Hiromi Masunaga

Chair, Department of Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling (ASEC), Spring 2016 - Fall 2021

Professor, September 2011 - Present
Option in Educational Psychology ASEC, College of Education, 色中色

Associate Professor/Program Coordinator, MA in Education, Sep 2006 - Aug 2011
Option in Educational Psychology ASEC, College of Education, 色中色

Assistant Professor/Program Coordinator, MA in Education, Sep 2002 - Aug 2006
Option in Educational Psychology, College of Education, 色中色

Assistant Professor, Clinical Sep 1999 - Aug 2002
Learning and Instruction Rossier School of Education University of Southern California

Research Associate June 1997 - Aug 1999
Adult Development and Aging Department of Psychology University of Southern California

2021     色中色 College of Education Outstanding Professor, Service

2016     色中色 Leadership Fellow, Cohort IV

2013      National Winner, 100Kin10 Research Design Competition

2011     Outstanding Professor Award, California State University, Long Beach

2011     Certificate of Recognition, California State Legislature, Senator Lowenthal

2011     Presenter, Women's Research Colloquium, Sponsored by 色中色 President's Commission on the State of Women

Ph.D. (Educational Psychology) , University of Southern California , 1997

MS (Educational Psychology) , University of Southern California , 1994

Graduate Certificate (Gerontology) , University of Southern California , 1998

  • Life-span Development of Human Cognitive Abilities
  • Relationship between Expertise Development and Life-span Development of Human Cognitive Abilities
  • Factors that Facilitate Development of Advanced Expertise
  • Effective teaching that Facilitate Optimal Learning


Academic Senate

Academic Senate Nominating Committee
Curriculum and Educational Policies Council
Teacher Preparation Committee


Faculty Council
Chair, Faculty Council Budget Subcommittee 

Veffie Milstead Jones (VMJ) Encowment Committee
Nominations and Elections Committee
Graduate Committee


Chair, Educational Psychology Search Committee
Curriculum Committee
Department Advisory Committee
Facilitator/Chair, Program Evaluation Committee
Educational Psychology Program Coordinator

Dr. Masunaga has studied life-span cognitive development and mechanisms that cultivate advanced expertise. Lately she served as the chair of the Department of Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling (ASEC). After ardently working with faculty and their students in the largest department within the college for six years, her perspective on education was deepened, widened, diversified, and then merged into a larger unity again. She is currently involved in multiple projects whose shared goal is to help build education where all students are empowered, enlightened, engaged, and are thriving to reach their fullest potential.