色中色 BUILD Events 2015

Events with a specific target audience are noted.

February 26 - Immunoassay (EIA and ELISA) Workshop

July 10 - UCI Field Trip (Student)

July 24 - BUILD Summer Symposium

August 10 - Cell Sorter Workshop (Faculty)

August 11 & 12 - Immunoassay 2-Part Workshop

September 30 - NYU School of Medicine Speakers, Dr. Joel Oppenheim and Dr. Naoko Tanese (Student)

October 2 - Fall Colloquium #1, Dr. Lordes Baezconde-Garbanati, Keck School of Medicine, USC (Student)

October 16 & 23 - Tissue Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS) 2-Part Workshop

October 20 - Information Session (Prospective Students)

October 23 & November 6 - Soxhlet Extraction and Column Cleaning 2-Part Workshop

October 27 - Multicultural Workshop - Effective Mentoring in a Multicultural Setting (Faculty)

November 6 - Column Cleaning Workshop

November 9 - Fall Colloquium #2, Dr. Elizabeth Jarvo, Chemistry, UC Irvine (Student)

November 10 - Information Session (Prospective Students)

November 17 - Multicultural Workshop - Empowering Underrepresented Students in a Diverse Classroom (Faculty)

November 20 - Cell Sorter Workshop

November 20 - ICPMS Workshop

November 20 - Protein Assay Workshop

December 2 - Information Session (Prospective Students)

December 4 - Multicultural Workshop - Effective Mentoring in a Multicultural Setting (Faculty)

December 11 - Build Presents: Holiday Open House