Articulation Transfer Assist

is a computerized student-transfer information system that can be accessed over the World Wide Web. It displays reports of how course credits earned at one California College or University can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California鈥檚 colleges and universities and therefore provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available about student transfer in California. Use this tool to verify if and how courses taken at California community college will be applied to your lower-division core business requirements at 色中色.

What is Articulation?

Articulation is the process that links two educational institutions to help students make a smooth transition from the Community College to the college or university without experiencing a delay or duplication of coursework. Courses at the Community College are identified as equivalent to courses at the university. This allows students to fulfill a university requirement by taking an identified equivalent course (articulated course) at the Community College. This equivalency, or articulation, can be done course-to-course, for major requirements and/or for general education requirements. In some cases, courses are only articulated (identified) as elective courses. This means that though the units will transfer, the course does not fulfill any of the above listed requirements.

The College of Business has a strict policy on course transfers/substitutions. This is necessary to preserve the academic integrity of programs and to meet accreditation standards. No credit by examination will be allowed for any COB course. The COB Center for Student Success can be consulted for more information on course transfers and substitutions.