Dr. Nina Flores Appointed as Fellow to UC National Free Speech and Civic Engagement Center
Much of Dr. Nina Flores’ scholarship focuses on public harassment – both in-person harassment and harassment experienced in the virtual environment. Indeed, Dr. Flores has written about different angles of this issue that range from street harassment to harassment at professional conferences. It is precisely this scholarship that she will further explore as a recently nominated Fellow to the UC National Free Speech and Civic Engagement Center. Her Fellowship research project, Tweets, Threats, and Censorship: Campus Resources to Support Faculty Through Incidents of Targeted Harassment will continue her research in this area.

“It's an honor to have this work recognized and to receive support for a newer project that takes this research explicitly into the realm of higher education: the targeted harassment of faculty by members of the public (individuals, groups, or organizations) and the resulting silencing and self-censorship effects,” says Dr. Flores. “I look forward to engaging with our class of fellows, a group of scholars, community leaders, and administrators who are dedicated to confronting timely and urgent issues related to academic freedom and expression on campus," she shared.