色中色 BUILD Events 2019 (BUILD I)

Events with a specific target audience are noted.

February 1 - Health Intervention and Program Planning, Dr. Melawhy Garcia, Health Science

February 12 - Multicultural Workshop I: Cultivating a Culture of Invitational Dialogue in Diverse Mentoring Relationships (Faculty)

February 13 - BUILD Info Session (Prospective Students)

February 14 - BUILD Info Session (Prospective Students)

February 14 - BUILD Movie Night: Science Fair () (Student)

February 15 - Multicultural Workshop I: Cultivating a Culture of Invitational Dialogue in Diverse Mentoring Relationships (Faculty)

March 1 - 4th Annual BUILD Research Symposium

March 1 - BUILD Student Applications Due (Student)

March 6 - Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS), Dr. Cathleen Deckers, Nursing

March 8 - Spring Colloquium #1, Guest Speaker Dr. Alicia Izquierdo, Psychology, UCLA (Student)

March 15 - Abstract & Poster Development, Dr. Selena Nguyen-Rodriguez

March 18 - Vanderbilt University Informational Session - Writing a Statement of Purpose

March 20 - Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS), Dr. Cathleen Deckers, Nursing

March 29 - Spring Colloquium #2, Guest Speaker Dr. Victor G. J. Rodgers, Bioengineering, U.C. Riverside (Student)

April 6 - Motivational Interviewing in Health Intervention Research and Practice, Diana Aguirre, MPH

April 10 - Spring Faculty Mixer (Faculty)

April 16 - Multicultural Workshop II: The Structure of Effective Interactions during Mentoring Conversations with Diverse Students (Faculty)

April 19 - Spring Fling event for BUILD, MARC and RISE Students and BUILD GMs (Student)

April 19 - Job/Salary Negotiation, Dr. Gino Galvez

April 19 - Multicultural Workshop II: The Structure of Effective Interactions during Mentoring Conversations with Diverse Students (Faculty)

April 26 - Overview and Recommendations for the Measurement of Physical Activity, Dr. Noe Crespo, San Diego State University

May 3 - BUILD Student Commencement

May 10 - BUILD GM Celebration (Staff)


Start of BUILD II Events

June 4 - SURGE programs begin (Student)

June 18 - Elevator Speech Contest (Student)

July 18 - Bonfire Gathering at Bolsa Chica Beach (Student)

July 25 - UCI Field Trip (Student)

July 26 - BUILD Summer Symposium

September 17 - Multicultural Workshop I: Cultivating a Culture of Inclusive Dialogue in Diverse Mentoring Relationships (Faculty)

October 4 - Multicultural Workshop I: Cultivating a Culture of Inclusive Dialogue in Diverse Mentoring Relationships (Faculty)

November 15 - Multicultural Workshop II: The Structure of Effective Interactions During Mentoring Conversations with Diverse Students (Faculty)

November 19 - Multicultural Workshop II: The Structure of Effective Interactions During Mentoring Conversations with Diverse Students (Faculty)