's license, social security number, and date of birth. This information (encrypted and password protected) will be used for background clearance at the institutions the class will visit.
  2. Pay the additional transportation fee at the College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE).
    Although the fee may vary from semester to semester, it currently is approximately $300. This is subject to change.
  3. Once Dr. Ireland has your background information and confirmation that you have paid the supplemental transportation fee, she will issue you a permit to enroll in the course. 
    You must then register for the class electronically, and pay fees to the university for enrollment in the three-unit course.

Just before the start of the course, Dr. Ireland will send some important information to all registered students via email.
This will include the following important reminders:

  1. The course meets 8am-5pm on 6 days during intersessions. Dr. Ireland will provide you with the specific dates.
  2. Since the class involves tours of correctional facilities, you must be on time.  The bus will leave ɫɫ as scheduled each day, and late-comers can either drive their own vehicles and try to meet the bus at the first facility or (more likely) will miss the entire day.
  3. Make sure you conform with the dress code information that will be provided for each institution (specific details forthcoming).
    In general, be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and dress professionally: no tank tops, shorts, flip flops, spiked heels, sports jerseys, or excessive cleavage/makeup.
    Some institutions have restrictions on specific clothing types (e.g. no jeans) or colors (e.g. no blue or gray or khaki), but this will be clarified before the start of the class.
    You will only be allowed to bring your ID into many institutions, so plan accordingly.

If you have any further questions about the course, please email Connie Ireland.