Laura Portnoi

Dr. Laura M. Portnoi is a Professor of Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling. Prior to her current position, she served as co-coordinator of the Social and Cultural Analysis of Education (SCAE) master鈥檚 program and Assistant Chair of the Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling department. She also co-chaired the Provost's Task Force on Graduate Student Success. Prior to joining the faculty at 色中色, Dr. Portnoi worked in the field of international education exchange for eight years, including a term as Resident Director in South Africa. She holds a bachelor鈥檚 degree from the University of Michigan, master鈥檚 degrees from Indiana University and the University of the Western Cape (South Africa), and a Ph.D. in Comparative Education from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her current research projects focus on global competition in higher education and promising practices for women in computer science education.


Doctor of Philosophy, Education, University of California, Los Angeles, 2005

Master of Philosophy, Education, University of the Western Cape, 2001

Master of Arts, West European Studies, Indiana University, 1998

Bachelor of Arts, German and Communication, University of Michigan, 1994

  • International and comparative education
  • Global competition in higher education and world class institutions
  • Gender equity in STEM fields in higher education
  • Undergraduate computer science education
  • Socialization, retention, and development of graduate students and faculty
  • Institutional culture/climate and change
  • Educational policy development, analysis, and implementation
  • Affirmative action and employment equity in educational environments
  • Education in Southern Africa; qualitative research methods

Bagley, S., & Portnoi, L. (2015, Forthcoming). Examining the discourse on global competition: Veracular approaches within higher education policy documents. In J. Zajda (Ed.), International handbook of globalisation, education and policy research. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer.

Bagley, S., & Portnoi, L. (2014). Setting the stage: Global competition in higher education. In L. Portnoi and S. Bagley (Eds.), Critical perspectives on global competition in higher education. [New Directions for Higher Education.] San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Bagley, S., & Portnoi, L. (2012, September). Expanding the notion of world-class universities. CIES Perspectives,1591-2.

Portnoi, L. (2015, Forthcoming). Pushing a stone up a hill: A case study of the working environment of South African academics. Research in Comparative and International Education.

Portnoi, L. (2011). Book Review. [Review of the book The next twenty-five years: Affirmative action in higher education in the United States and South Africa, by D. L. Featherman, M. Hall, & M. Krislov (Eds).] Comparative Education Review, 55(1), 160-162.

Portnoi, L. (2011). Book Review. [Review of the book A chance for European universities, or: Avoiding the looming university crisis in Europe, by J. Ritzen.] European Education, 43(3), 89-92.

Portnoi, L. (2010, Spring). A global competition phenomenon in higher education? The Voice [E-journal of the Association of California State University Professors]. Available from:

Portnoi, L. (2009). Cultivating a new generation of South African academics. Africa Education Review, 6, 187-207.

Portnoi, L. (2009). To be or not to be an academic: South African graduate students鈥 career choices. International Journal of Educational Development, 29, 406-414.

Portnoi, L. (2009). Transformative change? Institutional formalities and institutional realities. South African Journal of Higher Education, 23, 155-167.

Portnoi, L., & Bagley, S. (2015, Forthcoming). Global competition 2.0: Coming to a university near you? Academe.

Portnoi, L., & Bagley, S. (2014). A critical analysis of global competition in higher education: Synthesizing the themes. In L. Portnoi and S. Bagley (Eds.), Critical perspectives on global competition in higher education. [New Directions for Higher Education.] San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Portnoi, L., & Bagley, S. (Eds.). (2014). Critical perspectives on global competition in higher education. [New Directions for Higher Education.] San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Portnoi, L., & Bagley, S. (2011). Global competition in higher education: Strategies in a glonacal context. World Studies in Education, 12(1), 5-33.

Portnoi, L., Bagley, S., & Rust, V. (2013). Mapping the terrain: The global competition phenomenon in higher education. In L. Portnoi, V. Rust & S. Bagley (Eds.), Higher education, policy, and the global competition phenomenon (pp. 1-13)New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Portnoi, L., & Kretz, A. (2010). Global competition and employment equity in South African higher education. Education and Society, 28, 5-23.

Portnoi, L., & Kwong, T. (2011). Enhancing the academic experiences of first generation master鈥檚 students. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 48(4), 411-27.

Portnoi, L., Lima Chlopecki, A. A., & Peregrina-Kretz, D. (2015). Expanding the doctoral student socialization framework: The central role of student agency. Journal of Faculty Development, 29(3), 5-16.

Portnoi, L., Lima Chlopecki, A. A., & Peregrina-Kretz, D. (2012). Preparing academics? Doctoral students' vocational choices. Education and Society, 30, 427-45.

Portnoi, L., Rust, V., & Bagley, S. (Eds.). (2013). Higher education, policy, and the global competition phenomenon. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bagley, S., & Portnoi, L. (2014, March). Exploring trends and local developments related to global competition in higher education. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Bagley, S., & Portnoi, L. (2013, November). Redefining 鈥渆xcellence鈥: Contextualizing priorities within an increasingly competitive global higher education landscape. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Western Regional Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Bagley, S., & Portnoi, L. (2013, March). Examining the discourse on global competition: Vernacular approaches within higher education policy documents. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Bagley, S., & Portnoi, L. (2011, October). Expanding the notion of what it means to be a 鈥渨orld class鈥 higher education institution. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Western Regional Conference, Palo Alto, CA.

Portnoi, L. (2009, March). Pushing a stone up a hill: The working environment of South African academics. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Charleston, SC.

Portnoi, L., & Bagley, S. (2015, March). Comparative qualitative policy document analysis: Analyzing and comparing across contexts. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Portnoi, L., & Bagley, S. (2012, October). Comparative analysis methods for studying the discourse on global competition in higher education policy documents. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Western Regional Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Portnoi, L, & Bagley, S. (2012, April). Vernacular globalization and the mediation of the discourse on global competition in higher education. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Portnoi, L., & Bagley, S. (2011, March). Global competition in higher education: Strategies in a glonacal context. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Portnoi, L., Bagley, S., & Rust, V. (2010, March). Mapping the terrain of the global competition phenomenon. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Portnoi, L., Bagley, S., & Rust, V. (2009, November). Global competition in higher education: Policies, tensions and strategies. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Western Regional Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Portnoi, L., & Kim, K. (2014, November). Build it and they will come: Attracting women to STEM majors. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Portnoi, L., Lima Chlopecki, A. A., & Peregrina-Kretz, D. (2012, April). Agents of doctoral socialization: Faculty, peers, and students. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Portnoi, L., Lima Chlopecki, A. A., & Peregrina-Kretz, D. (2012, April). Preparing academics? Doctoral students鈥 vocational choices. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Portnoi, L, & Kretz, A. (2010, October). At cross-purposes? Global competition and employment equity in higher education. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Western Regional Conference, Long Beach, CA.

Portnoi, L., & Kwong, T. (2010, November). First generation college students鈥 success and resilient resistance. Paper accepted for presentation at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Portnoi, L., & Kwong, T. (2009, April). Habitus shrugged? The experiences of first generation graduate students. Paper presented to the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

  • Academic Senate 
  • Advisory Committee, Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling Department
  • Graduate Programs Committee, College of Education
  • President and Provost's Leadership Fellows Program
  • Provost's Task Force for Graduate Student Success (co-chair)

  • Research project on promising practices for women in computer science, funded by the National Science Foundation
  • Research project on the representation of global competition in higher education policy documents
  • Book project on globalization, policy borrowing and educational reform