Ali Rezaei
Ali Rezaei, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling at California State University, Long Beach.
Rezaei has been teaching and doing research at É«ÖÐÉ«, City University of New York, Minnesota State University, University of Calgary, Shiraz University, and Ahwaz University for the past 25 years. His research uses technology applications to understand how people learn.
Rezaei holds a doctorate from the University of Calgary, Canada.
Ph.D. , University of Calgary, Canada , 1999
- Computer applications in education
- Computer applications in research and assessment
- Computer applications in language learning
- Gender and stereotypes
- Rezaei, A. R. (2024). The Impact of Interactive Video Platforms on Students' Performance and Attitudes. Journal of Interactive Learning Research 35(2), 167-194.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2024). "Applications of immersive technologies in education : A systematic literature review," Advances in Online Education: 2(3), 232-251.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2023). . Active Learning in Higher Education, 24(3), 337-351.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2020). Groupwork in Active Learning Classrooms: Recommendations for Users. Journal of Learning Spaces, 9(2), 1-21.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2018). Effective Groupwork Strategies: Faculty and Students Perspectives. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(5), 1-10.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2017). Features of successful group work in online and physical courses. The Journal of Effective Teaching, 17(3),1-19.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2015). Frequent collaborative quiz taking and conceptual learning. Active Learning in Higher Education, 16(3),187-196.
- Baghdadi, M. & Rezaei, A. R. (2014). Gender Representation in English and Arabic Foreign Language Textbooks in Iran: A Comparative Approach. Journal of International Women's Studies, 16(3),16-32.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2012). Can Self-Efficacy and Self-Confidence Explain Iranian Female Students Academic Achievement? Gender & Education, 24(4), 393-402.
- Lovorn, M. Rezaei, A. R. (2011). Assessing the assessment: Rubrics training for Pre-service and new In-service Teachers. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 16, 1-18.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2011). Validity and Reliability of the IAT: Measuring Gender and Ethnic Stereotypes. Computers in Human Behavior, 27 (5),1937-1941.
- Rezaei, A. R. Lovorn, M. (2010) Reliability and validity of rubrics for assessment through writing. Assessing Writing 15 (1.) 18-39.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2006) Computer-Enhanced Assessment of Students' Performance. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 18(4), 3-10.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2005). Using computers to evaluate teachers' understanding of physics concepts. Alberta Science Education Journal, 37(2), 3-9.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2005) Computer-Enhanced Formative Assessment and Student Engagement. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 18(1), 19-23.
- Rezaei, A. R. & Katz, L. (2004). An Evaluation of the Reliability and Validity of the Cognitive Styles Analysis Inventory and Recommendations for Improvement. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences. 36, 1317-1327.
- Rezaei, A. R., Chen T., & Adams, S. (2004) Review of Four Introductory Textbooks on Educational Technology. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Journal, 12(1), 100-110.
- Rezaei, A. R. & Katz, L., (2003). An integrative approach to Collaborative Electronic Learning. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 22 (1), 67-83.
- Rezaei, A.R. & Katz, L. (2002) Using Computer Assisted Instruction to compare the Inventive Model and the radical constructivist approach to teaching physics. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 11 (4), 367-380.
- Katz, L., & Rezaei, A. R. (1999). The potentials of modern Tele-learning tools for collaborative learning. Canadian Journal of Communication ,24 (3), 427-448.
- Rezaei A. R., & Katz, L. (1998). Science, technology, and society (STS): facts or opinions. Alberta science education journal, 31(1), 30-41.
- Rezaei A. R., & Katz, L. (1998). A cognitive model for conceptual change in science instruction. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 19(2), 153-172.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1994). The effects of war on personality characteristics of disabled veterans. Psychological Research, 2(3), 62-69.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1993). A critique of the book; selected topics in foundations of Islamic education. Journal of Education, 15 (3-4), 163-168.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1991). Profiles of an educated man. Journal of Teacher Development, 10 (3), 57-61.
- Assessment Committee
- Data Fellow
- International Education Committee
- University Resources Committee
- Faculty Council
- Grade Appeal Committee
- Educational Technology Committee
- Goldenberg, C. Reese, L. Rezaei, A. R. (2011). Contexts for Language and Literacy Development among Dual-Language Learners. In A. Yucesan DurgunoÄŸlu & C. Goldenberg (Eds.). Language and Literacy Development in Bilingual Settings. New York: The Guilford Press.
- Shehney, M. & Rezaei, A. R. (2000). Assertive training. Iran: Ahwaz University Publications.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1990). Individual differences & ability grouping. Iran: Tehran, Fereshk Company.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1985). Teaching mathematics for preschool children. Iran: Shiraz Publications
- Rezaei, A. R. (2022, June) Evidence Based Practice: Enhancing Students’ Participation in Group Discussion and Group Work. Paper presented at International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning in Vienna 2022 (IAC-TLEl 2022)’
- Rezaei, A. R. (2021, October) How to create an active learning environment in online discussions. Paper presented to SITE Interactive Online 2021 Conference, Online.
- Cox, Stafford G., Rezaei, A., Vasilomanolakis, F. & LuPresto, D. (2019, August). Inclusive Excellence and the Active Learning Classroom. Paper presented at the International Forum on Active Learning Classrooms. Minneapolis, USA
- Rezaei, A. R. (2019, June). Contributing factors to Iranian-American students success in the US. Paper presented at the Migration Conference 2019. Bari, Italy.
- Rezaei, A. R., Vasilomanolakis, F. (2019, March). Faculty and students’ perspective towards Active Learning Classroom. Paper presented at The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) conference. Las Vegas, USA.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2017, June). Effective group work strategies in face to face and online courses. Paper presented at 19th International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL). Rome, Italy.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2016, April).M- Assessing Students Through Collaborative Test Taking. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA). Washington DC.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2014, August). Is Frequent Collaborative Quiz Taking Effective in Conceptual Learning? Paper presented at the 21st Century Academic Forum. Berkeley, California.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2013, October). Computer applications in educational assessment. Paper presented at World Conference on E-learning. Las Vegas.
- Rezaei, A. R. Davoudi, I, & Zargar A. (2012, March). Gender differences in Iranian students motivation and academic achievement. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences multidisciplinary conference in Las Vegas.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2011, June). Gender based self confidence, collective self confidence, and general self efficacy as predictors of females’ academic achievement in Iran. Paper presented at The 10th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2011, June). Gender differences in Iranian students motivation and academic achievement. Paper submitted to AERA (American Educational Research Association).
- Rezaei, A. R. (2011, March). Computer-Based Assessment of Attitudes. Paper presented at The International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP2011)
- Rezaei, A. R. (2010, April). Using social networks for language learning. Paper presented in the meeting of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, San Diego, California.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2008, February). Factors influencing reliability and validity of writing assessment rubrics. Paper presented at the meeting of New Mexico Higher Education Assessment and Retention Conference (NMHEAR), Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2007, March). Investigating the ramifications of the No Significant Difference Phenomenon. Paper presented at the meeting of SITE 2007--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2006, March). Computer based analysis of cognitive styles. Paper presented at the meeting of SITE 2006--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Orlando, Florida.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2005, April). Reconstructing the Cognitive Styles Analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2005, April). An Interactive system for Farsi language learning. Paper presented at the meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada.
- Goldenberg, C., Rezaei, A., & Fletcher, J. (2005, April). Home use of English and Spanish and children's oral language and literacy achievement. Paper presented at the meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada.
- Goldenberg, C., Rezaei, A., & Fletcher, J. (2005, January). Spanish-Speaking Children's Home Language and Literacy Experiences and their Bilingual/Biliteracy Development. Paper presented at Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2004, June). Using Computers to evaluate teachers understanding of physics concepts. Paper presented at the meeting of Ed-Media; World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications. Lugano, Switzerland.
- Rezaei, A. R. (2002, June). Using Computers to evaluate teachers understanding of physics concepts. Published in the proceedings of Ed-Media; World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications. Edited by Philips Baker & Samuel Resbersky. June 24-29, 2002, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
- Katz, L., Chang, E.B., Lyndon, J., Scialfa, C.T., Rezaei, A. R., Cynthia Aizenman, C., Kopp, G. (2002, December). Approaches to peer-to-peer learning in the adult disadvantaged population. Published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), December 3-6, 2002, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Rezaei A. R. (2001, April). Inventive Model & Modular Approach to Science Education. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. April 1-5, 2002, New Orleans, LA.
- Katz, L., Rezaei, A. R. (1999, June). Tele-collaboration in higher education: an integrated approach. Paper presented at the conference (The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 19th Annual Conference STLHE 99), June 16-19, Calgary, Canada.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1999). Computer assisted instructional approaches to conceptual change in science education. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
- Katz, L., Rezaei, A. R. Connolly, J. (1998, November). Collaborative Electronic Learning. Paper presented at The Third Annual Conference of the Tele-Learning Network of Centers of Excellence. November 14 - 19, 1998, Vancouver, Canada.
- Rezaei. A. R., Winchester, I., (1998, June). Using the Internet in teaching STS (Science, Technology and Society). Paper presented at 10th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, June 20-25, 1998, Freiburg, Germany.
- Rezaei A. R. & Katz, L. (1998, March). Theory in Search of Technology: The Inventive Model of Learning as a Basis for Teaching Science and Developing Software. A paper presented at the conference SITE 98- Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 10-14 March, 1998, Washington DC.
- Katz, L. Heath, M. Greer, T., and Rezaei, A. R. (1997, November). Redesigning the Urban Community: An Integrated Approach to Education Using Collaborative Electronic Learning. Poster presented at The Second Annual Conference of the Tele-Learning Network of Centers of Excellence. November 4 - 6, 1997, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Katz. L. Rezaei, A. R., & others (1997, June). Collaborative Electronic Learning. Paper presented at ED-MEDIA 97-World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, 14-19 June, Calgary, Canada.
- Rezaei A. R. (1997, June). Projectile motion simulation. Poster presented at ED-MEDIA 97-World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, 14-19 June, Calgary, Canada.
- Rezaei A. R., (1996, July) Computer applications in medical science education. Paper presented at "M- The First Annual Meeting of Iranian Graduate Students in Medical Sciences in North America (IGMSNA 1996). University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1994, October). Reinforcement, punishment, and mental health. Paper presented in Mental Health Conference, 14 October 1994, Masjed Soleyman Mental Health Center, Ahwaz, Iran.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1991, May). A survey of teachers stress. Paper published in proceeding of "Stress and Mental Disorders" conference, May, 1991 held in A.T.U. Tehran, Iran.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1991, December). Parental Role in children socialization and children identification with their parents. Paper presented at Third Iranian Congress of Research in Psychiatry and Psychology, 2-5 December, 1991, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
- Rezaei, A. R. (1989). Prevalence, sources, and symptoms of teacher stress. Unpublished Masters’ theses, Shiraz, Iran.
- Using technology in assessment & research
- Technology in science and math