Recommended BSR Coursework
Listed Below are some recommended courses that are pre-approved to meet each part of the Basic Skills Requirement. This list is not all inclusive and other courses may be use. Candidates that attended institutions not listed below or candidates that took other courses may submit a BSR Evaluation Request to have their coursework evaluated.
Below is a list of 色中色 courses that meet the Reading Basic Skills Requirement as long as a grade of B or better was received.
Course | Title |
A/ST 190 | Eastern Ways of Thinking |
AFRS 140 | Intro to African American Literature |
AFRS 150 | Critical Thinking in Africana Studies |
ASAM 260 | Intro to Asian American Literature |
CECS 100 | Critical Thinking in the Digital Age |
CHLS 150 | Intro to Chicano Literary Studies |
CLSC 100 | The Classical World of Greece and Rome |
CLSC 201 | Poets, Plays and Politics of Ancient Greece |
CLSC 202 | Poets, Plays and Politics of Ancient Rome |
COMM 131 | Essentials of Argumentation |
CWL 100 | Introduction to World Literature |
CWL 101 | Introduction to Comparative World Literature |
CWL 104 | Literature & Culture of Middle East |
CWL 132 | World Mythology |
CWL 161 | Reading the World |
CWL 205 | Digital Literature and Culture |
CWL 210 | Erotica, Love, Romance: Literary and Cultural Representation |
CWL 213 | Visual Studies: Comics and Graphic Novels |
CWL 215 | From Cradle to Crypt: Representations of the Lifespan |
CWL 220 | Literature and Play |
ENGL 102 | Critical Reading and Writing |
ENGL 180 | Appreciation of Literature |
ENGL 250A | Survey of English Literature |
ENGL 250B | Survey of English Literature |
ENGL 270A/B | Survey of American Literature |
ETEC 171 | Critical Thinking Using Computer Technology |
HDEV 215 | From Cradle to Crypt: Representations of the Lifespan |
HIST 101 | Facts Evidence & Explanation |
I S 100 | Critical Thinking and Information Technology Literacy |
I/ST 100 | Global Citizenship |
JOUR 160 | Understanding 色中色 |
L/ST 111 | Critical Thinking and Public Education |
LING 100 | The Nature of Language |
PHIL 100 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 101 | The Meaning of Life |
PHIL 160 | Introductory to Ethics |
PHIL 170 | Critical Reasoning |
PHIL 203 | History of Early Western Philosophy |
PHIL 204 | History of Mod Western Philosophy |
POSC 105 | Introduction to Critical Thinking |
PSY 130 | Critical Thinking |
RGR 100A | Uptown/Downtown: The City as a Text |
SCED 100 | Scientific and Spatial Reasoning |
UHP 100 | Angles of Vision - Honors |
Below is a list of some courses from local community colleges that meet the Writing Basic Skills Requirement as long as a grade of B or better is received.
Institution | Course | Title |
Cerritos College | ENGL 102 | Freshman Comp & Literature |
Cerritos College | SPCH 235 | Funds-Argument/Persuasion |
Cerritos College | ENGL 103 | Critical/Argumentative Writing |
Cerritos College | PSYCH 103 | Critical Thinking in Psych |
Cypress College | ENGL 102C | Introduction to Literature |
Cypress College | ENGL 103C | Critical Reasoning & Writing |
Cypress College | ENGL 104 C | Critical Analysis & Literature |
East LA College | ENGL 103 | Composition and Critical Thinking |
East LA College | ENGL 102 | College Reading & Composition II |
East LA College | PHILOS 1 | Intro to Philosophy |
El Camino College | ENGL 1B | Literature & Composition |
El Camino College | ENGL 1C | Critical Thinking and Composition |
El Camino College | Psych 3 | Critical Thinking and Psychology |
El Camino College | PHIL 101 | Intro to Philosophy |
El Camino College | COMS 120 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fullerton College | ENGL 102 | Intro to Literature |
Fullerton College | ENGL 103 F | Critical Reasoning & Writing |
Golden West College | ENGL G110 | Critical Thinking/Reading/Writing Thur Lit |
Irvine Valley Collge | LIT 1 | Intro to Literature |
Irvine Valley Collge | WR 2 | Coll Writing 2: Crit Thnk/Wrtng |
Long Beach City College | ENGL 2 | Intro Lit Comp |
Long Beach City College | PHIL 6 | Intro to Philosophy |
Long Beach City College | PHIL 11 | Critical Thinking |
Long Beach City College | ENGL 3 | Argumentative/Critical Writing |
Long Beach City College | COMM 60 | Elements Argumentation & Debate |
Los Angeles Harbor College | PHILOS 006 | Logic in Practice |
Los Angeles Harbor College | ENGLIS 102 | College Reading & Composition II |
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College | PHILOS 8 | Deductive Logic |
Mt. San Antonio College | ENGL 1C | Critical Thinking & Writing |
Mt. San Jacinto College | ENGL 103 | Critical Thinking & Writing |
Mt. San Jacinto College | PHIL 101 | Intro to Philosophy |
Orange Coast College | ENGL A101 | Critcl Thnk, Rdg, Wrtg thr Lit |
Orange Coast College | PHIL A150 | Logic & Critical Thinking |
Los Angeles Pierce College | ENGLISH 101 | College Reading & Composition |
Santa Ana College | CNSL 144 | Reasoning and Problem Solving |
Santa Ana College | ENGL 102 | Literature and Composition |
Santa Monica College | ENGL 2 | Crit Anlys & Interm Comp |
Course | Course Title |
A/ST 320 | Asian Films: Culture Identity |
AFRS 100 | Composition II |
AH 432 | Museum and Gallery Practices |
AH 446 | Art Hist Methodologies Writing |
AH 453 | Art of the African Diaspora |
AIS 485 | American Indians and the Law |
ANTH 329 | Cultural Diversity in Calif |
ART 311 | Writing About Visual Art |
ASAM 100 | Composition II |
CAFF 427 | Consumer Dynamics |
CDFS 319 | Family Stress and Coping |
CHEM 361 | Chemical Communications |
CHLS 104 | Composition II |
CHLS 360 | Chicano/a & Latino/a Rhetoric |
CHLS 370 | Chicano/a & Latino/a Literature |
CRJU 304 | Criminological Theory |
CWL 300 | Lit Culture Contact Conflict |
DANC 435 | Dance on Camera |
DANC 442 | Dance & Social Identity in US |
DESN 440 | Prof Practice Int Architecture |
ECON 301 | Economics of Public Issues |
ENGL 100B | Composition II |
ENGL 300 | Advanced Composition |
ENGL 309 | Applied Composition for Educators K-8 |
ENGL 310 | Applied Composition |
ENGL 370 | Chicano/a Latino/a Literature |
ENGL 375 | US Ethnic Writers |
ENGL 387 | Comic and Graphic Narratives |
ENGL 444 | Literature and Environment |
ENGR 361 | Scientific Research Communication |
ES P 400 | Environmental Capstone Project |
FEA 486 | Alternative Media |
GEOG 309 | Middle East & North Africa |
GEOG 313 | Southeast Asia |
GEOG 314 | South Asia |
GEOG 315 | East Asia |
GEOG 316 | Europe |
GEOG 321 | Geography of Latin America |
GEOG 355 | International Environ Issues |
GEOG 486 | Field Methods Landscape Anlys |
GEOL 420 | Geologic Writing |
GERM 397 | Marx, Nietzsche, Freud |
GERN 400 | Perspectives on Gerontology |
H DEV 320 | Quant Methods in Human Develop |
H SC 440 | Applied Concepts Health Science |
HCA 417 | Technology, Ethics & Society |
HIST 412 | Mgrtn & Ethnicity in Modrn China |
HIST 465 | Seeing Latin America |
HIST 499 | Senior Seminar |
HM 370 | Exploring Sustainable Food Sys |
I/ST 320 | Migration and Modernity |
I/ST 355 | Intl Environmental issues |
I/ST 405 | UN-Imaging the Middle East |
JOUR 315 | Literary Journalism |
JOUR 360 | Culture & Politics of Internet |
KIN 332 | Sociocultural Dimensions Sport |
LING 363 | Implications of Human Language |
LING 472 | Language and Social Justice |
MATH 309 | Complexity and Emergence |
MUSC 491 | Writing About Music |
PHIL 351 | Political Philosophy |
PHIL 352 | Philosophy of Law |
PHIL 360 | Environmental Ethics |
PHIl 363 | Ethical Theory |
POSC 362 | Soc & National Politics China |
POSC 401 | Women in Political Theory |
R/ST 303 | Queer Spirit |
SCED 404 | Science and Scientific Reason |
SOC 405 | UN-Imaging the Middle East |
SOC 460 | Poverty and Public Policy |
THEA 327 | Theatre Protest & Social Chng |
UNIV 300 | Civic Engagemt in Amer Society |
WGSS 305 | Feminist & Queer Arts & Culture |
WGSS 370 | Masculinities |
WGSS 402 | Women in Political Theory |
Below is a list of some courses from local community colleges that meet the Writing Basic Skills Requirement as long as a grade of B or better is received.
Institution | Course | Title |
Cerritos College | ENGL 100 | Freshman Composition |
Cypress College | ENGL 100C | College Writing |
East LA College | ENGL 103 | Composition and Critical Thinking |
El Camino College | ENGL 1A | Reading & Composition |
Fullerton College | ENGL 100F | College Writing |
Golden West College | ENGL G100 | Freshman Composition |
Long Beach City College | ENGL 1 | Reading & Composition |
Los Angeles Trade Technical College | ENGLIS 101 | College Reading and Composition I |
Mt. San Jacinto College | ENGL 101 | Freshman Composition |
Los Angeles Pierce College | ENGLISH 101 | College Reading & Composition |
Santa Monica College | ENGL 1 | Reading & Composition I |
Below is a list of 色中色 courses that meet the Math Basic Skills Requirement as long as a grade of B or better was received.
Course | Title |
HDEV 190 | Elementary Statistics in Social & Behavioral Sciences |
MATH 103 | Mathematical Ideas |
MATH 104 | The Power of Mathematics |
MATH 109 | Modeling with Algebra |
MATH 111 | Pre-Calculus Trigonometry |
MATH 112A | Essential Algebra |
MATH 112B | Essential Algebra B |
MATH 113 | Pre-Calculus Algebra |
MATH 115 | Calculus for Business |
MATH 119A | Survey of Calculus I |
MATH 122 | Calculus I |
MATH 123 | Calculus II |
MATH 355 | College Geometry |
MATH 380 | Probability and Statistics |
MTED 110 | Real Number Systems for Elementary and Middle School Teachers |
MTED 205/305 | Algebra & Statistical Thinking for K-8 Teachers |
MTED 211 | Geometry and Measurement for Elementary Teachers |
MTED 312 | Geometry and Measurement for Elementary Teachers |
MTED 402 | Problem Solving Applications in Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers |
PSY 110 | Introductory Statistics |
SOC 170 | Elementary Statistics |
STAT 108 | Statistics for Everyday Life |
STAT 118 | Introductory Business Statistics |
Below is a list of some courses from local community colleges that meet the Math Basic Skills Requirement as long as a grade of B or better is received.
Institution | Course | Title |
Cerritos College | MATH 110A | Math for Elementary Teachers |
Cerritos College | MATH 112 | Elementary Statistics |
Cerritos College | MATH 80/B | Intermediate Algebra |
Cypress College | MATH 100C | Liberal Arts Mathematics |
Cypress College | MATH 120C | Intro to Probability & Stats |
El Camino College | MATH 110 | Structures & Concepts in Math |
El Camino College | MATH 115 | Probability and Statistics |
Fullerton College | MATH 203 | Math for Future Elem Teachers |
Fullerton College | Math 040F | Intermediate Algebra |
Golden West College | Math G30 | Intermediate Algebra |
Long Beach City College | MATH 29 | Math for Elem Teaching II |
Long Beach City College | MATH 27 | Prob & Stats for Elem Teachers |
Long Beach City College | STAT 1 | Elementary Statistics |
Long Beach City College | MATH 21B | Statistics Pathway B |
Long Beach City College | Math 130 | Intermediate Algebra |
Los Angeles Harbor College | MATH 227 | Statistics |
Mt. San Jacinto College | MATH 140 | Intro to Statistics |
Santa Ana College | MATH 204 | Math Cncpts Elem Sch Tchrs |