2021 Faculty Stipends Announced
Ethics Across the Curriculum and Research Stipend Recipients Announced
To advance our vision of having an ethics module in every É«ÖÐÉ« course, the highest number of Ethics Across the Curriculum stipends were awarded since this program was initiated in 2005. Nineteen $3,000 stipends were granted to faculty for integrating three-hour ethics modules into their courses. This year’s program also extended our reach into all seven colleges, thereby furthering the Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership’s interdisciplinary aim. The review committee, chaired by Danny Paskin (Journalism and Public Relations), selected the following 19 faculty stipend recipients for 2020-2021:
- Rhiannon Aarons – Gentrification and Environmental Justice in the Art Economy (Art)
- Sabrina Alimahomed-Wilson – Intersectional Feminist Ethics (Sociology)
- Pitiporn Asvapathanagul – Ethics for Civil Engineering and Construction Management Professions (Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Management)
- Andrew Fogleman – The Ethical Dilemma of Misinformation (History)
- Noah Golden – Digital Ethics through Critical Literacy and STEM Education (Teacher Education)
- Min Gu – Ethics of Care and Advocacy for Children’s Voice in Elementary Art Classrooms (Liberal Studies)
- Lisa Ibanez and Susan Salas – So, You Want to Connect? The Ethics of Social Media and Virtual Workplace in Social Work Practice (Social Work)
- Connie Ireland – Service Learning through Social Justice in Corrections (Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management)
- Brian Katz – Ethics of Epistemology in Mathematics for Secondary Teachers (Mathematics and Statistics)
- Yu-Fu Ko – Engineering Ethics in Civil Engineering Practical Design Projects (Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Management)
- Linna Li and Christine Jocoy – How Not to Lie with Maps: Ethics in Geospatial Science and Technologies (Geography)
- Crystal Lie – Integrating Disability Bioethics into the Health Humanities (Comparative World Literature)
- Ying Liu – Programmers Need Ethics (Information Systems)
- Stephen Mezyk – Ethics in the CHEM373 Laboratory – What is Scientific Plagiarism? (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
- Hugh O’Gorman – The Ethics of Privilege, Place and Personhood: The Auto-Drama Solo Performance (Theatre Arts)
- Ulices Pina – Human Rights and Ethical Progress in Historical Perspective (History)
- Elizabeth Pringle-Hornsby and Anna Mayer – The Ethics of Working with Children and Families in Child Welfare Practice and the Use of Social Media (Social Work)
- Amy Ricketts – Toward More Equitable Science Teaching Practices (Science Education)
- Shira Tarrant – Ethics and Free Speech: Engaging Controversy Through Dialogue (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)
2020-2021 stipend recipients
To strengthen its research pillar, the Ukleja Center also offers $5,000 stipends to faculty to support original ethics research and contribute to the body of knowledge in disciplinary and interdisciplinary ethics. The review committee, chaired by Gwen Shaffer (Journalism and Public Relations), is pleased to announce the following 2020-2021 stipend recipients:
- Youngok Jung – Cheating and Ethics in Junior Tennis: Why Do Junior Tennis Players Cheat? (Family and Consumer Sciences – Child Development and Family Studies)
- Leilani Madrigal – A Six-Session Pilot Intervention to Address Racism in Sport and Empower Athlete Activism (Kinesiology – Sport and Exercise Psychology)
Congratulations to all our faculty stipend recipients and thank you for bringing our vision to life – enhancing the integration of ethics across the entire É«ÖÐÉ« campus!