Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center and Partner Agencies Receive Dignity Health Community Grant

The  (LBTRC) has been awarded a $60,000  in collaboration with two partnering agencies—the  Special Victims Services (LBPD-SVS) unit and the  (CAST). Together these organizations will supply trauma-informed mental health care and case managing to the most vulnerable populations in Long Beach. LBTRC social workers will be placed within the LBPD-SVS, which serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. The LBTRC staff will provide assessments and emergency case management on-site at the LBPD-SVS. For further case management and mental health care, victims will be seen at the LBTRC office, which is located at the  and often serves St Mary’s patient base. All victims will be assessed for human trafficking; when a human trafficking victim is identified, the CAST team will supply tailored case management as well as legal support. These services act as both intervention and prevention. As an intervention strategy, the trauma focused mental health and case management services help trauma victims regain health and functionality. As a prevention strategy, these services help disrupt the intergenerational nature of trauma and prevent victims of crime from becoming perpetrators of it in the future.