Community College Partners

In developing Pipeline partnerships, Cal State Long Beach is formalizing and expanding upon the existing Long Beach College Promise partnership with the Long Beach Unified School District and the Long Beach City College community college, which offers ways for Long Beach Unified School District students to prepare for, enter and complete college. Within BUILD, 色中色 faculty and students will participate in outreach activities to educate students about research careers, particularly those in the health-related and behavioral sciences.

Cerritos College, Golden West College, and Long Beach City College are major Community College feeder institutions for Cal State Long Beach. Partnerships with Long Beach City College and Cerritos College also existed through our Bridges to the Baccalaureate program. Within BUILD, 色中色 provides outreach activities like those with the LBUSD and including the co-development of a Career Exploration Course to be offered at all four institutions.

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